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Everything posted by C.L.

  1. Welcome to unlimited! :D
  2. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited.
  3. C.L.

    Best programs?

    Heres a grid you can use MS Paint to place you Chars inside. http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/4091/gridbh8.png
  4. C.L.

    Shadow XP

    I'll be glad to help I got some ideals for a story and I know a good deal about Shadow.
  5. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Thanks I'll have more up soon;p
  6. Welcome Mushmoon :D O yeah no stealing XP
  7. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Well I could have edited my post but then no one would no I updated, speaking of updates.... http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff8/trip3000/Matthias.png
  8. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Update http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff8/trip3000/M1-1.png, Sorry for the DP.
  9. Congarts Wyzrd and Black Shadow. :D
  10. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Ok, now I'll get started on the side poses.
  11. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    I probably should have explained WIP in my first post. tell me what do you mean by "pixelated" and I'll see if I can fix it.
  12. Well the US Government has been going down hill since the end of the Great depression... yeah there slowly but surly taking away are freedom.
  13. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Do you know how I can fix it.
  14. C.L.

    Matthias sprites

    Well Wip means Work In progress. the left right and back well be added soon.
  15. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff8/trip3000/M1.png This is Matthias from a book called Redwall. I'm making a RPG of the book, the sprites are a WIP.
  16. there great I'm still reading them.
  17. C.L.


    never to late to say hi, :) I love your scripting lesson BTW.
  18. I say no. Leon's right a chat box will take the activity down.
  19. C.L.


    Alright thanks I'll remember that.
  20. C.L.


    Thanks, I'll need those classes for a Redwall game I started.
  21. C.L.


    Well I'm working on a human base.
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