Edit: Just found out that Blizzard's slice_text is for RGSS3. Shame on me. Editing the question so I don't need another thread.
I'm trying to add a newline on my script. Using \n, however, returns me a weird character.
The string that I'll use will be based on an array index, so I can't (more like don't wanna) do a two-dimensional array and do something like this (unless it's the only case):
for i in 0...text_array.size
Is there any other way to put a line break? Putting characters on the string isn't a problem.
(Old post, just in case)
I'm having some trouble using Blizzard's slice_text to do some line breaks. When I try to draw the sliced text, I get the 'Cannot convert array into string' error. Here a part of my code:
desc = self.contents.slice_text("Lorem Ipsum dolor sit \n amet", 186)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 184, 186, 32, "No. 1: " + desc, 1)
And here is the slice_text code. I'm using a version from KK20, so that it takes \n but I've tried the original one and it didn't worked too.
class Bitmap
# Blizzard's slice_text method. This method can be removed if you have another
# script that already uses it.
def slice_text(text, width)
lines = text.split("\n")
result = []
words = text_chunk.split(' ')
current_text = words.shift
if words.empty?
result.push((current_text == nil ? "" : current_text))
words.each_index {|i|
if self.text_size("#{current_text} #{words[i]}").width > width
current_text = words[i]
current_text = "#{current_text} #{words[i]}"
result.push(current_text) if i >= words.size - 1
return result
I don't get the error if I change the code to this:
desc = self.contents.slice_text("Lorem Ipsum dolor sit \n amet", 186)
self.contents.draw_text(0, 184, 186, 32, "No. 1: #{desc}", 1)
But this way the linebreak doesn't works.
The only reason I'm using Blizzard's slice_text is for this script, so if there is any other way to break lines I'd be glad to know. Thanks in advance for the help.
Edit: Just found out that Blizzard's slice_text is for RGSS3. Shame on me. Editing the question so I don't need another thread.
I'm trying to add a newline on my script. Using \n, however, returns me a weird character.
The string that I'll use will be based on an array index, so I can't (more like don't wanna) do a two-dimensional array and do something like this (unless it's the only case):
Is there any other way to put a line break? Putting characters on the string isn't a problem.
(Old post, just in case)
I'm having some trouble using Blizzard's slice_text to do some line breaks. When I try to draw the sliced text, I get the 'Cannot convert array into string' error. Here a part of my code:
And here is the slice_text code. I'm using a version from KK20, so that it takes \n but I've tried the original one and it didn't worked too.
I don't get the error if I change the code to this:
But this way the linebreak doesn't works.
The only reason I'm using Blizzard's slice_text is for this script, so if there is any other way to break lines I'd be glad to know. Thanks in advance for the help.
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