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About Grim

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/08/1992


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  • Interests
    Games (not so much the new ones cuz I'm broke), Anime, Music... REAL MUSIC!


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
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  • Project(s)
    I'm just learning and Beta testing for now.
  1. Alright! Time to play UT again! (4th time) I'll take screens and say how long it took to beat it.
  2. I need to get better at RMXP and I need a story!

  3. Thank you Pol *begins to cry* ... *doesn't really cry ... but it's like one of those Oscar acceptance things* lol I'm glad to be back and RMXPing again. I hope to have a beta out this summer!
  4. I voted! (I know I've been absent for a long time, but I just couldn't stand the tie ...and not voting)
  5. I know a big factor for me is time. School is very time consuming and this is the first time I've posted in forever. Last night was even the first time I've opened RMXP since ... forever.
  6. Thanks! I'm ganna need this name generator. :P
  7. I think that is the longest thing I have ever read in a day...maybe not ... it's up there though
  8. I played the demo and got raped ... if the game is this hard I have no chance.
  9. If you had to chop off one of your arms which would it be?
  10. Grim

    [XP] Making an NPC

    You should have spome of them say something relevant toward the game. Like in the Zelda games where you could get some useful info from random people. You can still do random sayings, but if each one says three things I would make some of the NPCs say one relevant thing. Random Talk: General Greetings (Hello) Weather (It looks great out today!) Personal (My dog won't stay by my side) Surroundings (Dialog about the town or events in the town) Relevant: Location (hint or tell the player where an item or place is) Battle (hint or tell how to do well in battle i.e. "I like the steel boots myself") ...well the relevant stuff is just self explanatory. I'm sure you'll get it. :D
  11. Wow ... that one needed way too much. I am either going to ditch the menu system and use Advanced Message Script or lack the advanced message capabilities. I just wanted a cool looking menu. that windowskin menu sucks... regardless of what windowskin you use. I wish I knew who to contact about the Chrono Trigger Menu ... maybe they could make them compatible. Although if I use a different method of saving and loading it would be fine ... but then that makes the menu save useless. (X.X) ~Ugh... Edit: Problems Solved
  12. Nope. I was using the default battle system. The problem was because I edited the weapons and items etc. I transferred everything over to a new project and there are no more battle errors. Now I have a new problem. The Advanced message script is clashing with something. I can't load a game cuz the Adv. Message Script spits an error on me. It has something to do with one of my new menu scripts, but I really want to use that menu and the advanced message script so hopefully I can get someone to fix that. *hopefully the creator of that script is still around.* Now then ... is it possible to show names in the boxes without the advanced message script?
  13. I bann formless for banding Joey for banning formless for betting that Joey would break the chain again.
  14. I was doing some test battles and all of a sudden I got this. I don't know what is causing it, but I thought up some possibilities. 1) I am using Marked's hp\sp bar script (that is what I was testing when I got the error) 2) I only had one battler and he had MAXED OUT stats. 3) I have deleted all of the default classes, weapons, characters, and items. I intend to replace them, now I have just enough so my character can attack. (The enemy always misses cuz of his stats I guess) Please if any of you think you know what is going on please help me!
  15. Well I might not be helping, but Marked recently gave me a link for a Pokemon Starter Pack. I haven't really looked at it yet, but I think it has hundreds of pokemon and at least a few trainers (Which should be in FTP) http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/downlo...pokestarter.zip I hope you can use something out of it!
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