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Gary The Duck

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Everything posted by Gary The Duck

  1. I like this thread. :yes: Sorry, but I couldn't resist.
  2. "How to hack RMXPU." :biggrin_002: Edit: Haha, I now noticed that that was posted for almost a year ago. XD
  3. I wanted it to look like morning, but I couldn't get it any better...
  4. I can see some where two are lined up but not more. Is that what you mean?
  5. I've had it running for a few minutes now. It's nice, but will anything happen apart from the creepy music, sounds and the flashing pictures?
  6. You may want to fix the link to your image, because it's broken...
  7. Hello and welcome to RMXPUnlimited. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you need anything, just ask! Ps. Do you play MineCraft?
  8. Here's a map I did for a bit more than 1 and a half year ago: In Game: In case you're wondering, it's not used in any game or something.
  9. It appears that the sub forums "RPG Maker VX Script Archive" and "RPG Maker XP Script Archive" in "User Submitted Scripts" are broken. When I click on any of them, I just get a 404-message. :shok: I hope this will be fixed soon!
  10. There's the Mode 7 script which looks like this: PS. This picture is not taken by me. I don't know if it's possible to only activate it at some moments, but if you want it, here's a link to it: [insert Funny Link Name Here]
  11. Do you possibly mean something like this?
  12. I suggest that everybody who reads this should check out nyanit.com. It let's you have the Nyan Cat on every website you visit. So if you for example use nyanit.com/google.com, it will be on every website you visit after that! :alright:
  13. Simple rules: All you need to do is to post a picture that beats the one above! :spiteful: I'll start:
  14. Gary The Duck


    Banned for banning the guy who banned the other guy who banned him...
  15. I'm bored... I have totally lost my interest in RMXP. :(

    1. madanchi


      me? well, i quit the forums and rpg maker for a month or 2 about a month ago XD

    2. Gary The Duck

      Gary The Duck

      He means me. Well, then I had lost the interest. Now I have TOTALLY lost the interest. :)

    3. Marked


      sigh. i see...

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  16. You know the food fight I was talking about, last year? Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX7kv4Bb6cc (It's not uploaded by me and it also doesn't show the end :()

  17. Happy birthday to me! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomo2000
    3. Dark Den

      Dark Den


    4. Gary The Duck

      Gary The Duck

      Thanks guys! (Heh, more than one month late.)

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  18. 9-12-9-11-5-20-21-18-20-12-5-19
  19. It's supposed to be XXXIV. Whatever: XXXVI
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