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Advanced Battle Commands

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Advanced Battle Commands

Version: 4.3




This script gives the user more control over the commands the actor has in battle, this script has a lot of features to customize the commands that can be executed in battle.



  1. Individual Battle Commands
  2. Make commands depend on ammo
  3. Make commands learnable by level, weapon, armor, condition
  4. Make commands that link to a skill/common event
  5. Make commands that have a subset of the actor's skills
  6. Make commands have their own skill set
  7. Make commands which name depends on the actor
  8. Make commands which have their own icon/description/help text
  9. Make commands which uses your own action
  10. Loads of stuff I am forgetting






Non Text File editing version see Instructions

Text File Editing version




If you downloaded the non text file version you must download my Command editor program - http://trickster.wg2140.com/The%20Database/Database.exe in addition you may need to install ruby to get this to work for more info see the read me file


If you download the text file version then open the file BattleCommands.rxdata from the Data folder of the demo you may edit the commands info from this file






SDK 2.x compliant

Requires MACL 2.x or higher


Credits and Thanks


The Wxruby development team I used their library to write the Database program.

Mac for providing the images for the program

You for betatesting it for me :P


Author's Notes


I would advise that you try the non-text file editing version. This is something new I am trying out with my scripts and if it is a hit I will do it to more scripts to make them easier to setup rather than editing a text file. If there are any bugs found in the program then bring them to my attention. I have been on and off working on this project for a good six months so any help would be appreciated. Enjoy

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Dude, I'm sorry, but you are necro-posting. Check the dates.


Also, ruby is the language that is based off of Perl. At least I think it is based off of it.

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