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Genesis - A medieval RPG

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Hi, my name is Matheus, and I'm Brasilian. My idea is to create a RPG, like the one we play with our friends in our homes, but online. What this implies? You can do almost whatever you want. "But many RPG are like this", but I've never seen a RPG that every one can contribute for the entiry game. My intention is to create a MMORPG and give a life to it. If you kill every orc in a village, with no re-spawn, why can't you claims this village for the human race? Thinking about Updates, if the players conquers a city, this city will be available with NPCs in the next update. If they lost a battle in a town, and don't take it back, so they will lost this city in the next update. If they buy too much weapons from a NPC, the NPC will be more experienced and will make better weapons. Got the idea? Things like kill a dragon without heavy equipment would be impossible, battle with a Leavianthan alone? Never. I want to create a game that you need to be part of a team, a guild, whatever you want, but not to play alone. That you can create your own weapons if you want. Want to hunt alone? go kill wolfs, not dragons.


I'm creating the basics ideas, and don't even know if the name will really be Genesis. But I really want to make a fantastic game, and I need your help.


1. The game storyline / The game synopsis


The world some many-thousand-million years ago was divided. The central Mainland, no owners. The adjacents "islands" (You can think in continents) was designed for each superior race. Humans, Orcs, Elfs, Cyclops, Dwarves (and other if I decide). In need of new resources all races started to explore the Main Continent, but there's some monster there.


2. The game’s main characters


Each one is the Main Character, it's a MMORPG


3. The Script(s) and System(s) your game will be using


My idea is to use a non-stop screen, I don't know if it's possible, but that's what I want. Buildings with "real" height, compared to character height without the transition of screen when entering some place. ABS battle. And the body of the monster must stay on the floor for the looting system, and disappearing in sometime.

Edited by matheusco

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your game sounds great, but..

do you realize a MMORPG means setting up a server, and paying monthly for that server? you'll also need to save player's data on "SQL database". all these require scripting knowledge.

consider learning how to script or paying someone to setup all these stuff for you. maybe you can recruit someone to do it for free, but I doubt you can find a free server for such a game (usually the rule is 'do not use this for games'). so.. are you willing to spend money on this?


btw, are you sure RMXP is the best way to make your game?

you may be better off doing a text-based RPG, on some forum / website. or maybe there's a better program for making online games. maybe you can find a program that gives you a free server, and doesn't require as much scripting?

Edited by Metaclaw

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your game sounds great, but..

do you realize a MMORPG means setting up a server, and paying monthly for that server? you'll also need to save player's data on "SQL database". all these require scripting knowledge.

consider learning how to script or paying someone to setup all these stuff for you. maybe you can recruit someone to do it for free, but I doubt you can find a free server for such a game (usually the rule is 'do not use this for games'). so.. are you willing to spend money on this?


btw, are you sure RMXP is the best way to make your game?

you may be better off doing a text-based RPG, on some forum / website. or maybe there's a better program for making online games. maybe you can find a program that gives you a free server, and doesn't require as much scripting?


I know nothing about Game Design, so the RPG Maker is the only way I know. I would use the RPG Maker only to see "what happens", if people would like to play, and then consider to pay a server, recruiting professional people, etc. I think using RPG Maker isn't a problem cause I don't want magnificent graphics, I want only the roleplay, that people do what they want to do. You want to kill a NPC? Go ahead, but you will be banned from the town. RPG Maker have a good looking graphic, in my opinion, and is something even the worst PC would run the game, I think... and I'm already learning something about scripting, but it will take time cause of university.

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There are a few scripts already made to make rpg maker VX/XP to go online and you can host the server with things like hamachi for free. I used to have an MMO which I made with VX using the Telam Ludus or something like that, which was basically a script that combines an ABS, Chat system, Visible armor, login, character creation and some other cool features. and it had it's own server thing which you can set up with phpmyadmin. in fact there's an mmo right now still rung on that, it's called white rose online.


for XP there one called eclipse or something like that I found it a long time ago.


here's the website I made for my game I was like 15 back then lol.


http://chigoo.wix.com/tts1  << look at the screen shot, just showing you that it's a thing.

Edited by chigoo

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