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get event location/check around event


Okay, i've started working on this plugin that will check around the event that activates it for a specific event name. I'm using this for a scarecrow event that when the day starts the filed/plant events evaluate if the scare crow is around them and if not there is a chance the plant get destroyed.

now the problem i have is with the script getting the events location. When checking a specific coordinate, the script works fine, but when if asks for the events location I get crazy errors. I was told a line $gameMap.events()[this._eventId].x; should get the x coord for the event, but it doesn't seem to. same code switch x for y to get the Y coord. 

anyway, here is what I have so far. On lines 25 and 26 i set static numbers and commented out the dynamic xy. if any one knows whats wrong let me know.

* @author Dolarmak
* @plugindesc Checks if a scarecrow event is within 3 tiles of the event
* @help
* =============================================================================
* What does it do?
* =============================================================================
* Checks if a scarecrow event is within 3 tiles of the event
* =============================================================================

var aliasPluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;

Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args)
	aliasPluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
	if(command == "scarecrow")
		//----- Check if Scarecrow Event is in range -----//
		var sc_event_x = 4; //$gameMap.events()[this._eventId].x;
		var sc_event_y = 4; //$gameMap.events()[this._eventId].y;
		var sc_event_true = false;
		for(var sc_event_y_check = (sc_event_y - 3); sc_event_y_check < (sc_event_y + 4); sc_event_y_check = (sc_event_y_check + 1))
			for(var sc_event_x_check = (sc_event_x - 3); sc_event_x_check < (sc_event_x + 4); sc_event_x_check = (sc_event_x_check + 1))
				if ($gameMap.isXyHasEventName(/scarecrow/i,sc_event_x_check,sc_event_y_check) == 1)
					var sc_event_true = true;
		//----- End Result ----//	
		if (sc_event_true == true)
			//----Scarecrow is in Range ----//
			//$gameMessage.add("Scarecrow detected");
			$gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, 'A'], false);
			$gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, 'B'], true);
			//----Scarecrow is not in Range ----//
			//$gameMessage.add("No scarecrow detected");
			$gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, 'A'], true);
			$gameSelfSwitches.setValue([this._mapId, this._eventId, 'B'], false);


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2 answers to this question

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What you need to do is use RMMV's built-in console. I only used it once, but you push a button or whatever. The really awesome thing about RMMV is that js is reasonably easy to debug because with the console you can evalute the whole object: all it's variables, all its functions. 


To make something come up in the console you use console.log, eg 


Since I'm building an MMO I just use the browser's console. Exact same thing :)





EDIT: Also not sure about your syntax. Try


I'm not that good with JS, but if you call .events(), then that's a function. Events contains a list of event objects, which you access via an index, so its .events[#] to access a specific event, then you can access that event's properties and functions. 

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Thank you Marked! you were right i was the syntax and you have the right command! works perfect now! 


Apparently it's f8 for the debug btw lol

Edited by dolarmak

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