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Everything posted by ryanrulz_11

  1. 110mb is a great FREE hosting site
  2. Well...maybe, maybe not though. 1: Why not just make a topic on Advertisement Tactics? Because if you make a subforum, how many topics could there be? 2: You may give a password to people who have their own site BUT while your at it, you may aswell give a password to all the advertising team 3: I don't think that you would be chosen to be moderator just yet because you're not very active...yet. I've been here for God knows how long and i ain't a moderator so i'll doubt very much that you'll become a moderator who only has 16 posts. Overall...thanks for the suggestion but if you ask me, i'd say no, but then it isn't all about me so you should wait until others reply too.
  3. Yeah, i'll do it but i have been really busy lately so i haven't done any more than what you know of. Perhaps you should post them up cos i can't, remember?
  4. There has been many database errors lately so you're going to have to upload it on another site and transfer a link here. Sorry for the Inconvenience.
  5. I never used a translator for this i swear! I've been learning it at school. Clue: It's an introductional speech
  6. wow, thanks! I forgot all about the materia system. Thanks alot Zeriab!!! I won't be able to download anything via those links because i cannot be registered for some reason. Darn; and i really wanted them aswell. Hey! Speak of the devil!!! I just got the validation email and i'm fully regsitered - YAY!!
  7. *refresh* need link (sorry that i might get across that i'm impatient)
  8. wow, that would have taken him ages! If you could give me a link or put it on JOH then that would be great!
  9. You cheater! Just have a guess.
  10. I speak a little japanese and i love learning the language although i'm no good at italian or french although i know very little about them. ichi: watashi wa raion desu. ni: jyuu yon sai desu. san: nihongo o sukoshi hanashimasu. yon: oosutoraria jin desu. go: ima, oosutoraria ni sunde imasu. roku: jyuu ichi gatsu desu. nana: megane o kaketeimasen. hachi: sungurasu o kaketeimasu. kyuu: kami ga mijikai to chairo desu. jyuu: chuugaku san nensei desu. jyuu ichi: tabemasu ga suki desu. jyuu ni: doozo yoroshiku Translation anyone? Go on; have a go at any part. If you are wandering, i didn't use hiragana, katakana or kanji because i don't have access to a japanese keyboard or japanese language system on my computer. I urge everyone to have a go. It's really simple stuff.
  11. ok, hopefully they can be fixed soon!
  12. Alright; there are 2 scripts that i would love to have but it would be very hard to do!!! 1: Card System (like FF8 - NOT like FF9) 2: (The big one)...Sphere Grid System (FFX Style) If anyone here is willing to do that; reply - man, this will be a lonely topic.
  13. Edited first post Please start PM'ing me to participate.
  14. Well...its ok - i like the idea of the split storyline, i like it because its sorta like FFX-2 but the storyline...maybe but not too sure.
  15. What, by Slogan's? Like: RMXP Unlimited's slogan is "Unlimited Possibilities". So; do you have one or would you like one to be present?
  16. That's a great idea. I like it! But you may want to add in the registeration form saying that if you don't have at least 3 posts in a month then your account will be deleted.
  17. Yeah; i guess your right although it shouldn't be too hard so yeah; i might give it a go but recently i have been only doing animations for Leon and producing my game so i may get around to it but i'm not too sure
  18. 1: I might be able to help you out 2: Can you please list all the rooms that you wish to have 3: Why not wait until the March Mapping Contest is over so that you can decide who can make the best maps? 4: Yeah; it would be hard
  19. Ok, i've added the new rule now; and i think that it is a good one; Grandor: Is there a slogan you would like on signatures for Other Realm if anyone wants to do that?
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