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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. Anyone hear about the earthquake on the eastcoast. I was at Kings Dominon when it happened at 2:50 sitting at the water park. At first I thought some fat kids were running by or something, but then obviously that wasn't true. 5 minutes later, the announcement went off telling everyone the water park was close. Now that all the all the rides are close now also, we have to leave because by time the get all the rides started up again it would be closing time anyways. I feel bad for all the people stuck in trafic coming from d.c. Also heard the metro was moving like 15miles per hour. You might as well walk? Anyways the Earthquake was somewhere in richmond and was a 5.8, not close to what mark or Japan had but since the east coast of U.S. rarely has earthquakes I didn't know what that was. Technically unless you were in mineral virginia or close to it, you weren't feeling much. I live in springfield so the damage was a picture frame falling. However I did here the washington monument was damage during the quake. More news about here on MSN: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44245009/ns/us_news-life/t/congress-pentagon-other-dc-areas-evacuate-after-quake/?GT1=43001
  2. Ya I was having trouble constructing that bridge, and the frog wasn't sitting well either. I'll return to that map soon. Also this is my last screenshot for awhile it part of the same mapset sure
  3. Please tell me you did the ulitmate trolling before leaving to make my day. And if you did, tell me the story for laughs. :biggrin_002:
  4. Here's a screenshot from the southern plains part 2; both parts of the southern plains are more swam then grass lands like the northern plains.
  5. Well actually if everyone is educated and motivated, wouldn't there be more jobs being created. Theres many fields out there that people can get and if everyone is motivated then the imagination is limitless, I think; MAYBE. :sweatdrop:
  6. Naw I didn't like the circler river, it look very weird when I placed it in. But I will be placing more plants in there, so thanks for that.
  7. Oh I'm not saying it's just the books either, I was just pointing that out. Game, Movies, and books can only influence those that want it to. Obviously we all here have enough common sense to keep are fantasy in are games and head and no use it in real life. And its not always the kids fault, some people are just born stupid and the parents try and try and nothing works. However, then again we don't know his whole life story so it could be his parents probablem for raising him that way or not who knows.
  8. Did anyone see this, I was on MSN when I saw this. Appearently some 19 year was pretending he was a vampire, so he broke in some womens house and was going to go suck her blood. :shifty: Orly. I think someone has been reading alittle bit to much vampire stories. If you haven't seen it, read here then reply back on what you think on the matter. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44192205/ns/us_news-life/t/vampire-arrest-sparks-discussion-pop-culture/?GT1=43001 Someone needs to go to the mental home and jail, because this isn't good. :nono4:
  9. remember it has to be spritual like the sage of six paths from naruto or the Dynasty King from Final Fantasy XII. Your names sound like some weird random magical hermit, no offense :sweatdrop:
  10. how do you make it more round/ curved, :sweatdrop:
  11. The Northern Plains, It's half done give details on what it needs.
  12. Well here's the banner I created for my game, tell me how you like it in detail:
  13. While I was search through some junk in my room I found my old porfoilo from 10th Grade Computer Graphics 1. During my first couple of days in Adobe flash I created this lolzy video. I don't care if you say its bad I created when I first opened Flash for the first time, so you've been warned that it may be horrbly crappy. Otherwise enjoy. http://s781.photobucket.com/albums/yy94/Bigace360/?action=view&current=StickFight.mp4
  14. Really <_< you were to lazy to just tell him to go to Chaos Projects: http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php FYI: Chaos Projects for those who don't know is Blizzards site he created awhile back, so anything bliz related would/should be there.
  15. But if someone translated it for you, wouldn't have it on your computer?
  16. Some one needs a chill pill as you missed this: and you can't say you didn't because if you did see it you wouldn't of posted that in such a lolzy way.
  17. Correct, I've seen maybe one update and that was for the XP back in 2005 to fix one small error out of the many others.
  18. Actually I did its in my first post.
  19. Well VX does have that note box in the database that connects with the scripting system
  20. Thats kind of true and not true since they've been around for awhile now and they rap other people's music too aswell. It's not like there new, there pretty old in the game now compared to others like Lupe Fiasco, B.O.B., Drake, and some others. Plus there's the internet and twitter, plus the radio. I'm not saying you have to know there music, but you can't say you've never heard of them unless your like 60 or 70.
  21. Okay here's my real list on the RMXPvs.RMVX debate espially after looking at kellessdee :sweatdrop: Anyways here's the Cons and Pros of both systems: RMXP vs. RMVX (Note: The general concensus is that RMXP is best for the more advanced user, and VX is best for novice users, when relying on the default settings and resources.) RPG MAKER XP POINTS OF INTEREST Price: Free to try, $60USD to buy Released in 2005 Features RGSS, a script editor component to make your own systems Has an add-on Run Time Package (RTP) with lots of basic resources Is the old generation of editor, therefore updates/patches will likely never occur again The Default Battle System (DBS) is a first-person view, with monster graphics and party member graphics, and a less textual approach, akin to classic Final Fantasy games PROS Adding tilesets, charsets, windowskins, and other graphics, is a total breeze. Just name it anything, import the file, alter some settings in the editor, and you're good to go. You can use any tileset on any map using any 256 x [to any long length] pixel image you like. There are 3 layers and 5 main priority settings, making it easy to use larger sprites or tall buildings, or surfaces with custom objects on them. You can use multiple windowskins easily, and change them at a whim. A MASSIVE library of RGSS scripts and custom graphics/music has propagated on the forum over the last few years, so you're very likely to find the system(s) and resource(s) you need, or atleast a good base to learn from/work with. You can set terrain tags, adding some depth to battles, evented systems, and possibly scripted systems. CONS Learning how to appropriately use all 3 layers, and set priorities, is a chore for beginners. Many familiar eventing options, such as panoramas and side-view battle systems, are no longer available. However, many scripts exist to overcome these shortcomings. If you like to use panorama maps instead of tilesets, that is very difficult to do as the image doesn't appear on the map editor. The RTP has become so hackneyed to use over the years, many people don't like it. It lacks evented vehicle/airship support, and the RTP lacks an overworld map tileset, so you'll need to look online to find an equivalent. There is no face graphic support without utilizing a custom script. Panoramas can only be animated by using custom scripts. RPG MAKER VX POINTS OF INTEREST Price: Free to try, $60USD to buy Released in 2008 Features RGSS2, an "enhanced" script editor component to make your own systems Has an add-on Run Time Package (RTP) with lots of basic resources Is the new generation of editor, therefore updates/patches will likely occur eventually The Default Battle System (DBS) is a first-person view, with monster graphics (but no party member graphics), and a more text-based approach akin to classic Dragon Quest games PROS If you like to use panorama maps instead of tilesets, that is very easy to do as the image appears on the map editor. The RTP features very smooth tilesets and charsets reminiscent of classic-era RPGs, and hasn't yet become terribly commonplace in games to the point of exhaustion. Windowskins now have a neat extra layer for adding scanlines or designs behind your message/menu text. RGSS2 is more forgiving and is easier/more streamlined to script with. The interface looks cleaner, more organized, and nicer aesthetically. Most of RMXP's eventing functions have reappeared, including a few from older generations (RM2K3) that were missing in RMXP. Many agree that mapping is a great deal simpler and faster due to the smaller RTP and the absence of layer toggling, and the increased use of Autotiles. Shadows are automatically created for you, so there's no need to worry about mapping in shadows or adding them to charsets. Vehicles, airships, and an overworld-size tileset have made a return, making it easy for you to make a classic-style world map on the fly. Face graphics have made a return from RM2K3, allowing the user to make more interesting messages without ever installing custom scripts. CONS Adding tilesets, charsets, windowskins, and other graphics, is a total pain in the butt. You only get 5 tilesets, and naming charsets and using windowskins can be tricky when you're first learning. Although scripts exist to overcome the editor's tileset shortcomings in your game, they do nothing to your work in the editor. Unless you use a script, you can only use one windowskin. RMVX hasn't been out for very long, so the list of custom resources and scripts is smaller than RMXP's. Instead of 3 layers, there is one layer per tileset "tab" (A through E). Unless you find a script to change it, the custom tileset's size is not unlimited like rmxp's. The RTP music, in general opinion, is a big step down in quality. You should be replacing it with your own anyway. Some very useful eventing commands present in RMXP have not carried over (such as Key Input). There are scripts to get around those shortcomings for the most part, however. It's difficult for "natural" tileset maps to avoid looking "blocky" or "jaggy", because most things are done with autotiles. Larger-template sprites generally suffer passability/clipping issues. Fogs can only be used via custom scripts.
  22. Okay I need help creating a name for a sage in my game, because right now its just: The Great Sage. This sage in my game, is dead by time the storyline starts by like 2000 years. During his timeline he was very powerful, so powerful that he defeated a demon god while also creating 14 spiritual beings from his soul that he sealed into items which are one of the main focal points of the main storyline. So if anyone can help and create a name for this sage out of that, that would be nice.
  23. Pokemon Goldheart/Soulsilver Guide, it left out a freaking chunk of game play from the book :nono4: . Once you gain the first 8 badges, the second half of the game is missing from the damn book making you have to search for hidden stuff and roaming pokemon from the internet. Makes you wonder why I bought the book, plus the pokedex in the back was half complete. They only have the pokemon in that game (while that is kind of fine), it doesn't show the skills they gain on certain levels.
  24. Okay, but "what do you think of the music industry or just this album" was the real question not do you listen to music. I was only wonder because no one replied, also if you listen to music you would know who Jayz and Kanye West (the guy who said Bush doesn't like Black people and took the mic from Taylor Swift during the award show) are, mostly because they've been creating music since the late 90's.
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