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{FP14} There's no time to Explain (General)

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There's no time to Explain

Just get in!

The last hope for Humanity. Over the years of this site, many goals have been set and achieved. However, there is one challenge that has thus far eluded us to this day. An achievement that not only requires the perseverance and tenacity of this community, but also the ability to go beyond ourselves to serve the greater good. This is what a Forum Project is. The community must band together to make this one game for the sake of humanity and beyond... (Read More)
This is the General Discussion thread of the FP14 community event.
You can find information on logistics, frequently asked questions, and pose your own questions here.
FP14 - Game Site
The Sword of Damocles - Mission Select
In the year 20XX - Story Discussion: plot, setting, genre, characters
Voting machine DRE700 elected President - Story Voting: plot, setting, genre, theme, etc.
We have Technology - Engine Discussion
There are Rules - Submission Guidelines
Requirements: Courage.
Courage can be substituted with any or all of the following: Bravery, Perseverance, Tenacity, Boredom, Talent, Lack of Talent, Willingness to Learn, Selfishness, Selflessness, A Strong Heart, Cash Payments, Sense of Humor, etc...
Facilitators: The engine they are working in.
Roles: Contributors and Facilitators
C o n t r i b u t o r s
Once you have at least 1 Participation Point, you automatically become a contributor and are added to FP14. Contributors provide whatever game asset they want included but not limited to: graphics, music, scripts, dialogue, story scripts, events, animations, database edits, or anything else that needs to be put in the game. Submissions should be uploaded to this site, or linked to (if you decide to upload it somewhere else). Please read the submission guidelines before starting and or submitting your work as it will save you and everyone else a lot of time and hassle.
F a c i l i t a t o r s 
Facilitators are responsible for combining the assets of contributors into one folder. Every week, Facilitators will update the main project while keeping there own copy of the project during the week. At the end of the week the Facilitators will combine their work to update the main file. They will also debug and play test the game and report any bugs. Facilitators can also contribute but they should use they main edition rather then there personal edition for submissions. Facilitators recieve 5 points for every weekly update they make. Whenever adding submissions, Facilitators need to keep a changes.txt before they upload their weekly update for merging.
Rewards: The project has a reward system for participation. Every task will be listed with a Participation Point (PP) total, that will be awarded to the first to complete a submit a task. Participation Points are also awarded for posting in FP14 threads. This is in addition to other prizes that will be offered for certain tasks and achievements. At the conclusion of this project, PP can be redeemed for forum points and the top 5 users with PP points will be awarded special prizes. Facilitators will get 5 PP for every week they are active.
1st | Diamond: Moonpearl (12)
2nd | Gold: Bigace360 (9)
3rd | Silver: metaclaw (7)
4th | Bronze: black mage (3)
5th | Ruby: Bob423 (3)
 *Updates weekly
What does {FP14} mean?
{FP14} is the topic prefix used to identify topics that relate to Forum Project 2014. Every topic related to this project should start with this prefix for quick identification.

FP14 Mascots: General, Facilitator, Contributor: 5 PP per submission, 20 PP if selected
Fp14 General Discussion: 1 PP per post Edited by Enigma

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I'm quite skeptical about this project your making. I mean i do see you want everyone to participate but it seems that people barely seeing the topic and doesn't care. we need people to take an interest in this before you can do any good progress.

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I'm quite skeptical about this project your making. I mean i do see you want everyone to participate but it seems that people barely seeing the topic and doesn't care. we need people to take an interest in this before you can do any good progress.

The common misconception is that this is a team project, there is no team this is a community event.

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what's the deal with a FP14 mascot?

are we looking for a character to be a mascot for the project?

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Oh, My Apologies, I forgot to elaborate.
The Role Mascots are essentially a holdover from P12, Each Role had a mascot that represented their duties
They aren't really necessary, but I think it adds some flare to the project.


3 Classes
C o n s t r u c t o r
H a n d l e r
G a t h e r e r


C o n s t r u c t o r
Make Game Data (Green Deviant Art Girl)
  • Mappers
  • Eventers
H a n d l e r
Organize Game Data (Black Haired Linux Tan)
  • Database Organizer
  • Game Organizer
  • Scripters
  • System Eventer

G a t h e r e r
Gather/Produce Game Material (Red Head Amiga Tan)
  • Spriters
  • Graphic Artists
  • Music Producers
  • Resource Gatherers
  • Dialouge

However, there are some important distinctions between P12 and FP14. 2 Roles instead of 3 classes, since no one will be assigned specific tasks like before. This ensures that everyone can do whatever they want. One day, you can be making events and the next you could be thinking up a plot while perusing some resources on the web.

The second major change is that P12 was an organized team project that required joining and staying in contact. 

FP14 is a lot more open, you can come and go as you please and membership is automatic; the instant you post on any thread in the subforum, you are added to team. Or you can request to join. FP14 also rewards any kind of participation, rather than assigning tasks like P12.


So yah mascots, we don't really need them, but we could have them anyway.

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