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Everything posted by CrimsonInferno

  1. They look great and maybe its because of my eyes, but they look a little fuzzy. What image type did you save as?
  2. This often happens to people who have stolen the software...just saying. But for the legit reasons, this will surely help the people facing such problems :) Good job!
  3. Um, yay, I don't really mind how it happens right now, but hookers get pregnant too and they have no choice to have sex, unprotected or protected, because they have no way of earning money. And now, those same women, the poor kind of course, will have an even harder time paying for stuff in a country that is already sexist in some ways that are important. But yea, the men should have to split the bill, but come on, what are the statistics of men sticking around when a abortion is needed? This Reform bill is crap. Pardon my french please.
  4. Well yes, but increasing it too that? And if you think about it, a lot (a lot) of women are left after the men knock them up and they can't afford to get an abortion and then they have a child and have no way to provide for him/her. But yea, if you think of it from a "I shouldn't have to pay for getting a woman pregnant by providing the sperm, but can still get Viagra as medication" point of view, then ya, I guess it is the women's fault and its our fualt for being stomped on for the millionth time in the world. I guess this was bond to happen since we got our (some) rights after everyone else did. :unsure: Also, condoms can break and Birth control have the chances of failing you. I just don't see how helping to provide "Viagra" to men is fair since it is related to sex and abortions are related to sex and I think deciding to keep a life is more important than a man's ego and pride. :nono4:
  5. Well, I'm no expert, but I'm positive this can be done with C branches or Switches. :sweatdrop: Hm. It's like making a scene were you need a certain item before advancing, but instead you have to make them need to use a skill. I could try it, but I could 80% fail at it, since I'm a novice. :P
  6. Yes they can. The IRS will come to your door, as what I heard from the speech and questions, and arrest you if you don't. I guess I'll leave it up to the states and men (the caring ones of course), the ones suing the Government. Because obviously, we women don't have a say about it. I mean, were they even thinking about us when they decided to charge us more than the other gender? Oh, and guess what. Viagra will be given to men like it is medication (-- seriously, what the hell?!), but women will have to pay extra for their medicine and abortions. May God please the souls of the young women who are raped (like the poor 9 year old girl who was forced to carry and deliver a baby) and become pregnant or the women who are poor and is left behind pregnant with no job, money or anything. Because now abortions will be like 800 dollars instead of 200! Yes Obama, while you are at it, you might as well charge people differently by their RACE! (this is the face I make when I think of Obama, his plan, reform and the country) (lol @ Evil Dead)
  7. Its fine, no biggie lol I just hate this new plan. It stomped on American citizens and women.
  8. ....it was an exaggeration of how bad it is here. :mellow:
  9. My family survives on Food stamps because my father was injured on his job and now he can't work. We can't make money and now, we poor people will be forced to have health care and will be forced to pay for it when 80% of the people here in Kentucky (where I currently live) do not have jobs and goes onto stealing. How does Obama (I will not call him my president) expect us to pay for something we can't when he hasn't fixed the damn job problem? What about the new people just getting into taxes (like my old enough sister who can now be taxed. ). How are they going to get money to pay for this? I wish I never had my parents vote for Obama. I might since Italy's economy has failed recently. Besides, New Zealand is pretty, from what I saw. :D EDIT: Also, the site that I read the bill from has been taken down by the government for a while, so this might help others from a different country to understand the bill...I think. http://www.healthreform.gov/
  10. I do believe there is a map script for that :)
  11. It's not free. They are forcing us to have it and pay for it. We will be thrown in jail/prison if we don't pay it.... It is ludicrous! Especially the part about women, if it is true. How do they expect anyone one to get a job? Our country is failing in the job status as it is, what is Obama thinking? Not to mention, and I don't mean to sound racist, we have illegal immigrants taking jobs here. I don't know about the rest of the country, but there aren't any jobs here in Kentucky. Believe me, everyone has tried. You are lucky if you find a job cleaning up after animals or cleaning the street. :C Which is why I have decided to move to either Canada, New Zealand, Greece or Italy. :) (Although Italy recently faced a...well, I don't think I should say it. It's pretty sad T.T) *I love Italy*
  12. I just tested them both to be fair, and I like the one we have currently. A lot better, or so I thought....
  13. Forcing someone to buy something is wrong. What about the poor people who barely survive the week? They sell their belongings and do whatever they can and they the IRS shows up and forced them to pay for Healthy Insurance. But how do those poor people pay? I hate this new plan, it is wrong on a lot of levels and I am seriously disappointed in Obama. He has turned out to be a mistake :( I also heard that women will be charged extra...for being women. Does anyone know if that is true? Because if it is, I will seriously freak out on our President! :C
  14. We'll see three more spin-offs of FFVII and then a remake of that before we ever see anything related to FFVI or FFV :(
  15. Can't this be done with conditional branches?
  16. I really don't use IRCs. I don't think it would be far to me to vote lol
  17. I remember the site being up one day and then I go back the next and it is down. It didn't say they were hacked, just that they finally decided to shut down. Or at least that's what the bulletin board said :<
  18. It worked! I couldn't remember which drive I installed to. I found it, thanks so much for explaining this to a novice >.> Will there be a way to submit things in the future?
  19. As in on my drive right? I'll check there....is there a way if I can't find it, to find the savanna tileset? I really need it >.>
  20. I may preview them, but I can't download them. The button says I already have (I haven't, I assure you) and now it won't let me download :( I did download something else on it, but I have no idea where it was sent >.<
  21. How do I do that? I went to options and I guess what I did was update.... EDIT: Nevermind >.> The download buttons are working for the tileset area...I really want the Savannah! :)
  22. I'm so gleeful I could kiss you! :) Isn't it suppose to generate a preview of what I'm gonna download? :>
  23. I didn't know you were here! Or I saw you before I knew you, ya know? lol Anyways, welcome back and take free hugs! *huggles* (*whispers* Stay active ^.^)
  24. Anything after VI is garbage (good games, I don't consider them as "Final Fantasy"). VII is good, but I don't see it as FF, nor anything else. Although, I was extremely impressed with IX and XII. They brought back so much of the past FF tiles, I was shocked. Plus, IX/XII music is amazing! :)
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