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Everything posted by rgangsta

  1. RMXPU is offically a war zone... *sigh*

    1. Joey


      *throws grenade randomly and runs*

    2. Broken Messiah
    3. rgangsta


      >.< don't blow up my status

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  2. RATED, you just don't get it. You can't keep making topics and dragging racism into the whole thing. That's just asking for trouble. Leon didn't call you shit. He said that people start shit. He didn't say who or anything. The fact that you thought it was you means that you have a guilty conscience. Just stop with those types of topics. I don't have problem talking about the KKK or whatever either but I find it really annoying when most topics are only about that. What about the whites who read it? The whites might be offended because you're making them look bad. Just stop it. It's that simple. You want to know something funny? How do you feel right now? This is how other people might feel when you make racial or sexual topics. People will feel singled out and become angered. And Allen, sure we have free speech but if someone wants to have their voice heard, they don't have to go around with a nasty tone and harassing people. In my History class, I learned about something like this during WWII I think. When there was a draft for the army, a guy began a propaganda to stop the draft. True it was free speech but it put people in danger because if no one goes out to fight, then they're screwed. So the U.S. allowed the free speech, as long as there is no "clear and present danger" meaning as long as it doesn't hurt someone or something. You can make a topic but how you present it is what counts. This is my last post about my thoughts. I don't want to be part of this war.
  3. I didn't say he did. I said he seemed as if he was trying to. I didn't think it was an attack. But he could've made the presentation of his point a little less blunt. RMXPU is here to build a friendly environment like it says in the rules. It does make sense that if someone feels uncomfortable with the topic that they should leave but what if most of the topics are sensitive topics? That person would feel overwhelmed and just might leave. Like I said, set a limit to what kinds of topics you post. Now I kind of feel like this is beginning to start into a war of flames. So let's try not to get over excited before things get out of hand.
  4. Well your topic on the feedback could've been a little discreet. The way you introduced yourself seemed like you were attacking Kiriashi. What you could've done was post your feedback in a non-threatening manner then PM Kiriashi and have a private conversation with him about the matter. Because you basically you didn't do what you wanted the staff to do. And the staff conducts their job well. Kiriashi once PMed me about something I did wrong. So there really was no reason to make a topic about staff not following the rules. My opinion is that you should just stop, relax and don't start nothing else. If you have a problem with someone or something, just PM a staff member. That's why they're here. Even now, you could've apologized and PM Leon about the this topic but you chose to dig a deeper hole for yourself. I'm don't want to be a jerk, but you do post a lot of debates. They're nice to debate over but you have to set a limit for yourself. Just don't post anything about race and sexuality. Because if someone happened to pass by and were homosexual or a different race group, they might be offended. Those types of topics are real sensitive to people. Just make topics like the recent one about people not wanting to date people with the same characteristics. That's a great topic and I'm pretty sure it won't hurt anyone's feelings.
  5. I think that people like that are hypocrites. I'm not like that. I've dated 3 busty (not fat. a lot of people mistake that) girls. I do think that they should focus on what they can contribute to the relationship like you said but there's still shallow people in the world.
  6. I think it's a good idea too. That way, there's more options instead of the standard screenshot.
  7. rgangsta

    Event.s Radar

    Now I understand what you mean. I doubt there's a script like that. Maybe eventing it can be possible. I wouldn't know since I'm not a scripter or eventer. I'm just a graphic artist. :(
  8. i'll be in thw chat while listenin to music :D

  9. rgangsta


    So the wedding game, eh? The thing is that making games are not really as easy as they seem. When I get frustrated with my game, sometimes I quit working on it for weeks at a time. Even now I'm having problems with mine at the moment. Anyway, my advice is to think of what kind of game you want it to be. Action/Adventure Humor Romance Or you can mix them all together (Action/Romance :D ). If it's an action game you want, I can totally help you out with it. I'm not much of a romanticist so I can't do much if the game is romantic. But if you ever need a helping hand, don't be afraid to ask me or anyone on the forums. We'll be glad to help you. I'll start off by posting some wedding tilesets and characters for your game. .:Tiles:. .:Characters:. Good luck with your game! Let me know if you need anything.
  10. The arm is not too bad. You don't have to worry about it.
  11. Try to get the same guy who made the HUD for you make the add-on. Since he made the main HUD, it should be easy for him to make the add-on.
  12. He looks great. They match together nicely. But is does look like the left arm is s bit short.
  13. rgangsta

    Nick Dugger

    That's pretty awesome. I'm trying to learn better web designing myself.
  14. I guess I can share and I'll write the homework in notepad right now.
  15. If it was the Harvester, then it's mine. :P
  16. rgangsta

    Event.s Radar

    I know what Tenchu is and it's a terrible game. I don't know what the radar is either because I never payed attention to it and the picture is too blurry.
  17. You're right. And some cliches are not avoidable. Like fighting a bad guy. There has to be a bad guy or else there's no game...unless your character is the bad guy. But there's no fun in that.
  18. Cliches Features Visual Equipment One thing I'm proud of is that I'm putting in visual equipment. I had this script in my game long ago but because of the wallrunning, I removed it. But now, I've found a way to configure the wallrunning to fit the requirements of the script. Kylocks Time System I've been having a real problem with my time script. I was using the Kylock Time System Mod but it proved to have some flaws. Switches that determine whether it's day, night, dawn, or dusk are automatically turned off when inside buildings. I've tried to configure a new script but as you may know, I'm no scripter. I've asked Tom to help me but I haven't got word from him yet. I think I might just revert back to normal 'ol KTS. Hookshot and Stealth As stated before, my game has a hookshot. The hookshot is what the "Hold" in Tsurugi's Hold means. He gets to grab his enemies and pulls them closer, and in some cases, pulls himself closer to them. Another feature which I've added is a stealth system. This stealth system is unbelievable. If you're a fan of Metal Gear Solid and you know about the Stealth Suit, then this stealth system should be familiar to you. This script allows me to have a set opacity for the player so enemies won't see him and also a "hide" switch that I can turn on and the player can pass in front of an enemy and not be attacked (this is going to be used with the visual equipment in a very fun side mission). Maps I hope you guys have enjoyed this blog entry and I enjoyed writing. I like to write about what I'm doing.
  19. trying to rid my game of as much cliches as i can. i found at most 3 cliches so far.

    1. ShinkuAura


      Your game has more grammar cliches then graphics cliches.

  20. This was before he posted a list of weapons. You still get the knife, though. :biggrin_002:
  21. Sup! We're all here to help you out if you want. Except Joey, cause every time I ask him for help, he runs... <_<
  22. :shok: ...plat? What in the world is that? It doesn't sound too good.
  23. I know the video you're talking about. It's when Ash and that girl with the pink hat were going through the PokeDex, right?
  24. Pokemon ran out of material. Once they made a god Pokemon (Arceus), I don't think they have any more tricks up their sleeves. That's why they remade Gold and Silver.
  25. I read up to "Endless Fount of Items." and my game is only guilty of ONE thing so far. The "7-11 Rule: Shops never close. At the least, they close very rarely and only during certain major events." But I'm going to change this because my game has a time system. So at night or dawn, shops will close. :P
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