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Tomo2000 last won the day on May 27 2014

Tomo2000 had the most liked content!

About Tomo2000

  • Rank
    Games Board Mod
  • Birthday 07/28/1992

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  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
    The Best
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  • Other Skills
    Everything else
  • Project(s)
    Hope Afloat / Pathogen

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22,930 profile views
  1. Looks really cool (also the localhost links, you using XAMPP?)
  2. Maybe I'm back. Fingers crossed.

  3. Wow, although I've been dead the last few, err, years ( :( ), I can't believe I've been here since 2009. That's crazy.. P.S. Hopefully I'll be more active now that everything isn't falling down around me
  4. Returning soon with a brand new game. Stay tuned.

    1. Polraudio


      The Adventures of Polraudios Sword

    2. Kitsuki


      will there be zambies ovo

    3. Tomo2000
  5. Meddling with C++ and Java lately for university has really been screwing with my general ability to RGSS, but I digress. This is nowhere near the final version but I simply want a script where, in a script section of an event, I can initialize it and then do something like "if @citizens.isInfected == true". I'm sure I must be doing something simple wrong but I have no idea why. Thanks guys. class Citizens attr_accessor :infected def initialize @citizen_id = 0 @infected = false end def isInfected if @infected == true return true else return false end end def getInfected @infected = true end end
  6. This uni course is killing me.

    1. Bob423


      Should probably call the police then.

    2. ShinkuAura


      Listen to Bob, Tom the last time i heard about you and Uni. You said it was raping you.

  7. You have to choose one: Traditional mermaid; top half human, bottom half fish, OR Inverted mermaid; top half fish, bottom half human. Go.
  8. I still prefer Windows 7 over basically everything else. It seems to finally be at that point where I'm not scared about an update crashing me, like I have with Windows 8/8.1.. Man, the amount of times I've had to reload the windows 8 OS because an update caused something catastrophic to happen is embarrassing.
  9. I remember hearing several tech gurus on youtube talking about how it's only one-way streaming, and that it'll probably be an excuse to not port Xbox One games to PC.
  10. From what I've seen of Windows 10, I'll be sticking to Windows 7, still. I mean, streaming from xbox to PC? That's stupid. That's undeniably stupid, and I don't know why you'd want to. Why not the other way around? If you're a gamer and you want some kind of one-way streaming, shouldn't it be obvious that you'd want to stream from the more powerful device? On top of that, your xbox is probably hooked up to a big TV, so you can stream from the more powerful device to a larger screen. But, instead, you stream from the less powerful device to a smaller device. I can see how it'd be good for recording and putting onto youtube, but I see now other reason for this. In general, it seems like a few ideas all thrown together but not entirely thought through properly? Maybe that's just my perspective. It kind of seems like Windows 10 is a replacement for Games for Windows Live since that's now gone and dead. A lot of the things I saw at that most recent press conference looks like Microsoft's making a GFWL that emulates Steam but can also connect up to your xbox. I can kind of see why some people might like that, but, I, personally, wouldn't.
  11. Try refreshing the page, RG? I came across an issue where, after a few too many attempts, it seemed to lock up.
  12. The last one was driving me insane... I managed to get through everything pretty fast except that. Finding the ██████ was a bit time consuming, too, but that last one... :thumbsup:
  13. http://i.imgur.com/swfu8WQ.png A preview of what's to come.
    1. GermanyXItaly1000


      The black market? Now you're getting me even more excited for this game.

    2. FleshRenderStudios


      I don't know what game it is because I haven't been here but that looks awesome :p

    3. Marked


      You had me at come.

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