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Everything posted by Leon

  1. 125 downloads

    These are the three maps submitted to the mapping contest. Doesn't seem like much, but It is just enough for the contest to continue. I certainly hope people appear for the next one.
  2. Have you tried inflicting a status effect for one turn?
  3. We now have 3 maps. Also, I will submit all maps as Encrypted, for everyone's privacy; as well as anonymous. The only reason i want the unencrypted is to ensure the following of rules. If anyone wants to know if mine follows the rules, I will send it to Tomo for validation.
  4. That's right. I always break the code. xD
  5. I've gotten it every time i go to my profile.
  6. Tomorrow is the last day to turn in your entry! When my clock (MST) reads 'Dec. 20th', I will be posting maps! Please, I implore! More entries! As it sits, we have 2; Mine and Jesse's. Any more will be more than welcome!
  7. Okay, I know many people see RTP as 'noobish', 'distasteful to use' and even 'lazy'. But, what is your personal opinion? I mean, I find many of the RTP resources to be done quite well. In fact, I prefer them to many custom pieces because I am the 'matchy matchy' type, and like my resources to be just that. Having one battler from say, Gaia Online and another from some other locale doesn't float well with me. As for the styles of art, I prefer them matching as well. In fact, I use Inquis' world map only because there isn't one more 'RTPish' out there. If you ask me, someone needs to get together an RTP2 and spread it around with images that are very close in style with the base RTP.
  8. Leon

    Happy Holidays!

    I'm going to spend time with my family and niece. She is such a good girl.
  9. Moon controls the tides, as for the sun, it could implode tomorrow, for all we know. All i do know is it is relatively soon.
  10. Why not just post the link to her site?
  11. No adding tiles, but Kiri, there are a number of things you can do with 100 tilesets of the same tileset. You'd be amazed...
  12. gives a variance on how much damage the skill does. so, if the skill would do 600 damage, it would make it +/- X%
  13. that's fine. any time before the due date is good.
  14. All right. Just do your best.
  15. Well, at any rate, contemplating the possibilities doesn't do us all a lick of good. All we can do is one of two things: Enjoy life and watch it end with front row seats. or Take a bow, pucker up, and kiss our asses goodbye.
  16. Come on, Gary. At least give it a shot! Quitting half way through will never get you through anything. I know. I haven't finished Twilight Princess, 1/2 my projects, and a number of other things.
  17. On the contrary. The 'magnetic' north has shifted approximately 4 degrees in the last 50 years. It is conceivable that if the planets were to align, the magnetic force in some of the other planets could cause further shift of our poles. Heck, Neptune spins perpendicular to how our planet spins. (North/South as opposed to East/West)
  18. My apologies for your brother. Take as much time as needed. If you ever need an ear to bend, let me know.
  19. Ever watch the series finale of the X-Files? I mean that, seriously. Alien invasion was predicted there. Of course, the Mayan calendar must end on some day or other. Dec. 22nd 2012 could be a mere coincidence. No more a significant date than Sept. 22nd; or Feb. 11th. Personally, I find more interest in the climate change going on. Scientists claim global warming, yet they lost their proof (oopsie!!!). What people don't seem to get is climate changes happen every few hundred years and NOTHING humans can do about it. If the world were to end, it'd just be due to a harsh climate change. To still, what is more interesting is the political stance and current state of the world. Middle east is in an uproar (what else is new?) but now you have US-Russian ties going down-hill. N.Korea developing nukes against their treaty with the UN. Speaking of which, the UN is pissed at the US for being in Iraq; however, what most people forget is that Bush declared a war on TERROR. NOT a war on Afganistan, Pakistan, or Iraq. If you are following, you will see that ties around all ends are unraveling. THAT is the starts of WWIII, and someone is gonna drop da big bomb. All around, the world is going to Hell in a hand-basket, and I must say, sipping Jager and watchin' it is most interesting.
  20. One week until maps are due!
  21. The way a bar works is it takes value a, compares it to value b, and fills a square based on those values. With that, all you'd have to do is build the HUD interface in Scene_Map using alias (for compatibility reasons) The hardest part about a 'specialized' bar, is calling the two values to compare.
  22. Abuse is always a bad thing. Spousal, child, even animal. Oddly, however, some of my favorite songs are about it, simply to remind me to keep an eye out for it. Face Down, Hell is for Children, Only Women Bleed, Concrete Angel, The Little Girl.. those are the tip of the iceberg.
  23. You know, it takes a big man to admit a mistake and apologize for it, rather than come up with a BS reason as to why it went down. Good show, ol' chum.
  24. That is as bad as the 6-year-old found crying in her back yard by a 17 year old boy. turns out, the same boy sexually abused the girl, then left her there half nude. No shit.
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