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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. Bigace360


    banned for editing your post.
  2. Bigace360


    Fine, I'll ban you for having only 75% of your Scripts done. :haha:
  3. Uh that's because it is Moghunters Animated Title, i've said that like 3 times.
  4. "Development hell" is media-industry jargon for a film, television screenplay, computer program, concept, or idea becoming and remaining stuck in development and taking an especially long time to start production, if ever. The film industry buys rights to many popular novels, video games, and comics, but it may take years for such properties to be successfully brought to the cinema, and often with considerable changes to the plot, characters, and general tone. Example: In the case of a film or television screenplay, the screenwriter may have successfully sold a screenplay to a certain set of producers or studio executives, but then new executives assigned to the project may raise objections to all the scripts and casting decisions they oversee, mandating rewrites and recasting. As a director and actors become "attached" to the project, further rewrites and recasting may be done, to accommodate the needs of the new talents involved in the project. Should the project fail to meet their needs, they might leave the project or simply refuse to complete it, causing further rewrites and recasting. At any point, a project may be forced to begin again from scratch. This process can last for months or years. More often than not, a project trapped in this state will be abandoned by all interested parties or cancelled outright. Hollywood starts ten times as many projects as are released, so many scripts will, of necessity, languish. Many times, this "hell" is caused by the lack of foresight and competing visions of those involved. This revolving door in the film or gaming industry happens most commonly with projects that have multiple interpretations and affect several points of view. This is what i feel like i've done with my game. New ideals pop in and old ones look like crap and i have to start all over again. I mean if you look at the first time i started this story, it was unorganized and i was throwing things together that didn't make sense. That was 2007, it's 2011 and we'll it's moving slow but a lot more thought has been put into it then before. So have any of you been in Development Hell before.
  5. Bigace360


    banned for only having 85% of your mapping done.
  6. Bigace360


    banned for being some random kid
  7. Yo, whats the story about and how the hell did you get to battle systems to work at the same time?
  8. Bigace360


    Banned for having 641 post
  9. Bigace360


    Banned Madanchi because i didn't higher then a C in my classes last semester. I know what scene that is from the movie, so ya that's harry potter.
  10. Bigace360


    Banned for wanting Decaf
  11. Bigace360


    banned for having fire on your head.
  12. True, as long as the game develpers are creative with it i don't mind. Like Last Remenent, that's turn-based but its very unique on how you can control multiple units in a tactical system using different moves and situations to win your battles. I like how Square-Enix's tryed something new and worked out great in my opinion.
  13. I was being serious, and yes the only thing that made it actually interesting was that you had to switch classes to survive. Everything else just seemed boring, i think they should of expanded on the FF12 battle system, then trying to create that auto-battle nonsense.
  14. What Type of battle system do you like in an RPG: Action/Real-time-based(Fable series, Dragon Age, KH series, Infinite Undiscovery, FF12, etc) Turn/Tactical-based(Final Fantasy, Last Remenet, etc) If I had to pick, I would choose Action because i love fight in real-time then sitting their waiting for your turn to happen. Though they have active time battle system, FF12 seems to be the only one that had done it correctly to the point that it felt like a action game, while FF13 just ruined for me. One battle i hate the most though is the standard RMXP/VX battle system, because its just a picture of the enemy and then you see damage happen. BORING. Thankful people like Enu & Charlie Fleed created the Side-View battle system for the RMXP/VX or I would of stop making my game. Playing in real-time also feels like i'm actually playing the game and not just sitting their watching the fight. What do you guys to perfer?
  15. Esc and X open and close the menu. So just tell the player to click X.
  16. My teacher in 5th grade had a mustach, it was disturbing and a humungous turn off if i was near her age. :nono4: Other turn offs: Fat: Serious people, its disturbing and disgusting to look at when someone has let themself go like that espically women. Is eating healthy and exceris that hard. <_< Boring Personilty: If you can't take a joke or your just random talking about weird things, i'm probably just going to get up and leave. Smoker: I find this just as fking stupid as obesity and sicking when your around people that smoke. The smell is horrible, it gives you lung cancer and kills you slowly, can make you look ugly, messes with the unborn child, and like my friend's father said "if you like smoking cigarettes and other drugs, you must like sucking dick right." I fking dispise people that smoke (though i still love my uncle), espically females, because they know that it kills them slowly yet they still do it. Unless your planning to do soon anyways then go ahead. Whenever i see a hot girl smoking i always just want to just run up and just grab the cigarettes and slap the girl for ruinning her image, but that would get me thrown in jail so, naw. Rude: Don't make me have to slap you. bad breath: If your breath is smell like shit, thats a big turn off. Like when i was talking to my english teacher last sesmester and i thought my breath was bad (because i didn't brush that morning and i could taste it), until she opened her mouth to tell me something. At first i thought someone farted, until you sat in front of me and started talking. I wanted to tell to take some of my gum because her breath was kicking but I thought it would of sounded rude so i just ran out right when she was done. So people, please brush your teath before talking to someone up close, you'll make people run from you if you don't.
  17. Graphic's is the only thing i found about that game that was interesting, everything else was poorly put together. And you didn't need to know your objective half the time because all you had to do was walk straight and another cut-scene would begin which gives the objective or makes you walk straight some more until it gives you an objective. Gran Pulse is the only area which let you roam. This is why I think 10 & 12 are the best. Though 10 maybe as linear as 13 it was more interesting to see because the scene weren't that long(gay that you couldn't skip them when you died at a boss like 10 times), but they had meaning to me. 12 had that open world thing going on, it was a war game and the scenes were cinamitic and could be skipped. 13 may have been cinamatic but sometimes your justing there watching and watching until something else happens that may inform the player or confuse the player with the latter happening more frequent which is the other turn off from that game i had.
  18. Probably for the same reason as me: different map, added pokemon, same concept(Evil organization, 8 gyms, rival, elite 4<-- this seriously needs to change if Nintendo wants anymore of my money on these games, i'm tired of fight elite 4 over and over again because there to lazy to make a normal pokemon leage tournament like the t.v show.).
  19. BUMP Come on people, all this information here and no one has nothing to say. I even posted two maps someone post something that is informative and not just tell me "i'm doing a good job" and "it looks good" because there could something off that needs to fix in my games thread. Positive or critism is needed to sometimes help advance a game people.
  20. Bigace360


    Banned for posting on a friday
  21. Did u guys know they were making another pokemon game and there's now like 649 Pokemon. The thing i'm wondering is how big this pokemon planet is, because Nintendo seems to easily add another large continent into the series every time. Anyways like usually the game looks the same: train to be the Grestest trainer alive, Defeat an evil organization, beat the elite four, have a rival, etc...etc. The one thing i would like different the most in every game they make is the elite four thing. It makes me feel like me and my rivals are the only ones that are actually trying to the best training and everyone else is just foder. Instead of battling the elite four at the end maybe they can do it like the t.v show and have u battle random trainers on your way up to the top. Then at the end after beating your rival who should be the last guy in the tournament, you go to the computer and they add you to the hall of fame. After that you can battle the elite four and then be called the greatest trainer in the game it's self. But that's just me though. What do you guys think of ANOTHER pokemon thats pretty much the same forumla as before.
  22. Play Final Fantasy 13, the whole game is a giant cut-scene with 98% of it being linear. To let ya'll know i got to the end but never beat it because i was so bored of it by near the final area. Even the battle system is like watching a movie, you click one button and the game fights for you the whole battle. I called it Square-Enix at its shittest moments.
  23. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Iron man 2 Tron 2: Legacy
  24. yo whats up, sorry for not responding had to do something this week that i forgot to check.
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