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Everything posted by ryanrulz_11

  1. yeah that would be great! And yeah...i took it from your site ^_^ but if your like - "hey, that was my idea!" - than sorry and if you want; you can link this contest with OtherRealm so you will get more participants. Also: I want to change a new rule if Grandor agrees with it; and it will show up on my first post - but later today cos i g2g. Grandor; if you wish to enter or there are other participants on your site; can you please PM me all of them and yours if you wish - only if you want to enter
  2. I'm trying to attatch it but it says to contact the administrator to check settings and permissions
  3. TROUBLE: When i go to export the animation file; it doesn't show it. I've also looked in the graphics/animations folder too so what have i done wrong?
  4. ok; i might stick with SOTM instead As to what Shadow commented on...hoo ses zat eye willl entaa inn za kontest???
  5. yeah, i think i can handle two contests. Agrees, we don't want this forum to be a mess. If you suggest we cancel one of the new contests then go ahead but i was just opening up some different contests to make things more interesting
  6. Best Spelling Award - 1 ----------------------------- AIM: Use the best spelling, grammar as possible You don't need to post to enter the contest. Contest is monthly on the 30th April (hopefully) i will announce the winner Prize: Not too sure Feel free to post about bad spelling here and criticizing people. hehe - hopefully not SPAM. Hopefully this contest will impove a more intelligent forum with less spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes, etc.
  7. Signature of the Month Contest April --------------------------------------- -You can use an image or text -You must PM me before the 15th April to enter -Poll starts 15th April -Poll finishes 30th April -Bonus Vote added on if the signature consists of either "RMXP Unlimited" Unlimited Possibilities OR "Other Realm" Redefining an Age(ONLY FOR PICTURES/BANNERS) Prize: Not too sure right now but Leon or Grandor may think of something Participants *Ratty *ryanrulz_11: maybe * * * *
  8. yeah, that shouldn't be too hard at all! :( Just give me a list of all the animations that you want and i'll start getting to work. And if you don't like one of my finished animations; just ask me to change it because i hate it when people lie to my face :(
  9. i don't know whether you're directing your comment to me because i don't question the trust between you guys; its just the chance of hacking that give me the heebee jeebees
  10. Ahhh, one of my strong points! If you give me an animation set; i'll do it.
  11. But you must realize; expect everything; just because hackers haven't hacked in yet; doesn't mean anything. You never know what they could be up to
  12. Yeah, well i think that it would be very stressful giving away a password simply because if you PM him; someone could hack in. If you e-mail; someone could hack in, etc. So there is always a danger in giving away a password to someone over the net. But mail; there is less risk, but it could be expensive at times. You see, this topic is very debateable and i can't really take a side
  13. Mine wasn't, it was in Windows 98. Believe it or not
  14. A little off-topic(soz) and i don't know whether i asked you this before but can you PLEASE tell dubealex or other staff of CA to send me that damn validation thingo. I still haven't got it and i've been waiting for 2 months. I understand some people's comments about it but i want to see it for myself. Please reply!
  15. Well...i din't like X-Men the Last Stand simply because the producers didn't follow the comic books
  16. Thanks! I've entered it in the AOTW3 contest
  17. it said an error once i did it so it closed itself down, but i tried it again just a minute ago and it worked and i think that it's amazing!!! :rolleyes:
  18. Oh dang! i can't upload it for some dumb*** reason. Ohh, and i really wanted to see it :rolleyes:
  19. It is always wonderful to see someone come back :rolleyes:
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