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Everything posted by Tomo2000

  1. Looks really cool (also the localhost links, you using XAMPP?)
  2. Maybe I'm back. Fingers crossed.

  3. Wow, although I've been dead the last few, err, years ( :( ), I can't believe I've been here since 2009. That's crazy.. P.S. Hopefully I'll be more active now that everything isn't falling down around me
  4. Returning soon with a brand new game. Stay tuned.

    1. Polraudio


      The Adventures of Polraudios Sword

    2. Kitsuki


      will there be zambies ovo

    3. Tomo2000
  5. Meddling with C++ and Java lately for university has really been screwing with my general ability to RGSS, but I digress. This is nowhere near the final version but I simply want a script where, in a script section of an event, I can initialize it and then do something like "if @citizens.isInfected == true". I'm sure I must be doing something simple wrong but I have no idea why. Thanks guys. class Citizens attr_accessor :infected def initialize @citizen_id = 0 @infected = false end def isInfected if @infected == true return true else return false end end def getInfected @infected = true end end
  6. This uni course is killing me.

    1. Bob423


      Should probably call the police then.

    2. ShinkuAura


      Listen to Bob, Tom the last time i heard about you and Uni. You said it was raping you.

  7. You have to choose one: Traditional mermaid; top half human, bottom half fish, OR Inverted mermaid; top half fish, bottom half human. Go.
  8. I still prefer Windows 7 over basically everything else. It seems to finally be at that point where I'm not scared about an update crashing me, like I have with Windows 8/8.1.. Man, the amount of times I've had to reload the windows 8 OS because an update caused something catastrophic to happen is embarrassing.
  9. I remember hearing several tech gurus on youtube talking about how it's only one-way streaming, and that it'll probably be an excuse to not port Xbox One games to PC.
  10. From what I've seen of Windows 10, I'll be sticking to Windows 7, still. I mean, streaming from xbox to PC? That's stupid. That's undeniably stupid, and I don't know why you'd want to. Why not the other way around? If you're a gamer and you want some kind of one-way streaming, shouldn't it be obvious that you'd want to stream from the more powerful device? On top of that, your xbox is probably hooked up to a big TV, so you can stream from the more powerful device to a larger screen. But, instead, you stream from the less powerful device to a smaller device. I can see how it'd be good for recording and putting onto youtube, but I see now other reason for this. In general, it seems like a few ideas all thrown together but not entirely thought through properly? Maybe that's just my perspective. It kind of seems like Windows 10 is a replacement for Games for Windows Live since that's now gone and dead. A lot of the things I saw at that most recent press conference looks like Microsoft's making a GFWL that emulates Steam but can also connect up to your xbox. I can kind of see why some people might like that, but, I, personally, wouldn't.
  11. Try refreshing the page, RG? I came across an issue where, after a few too many attempts, it seemed to lock up.
  12. The last one was driving me insane... I managed to get through everything pretty fast except that. Finding the ██████ was a bit time consuming, too, but that last one... :thumbsup:
  13. http://i.imgur.com/swfu8WQ.png A preview of what's to come.
    1. GermanyXItaly1000


      The black market? Now you're getting me even more excited for this game.

    2. FleshRenderStudios


      I don't know what game it is because I haven't been here but that looks awesome :p

    3. Marked


      You had me at come.

  14. Damn, this has been intense to far. Got up to the pastebin that asks you to post the next hint, so, bring on the next hint, Pol :lmao:
  15. Having an issue where my latest blog entry won't appear on the latest post sidebar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rgangsta


      O.o what was it?

    3. Tomo2000


      Regular blog entry, not a game blog entry.

    4. rgangsta


      Ah cool. I read the status so fat I didn't see that lol

  16. Going to try bumping, since it isn't appearing on the forum page.
  17. Shortly after the 11th, I'm going to have a big chunk of time I'll be able to sink into one of my projects, and haven't come up with which I want to put work into just yet. Now that the Hope Afloat Remastered engine is, for the most part, polished, with a few exceptions, I can start work on some projects that were halted purely by limitations of the original engine. So here's my options; Hope Afloat Remastered The original demo for Hope Afloat Remastered was a lot shorter than I would have liked, but I wanted something out by Halloween, and it's good to see the engine working as it should and that there wasn't too many issues. There are a lot of systems I've hinted at here and there. Along your travels, you'll meet a lot of people who can help you out. who knows, maybe the Shangri-La you're searching for may be one of your own making. For example, the person you meet in the demo will be able to press and craft different bullets for you, ranging from regular rounds, to primitive incendiary, hollow points, and so on. One may be an engineer, and he may be able to turn scrap supplies into equipment for you. One may be a medic and can make medical supplies for you from things like alcohol and herbs. There is a lot I'd like to add to Hope Afloat, but an update would mean adding a new town to explore and new people to meet. I'd like to get a proper quest system in there, and missions to drive the storyline along. In the original, it was simply going to the newest unlocked city and clearing it. I'd like to be able to return to towns as often as you'd like, but there would be quests and storyline here and there to actually drive you. Legacy I don't think Legacy would have been on the list if I didn't play it myself the other day. I always thought it was really damn fun. What really killed Legacy's progress was a harddrive error in which I lost a tonne of code, a tonne of events and, most importantly, the .psd file I was making the actual map on. That basically hit the breaks on what I wanted to do with it, and I didn't really revisit it until now. What I'll probably have to do is come up with a new heist to do rather than the old concept, which is a shame, but I'm a bit spiteful about making all the progress again. Eventually I will, but not this soon. I will also add a new class or two to the system, and maybe even revamp the systems a bit. I'd like there to be something additional to just selecting classes and weapons. Originally, there was going to be a store, in which you would have to complete a heist and then buy the equipment for another heist, and contractors. For example, you may have to buy a specific saw blade to get past a tougher material, or you may have to hire a shady zombie hunter to acquire the eye of a now-infected bank manager in order to get into the vault silently. There's a lot of places Legacy could go, and, with the foundations up, I believe I'll be able to make some really cool additions to it. I'd really appreciate your suggestions on this, too, by the way. I think, unless people desperately want an update for Hope Afloat, I'll default to this. Shh, it's a secret There's a few secret projects that I pour an odd hour or two into every now and again. I don't really plan to show anything yet, but it's coming along slowly but surely. I could always put more work into this, but these are mostly just projects I put a bit of spare time into and not really focus much on. Anyway, all your suggestions and ideas are appreciated, and I'll start up work on projects again really soon. Until then, take it easy. - Tomo2000.
  18. Wow, RGangsta, that looks phenomenal. When is Cyberdrive getting an update? Any time soon?
  19. Sorry for being away for so damn long. There's no breaks for Christmas at my university, so I've been working all the way through Christmas and New Years.

    1. Marked


      That sux, didn't kno uni in aussie is like that. Btw I'll be in your country for a few hours tomo morning :3

    2. rgangsta


      Tom! :D

      aw that sucks :(

    3. Tomo2000


      Hey RG, haven't seen you in a while. And it's not ALL unis in Australia, just mine and a select other few. It means I have to do less courses a term for my student allowance, though. So win some, lose some. And nice, Marked, where are you going to be? I assume Brisbane?

  20. I haven't tested the script, but, if you aren't getting a syntax error, no, it wouldn't be the problem. You see, action button only runs the event if you're pressing enter. Even if you put eventing in to check for keys, those events only run when you press enter. Player touch and event touch also only occur as soon as the player and the event touch, and then doesn't run again. What the eventing I did earlier does is check whether the player is beside the event (so the equivalent of player touch, but runs constantly when the player is beside the event), and then checks for the key press. http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/event-key-press-6762.zip Here's the project with the event on it so you don't have to re-create what I did earlier. You can swap the script to your own version and modify the event to your liking, but that's basically the foundation of it.
  21. There's a lot of potential issues with that... So I'll start with the very top. Are you using the script that came with it? The regular key check is "Input.trigger?(Input::[key]), but that's limited to a select few keys. Cybersam made a script a while ago which allows for something similar to what you're after, and it's here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/2079-rgsskey-input-script-by-cybersam/ The instructions to what you need to do is in there. From an eventing point of view, though... You're going to have a lot of issues. Player and event touch only occur when you connect for the first time with the event. So if you walk up to the event and then press the key, nothing will happen. Here's what I'd do; Event Page 1: Parallel Process: No Switches: Event Page 2: Parallel Process: Self-Switch A: In the enter area, I forgot to turn off self-switch A after the text 'enter' appears. You can delete that text, but you'll need to add "self switch: A = off" to it. There's a lot you could probably do to refine it, but it works properly in its current state. You'll obviously need to screw with where I've left comments on the second page. Also, the second page loops like that to eliminate the chance of missing a key input. I hope that helps.
  22. I have an interesting bug where, per tick, with iron ore, I'm getting 2 less than my amount of miners. Other than that, it took roughly 20-25 minutes to get to coal ore and steel bars. Really fun so far. I definitely plan to keep playing.
  23. I'm back :D

    1. Marked


      Woot! Also I got your message on skype but i was too busy to reply. My phone always has me as online.

    2. Tomo2000


      It's all good Marked xD Just message me whenever you aren't busy

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