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Broken Messiah

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Everything posted by Broken Messiah

  1. I am astounded at the amount of people on this forum that do not know what kaduki is lol. Its a style of battler used in a specilized, but resource limited battle system. Very good looking, but everyone uses the same sprites. I uploaded a template a wile ago if you want to se it.
  2. No offense but this is a prime example of a bad request. You need to be a lot more specific in terms of quantity, apearance ect. Its the same as me asking for a bunch of tilesets. Its far too broad.
  3. You mean like in that final fantasy game in Lotz Town? Would a normal clock tower suffice?
  4. I hope this isn't necroposting, but everyone should really try the game Eternal Grace ! It is really good and has supurb graphics and music! The game is really challenging and fun and could eventually be something that you'd see commercially available! I'd give it: :5: Downfall: Controls can be wierd, but then most games made like that are that way, so maybe not. PS: Just realized that Omar510 thought I mispelled Grass as Geass but it is in fact spelled Geass lol, funny scenario and understandable since E is next to R on the keyboard lol
  5. This sucks. I need to find a backup of my project Rebirth, but it would seem as though it doesnt exist

    1. Marked


      should upload it to rmxpu next time.. 0.0'

    2. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      Thats just it, I did but the download manager messed up

  6. I never really understooded that guys scripts . . .
  7. Then theres always the fact that what you are trying to make isnt possible at the time. I wanted a fallout for rpgmaker, but there are so many things that it would require that I would never get it right.
  8. I dont get your reference!!!! :dragonshock: You mean like along the lines of whats in the rtp?
  9. You and your gaia sprites lol :lol: if something comes to mind, oh and I played Azure Ocean, its pretty good!
  10. This wouldnt happen to be in relation to the release of fallout new vegas? I might be able to help with the windowskin.
  11. A lot of times I would start on a game on impulse and never even get pass the first map . ..
  12. Can you post that new project with the error?
  13. Sprite Contest . . . sounds interesting! I'm in, but can it be xp/ or vx?
  14. Well then, it has been 2 months and I am back! I gained a lot of ground on code geass painful memories and feel ready to be part of the community again :clap:.
  15. Just stopped by to say that I am almost(!) finished with vacation! When I come back I'll have more info/ Seeya guys

  16. Oh I will, Opera has this a speeddial so I'll see it every time I'm on the web
  17. Its over 9000!

    1. Joey
    2. Marked


      how many more days Joey is going to be active? oh no kidding

    3. Joey


      ...Whatever, lol...

  18. RMXPU Community, sadly I am taking a break from the forum while I reach the next benchmark on Code Geass: Painful Memories. I'm doing this because I usually spend more time on forums talking about the game than actually working on it. I will be back, likely before December. The next benchmark is to have the player join the military or rebel group. This isnt a hard one to reach but it is pretty tedious. I'm almost there in fact but bugs keep popping up . . . So until then I will not be present on the forum, however regardless as to whether I'm there or not I'll be back(terminator voice) before january or during christmas break. Until then, I'll miss you all and Live Long and Prospore!"
  19. Wow I've been playing this game and its one of the best I've ever seen! I would probally buy this in the future
  20. It could happen, it would be interesting to see :alright: happen . Facebook, but for games . . .
  21. I LOVE USING THE KAIZER SPRITES!!!! What do you want it to look like?
  22. I just got a psp v6.3 and wanted to use my cpu wireless as a hotspot. At first it showed up in the connections, but now the wireless led signal isnt on and I dont have a hotspot there anymore. It happened after I did a reset to reset the password. Anyone know why? Its a smc8014wn
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