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About satan6676

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/24/1991

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  • Location
    Somewhere in America

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  1. I think it's something with the script because it happened to me too. And I put this into a new project
  2. satan6676

    Dark blade

    Made this for my game
  3. A windowskin I made
  4. I download that just a second ago and when I tried running it it said I was missing something
  5. ok thanks can you pm me when you finish it
  6. It doesn't really have to be Japaneses to be manga as long as it looks Japanese it can be considered manga so using the graphics from the Rpg maker would be fine for that.
  7. I'm not sure if this is still open if its a dead topic if its dead then i apologize Will of Malice Title Screen programs: ms paint and Photo Impression 5 I am looking for someone to make a better one for me
  8. Can you make me a title screen for rpg maker xp (640x480) that has 2 beams of light 1 a purple reddish color and the other a light blue going into the center till they touch and what looks like a demon and an angel fighting with swords underneath the lights demon figure under the purple red beam and the angel figure under the blue. and the background would be black behind everything else. then right at the top in the middle have the title Will of Malice in some nice text
  9. I need a facesets and battler for this sprite anyone who helps me you have my gratitude. reason I'm asking for help is because i suck at making battlers and facesets. Please Pm me if your willing to help
  10. You could try idraw not sure if it has a grid though
  11. Like the other said be you. If your parent's don't like it then too bad for them.
  12. Try changing the order of the scripts like putting the menu script above the ZTBS script or other way around
  13. Hi I never introduced myself so i will now. Though i really don't know what to put. Well I have been using RPG maker xp for a while. I'm starting to learn how to use the ruby language to make my own scripts. And um yeah. Anything else just ask I guess
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