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Everything posted by Tassadar

  1. Yep it's a pretty unique idea, too bad he isn't around anymore..
  2. Using the canopy autotile usually results in lazy mappers... which is one of the things you DON'T want to have. From personal experience, it's better to start learning to place those trees, using the layers to their fullest use. It gives your maps a more professional look too.
  3. Actually, now that I look closer, Zelda's supposed to be blonde, not a brunette! Hey, what's going on here? :D
  4. This is the best poem from you I've seen so far, keep them coming.
  5. I like your poems, you're one of the best I've seen so far.
  6. The game looks quite good, and if I had a xbox 360, this would be a game to buy. But I don't :D
  7. Well actually, people call them demos simply because they can't figure out the correct name for it. Usually, when people release a "demo", they reveal only a tiny bit of the story, to get you interested. It's not really a Beta, but not a demo either... As far as I'm aware of, there isn't a name for a combination of both. Maybe we can figure out a name for it?
  8. This project sounds quite interesting. If possible, I'd like to sign up as mapper/eventer. This is one of my latest maps:
  9. The house with the tree is definately not a photo, but it sure looks nice.
  10. The first one I like best, simply because it shows more emotion.
  11. Tassadar

    My picure

    Are you planning to change that sword into an icon? It looks awesome.
  12. Eh it looks... odd, especially his mouth. You might want to smoothe that out.
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