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Leon's Rant I

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Okay, what the hell is it with kids? They do nothing but cry, piss all over the place, and cause problems; ESPECIALLY infront of their retarted, dumbass, fucking parents (most of which wouldn't know how to raise the temperature on a stove, let alone a kid.) Case and point, we'll call him Chuckie. This numbskull is 4 fucking years old. Why the HELL doesn't he know how to talk? He calls Michael 'koko'. Oky, that is just 1 thing. He knows what a toilet is... so instead, goes into MY laudnry room and pisses all over the other kids' clean coats and backpacks! WHAT THE HELL?! Then he pissed on my brother. Funny, but not when you have a 350 pound raging bull ready to kill someone... And that is just 1 of the many kids I help watch. I swear... it isnt the kids fault though! It's the ignorant parents who want their kids growing up spoiled. Like this one kid... all he does is hang ALL OVER his grandma (the one raising him and his brother.) Further, the grandma won't give the other kid the light of day. (he happens to be younger too... go figure.)


Now, that is just one of the issues irking me on this lovely snow-fallen crest day. The next is the fags at GI who wouldn't know a good game if it fucked em in the ass. Case and point: Fable II. Everyone, have a look at the Reader Review here. 7.6. And not even the GameFAQs crew gave it a 9. So why the hell do they give it a 9.5 when it is a game magazine to give insight to the reader? I am telling you... these guys are being paid off by some of these big names. And for those who think I'm crazy, we'll aslo have a look at Castlevania: Judgment. GI: 5. Gamefaqs? Readers: a solid 8, and the gamefaqs crew, 7.6. Now, you may be saying 'Yes, but a lot more people reviewed Fable 2 and it is a more solid ratiing." Maybe so, but games are bought and reviewed based on the gamer's preferences. Where does a magazine's review board come off reviewing based on THEIR tastes; ignoring the damn reader? It is faggots like this ruining the gaming industry and causing titles that some would love (fir instance, Ghostbusters) to leave the woodwork. All I have to say is thank the Lord for Atari, Konomi and Capcom. They make the games for the players.


Now, what the hell is it with the fuck-rags who think it is okay to take their anger out on those who did NOT A FUCKING THING to them? I mean, is it really called for when you lose your job to attack someone who did nothing to you? Now, this is a for instance, not a true thing. But as for the rest of you, i don't know about. I'm just sick of fuckers thinking simply because I have a relativly frail body I can be the one to play the role of a port-a-potty. For isntance, my mom says my bro can't go out with his friends; so I get yelled at by both of them after the fight over it; effectively pissing me off and what did I do? Not a DAMN thing! All you fuckers out there: If you are mad at someone or something; take it out on THEM; not someone who wasn't around... Fuckers.


Further, you know what else pisses me off? Idiot drivers. Before you all think you know what I'm talking about: come to Utah. I guarentee you won't last 2 minutes on these fucking streets. Nothing is worse than watching 2 cars merge into the same lane in front of you and collide. Or see a guy with his LEFT turn light on go RIGHT. Oh, my favorite: They pull out infront of you on the interstate then go 15 under the limit. Nothing says "Hey, I like the sound of twisting metal behind me" like causing a pile-up behind you! And this is just a few! My girl and I, in a tiiiiny little 2 door metro were almost T-boned by a fucking guy in a Ford 450. Now, for those of you who want a comparison; that is like a 300 pound man running over a scrawny 10 year old boy. Not pretty. I saw my life flash before my eyes. Don't remember dancing with that Puertorican named Lupe, but *shrug*. I'm just sick of fucking idiots. Unfortuantly, to avoid said idiots, one must die.


Now, this all boils down to one thing: Ignorance and inconsideration. Everybody just cares about htem fucking selves and don't give a shit about others. Maybe if people were more fucking aware and cared about others than what hte hell they're getting in this world, maybe this shit-hole planet would become a better place.


Now that my anger hath been vented on anyone who really wants to read about it; I'm gonna find something to do on this snow-filled day. Fucking snow... Now I gotta shovel.


-EDIT One last thing unnerving me: This site's way of updating the last post. It doesn't work.

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Further, you know what else pisses me off? Idiot drivers. Before you all think you know what I'm talking about: come to Utah. I guarentee you won't last 2 minutes on these fucking streets. Nothing is worse than watching 2 cars merge into the same lane in front of you and collide. Or see a guy with his LEFT turn light on go RIGHT. Oh, my favorite: They pull out infront of you on the interstate then go 15 under the limit. Nothing says "Hey, I like the sound of twisting metal behind me" like causing a pile-up behind you! And this is just a few! My girl and I, in a tiiiiny little 2 door metro were almost T-boned by a fucking guy in a Ford 450. Now, for those of you who want a comparison; that is like a 300 pound man running over a scrawny 10 year old boy. Not pretty. I saw my life flash before my eyes. Don't remember dancing with that Puertorican named Lupe, but *shrug*. I'm just sick of fucking idiots. Unfortuantly, to avoid said idiots, one must die.


I agree with that. Once i had a person have their blinkers set to go to the left and i thought "o there going left and i could cross the road" and no shit they went straight and i was right in front of them they slammed on the breaks and said "What the fuck are you doing Dumb ass?" Then i said "Learn how to use your god damn blinkers." wow people now days are so def that they cannot even hear their blinkers on!!!!!!


Parents and their kids piss me off so much especially when you have 3yo tell you fuck you bitch!


-EDIT One last thing unnerving me: This site's way of updating the last post. It doesn't work.

I hate that too

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Sounds like you had a shitty day Leon. I'm sorry to hear about that dude. I hope things get better for you.


And I'll write down those notes for my kid. Make sure she isn't a spoiled brat.

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Not quite sure what to say.

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Anger Managment at work, right there. I agree though. But what can parents do, they dont use the "right" punisment methods, which is spanking then with their hand, a belt, or from what I heard a piece of wood. They can't do that anymore since it might be counted as "child abuse". I havet two things to say to that, BULL CR*P. The parents' parents (grandparents) used to do that method and look how the parents became before they stop disiplining their kids by smacking their behinds. They turned out great, so why stop it? If the child isn't acting right and knows of it, then punish him/her with a belt. If they act out, spank them, TEACH them that it's wrong to.... whatever it was that you spanked them for. It'll teach them right from wrong. I'm sure we all have been spanked a few times when we were all little, right? ( <_< this keyboard isn't working right, a few buttons just wont work half the time. You should have seen what this reply would have looked like if I didn't fix every single little error since the keyboard wont put the letter/number/symbol/ or when I use the space bar. lol, you wouldn't be able to read what I typed)

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Yes. I wonderful lesson to teach our children. When you don't like how something's going, hit it until it changes.


I really don't know how you came to the conclusion that hitting children=good parenting. What if we lived in a world where if you were late for work your boss smoked you in the gut with a pipe? It's totally ridiculous, and I don't believe it has any place in this world.

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Maph, have you ever tried rasing a kid? Sometimes 'time out' doesn't work. And nor does grounding. That is when you must resort to a physical type of punishment. Trust me, I have a nephew who is just a pain in the ass and won't listen worth shit.

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Well, I am personally disgusted with that line of thought. I'm done with this thread.

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If you can come up with another alternitave than physical punishment when all other methods have failed, please, let me know, Maph.

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If you can come up with another alternitave than physical punishment when all other methods have failed, please, let me know, Maph.

Hurting a kid only teaches the kid to hurt others. If you have a screaming, kicking kid there, then restrain them (basically, hold in the lap or something so that they can't hurt themselves or others), and if it's a public place, remove the kid from the scene and the next time don't take the kid with you. The only time swatting a kid is allright is when you need their attention NOW because they're about to hurt themselves. For example, if a kid has decided to try patting the nice hot circle on the stove, it's all right to slap their hand in a don't touch-way. (Or even better, let the kid touch the hot stove. That way they'll learn not to try it again. ;)) Hurting kids as a punishment also makes them really good liars; if telling the truth results in a spanking, then the chances of a spanking decrease if the spanker doesn't know the truth.


My way would be simple - nice kids get to do nice stuff like visit their friends after school, desserts after eating their veggies, trips to Disneyworld et cetera. I mean, stuff normal kids get to do without causing extra work to the parent/guardian. If the kid behaves badly, then they don't get to do all that. A misbehaving kid doesn't need dessert and they can't visit their friends or the Disneyworld with the rest of the family because they don't know how to behave. Et cetera. And oh, nice kids should get to hear that they're nice kids who know how to behave, because kids need attention and ignoring the nice and quiet kid is only going to teach them that if they behave nice they'll get ignored. Nice kids with good grades get pocket money - bad kids with a line of D's don't need it. And of course, it's OK to lie to kids a little. Telling them that not wearing a seatbelt can take them to a horrible prison where they won't have any dessert or toys is all right in my opinion.


For the little kid in your 1st message, I'd recommend the "you didn't know how to behave"-punishment; the next time you're taking the kids somewhere nice, he stays home

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Perhaps you didn't notice the 'all other methods fail' part.


As for the telling the truth results in a spanking, that should never be an option when the truth is involved. Disgresion with physical punishment is a must. I didn't say when a kid does something bad, spank them. I said when all other methods have failed, you do so.

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Further, you know what else pisses me off? Idiot drivers. Before you all think you know what I'm talking about: come to Utah. I guarentee you won't last 2 minutes on these fucking streets. Nothing is worse than watching 2 cars merge into the same lane in front of you and collide. Or see a guy with his LEFT turn light on go RIGHT. Oh, my favorite: They pull out infront of you on the interstate then go 15 under the limit. Nothing says "Hey, I like the sound of twisting metal behind me" like causing a pile-up behind you! And this is just a few! My girl and I, in a tiiiiny little 2 door metro were almost T-boned by a fucking guy in a Ford 450. Now, for those of you who want a comparison; that is like a 300 pound man running over a scrawny 10 year old boy. Not pretty. I saw my life flash before my eyes.


I know what you mean man! Some idiot lady decides to pull into our lane... which happens to be where our car is. So we go sliding (Yes sideways, how the hell do wheels turn that way?) across 3 lanes of 65mph traffic, we hit the median and flip over onto our roof!!! Then we go skidding about 1/4th of a mile down the interstate on our roof, yet we weren't hit again. Amazing I'm not dead. I HATE stupidity while driving, I think at least half of those idiots on the road need to lose their license, they're a danger to us all. I'm with you on this man.

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As far as physical punishment. I believe it is needed. Sometimes they won't learn unless they feel a little pain behind it. Animals are the same way.

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Leon, you give that bastard everything he deserves. NO child, I repeat, NO CHILD should be let off for whatever they do. Give me your address, I'll get over there to teach him not to fu** with Kirirashi's friends.


This post was posted by Kiriashi in serious mood, so please refrain from making funny comments

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I'm not sure why I didn't see this thread until today.


OK,Here's my thoughts,those hippies who don't spank their child are idiots.

I would've turned out SO evil if I knew my dad wouldn't literally kick my ass if I did anything bad.

My cousin,for example,(and he'll totally agree should he see this post)was never spanked by his mom,but his dad beat the hell out of him with military precision and discipline.(His parents are also divorced by the way.)

So,Anyway, He would act like a spoiled brat at his mom's,but over his dad's he was perfect. Still to this day,if he didn't make his bed at his dad's after staying the night,he would drive back over there just to make it.

The moral of the story is,children need to be whipped. That's why God invented belts! One to keep Adam's pants up and two to discipline children with! They will not respect their parents unless whipped enough in their early childhood to drum in the memory of that pain if they do something bad.

There are instances where you shouldn't punish them,like if they do something on accident and get hurt.

Like this time when I was 8,I tripped and broke a $300 glass lamp and sliced my foot open on the glass.

My parents didn't even mention anything about the lamp,they were more worried about my foot.

Scolding a child for accidental self-injury is pointless and cruel. They got hurt,the chances they won't do it again! Telling a child not accidentally hurt himself AFTER he's already hurt is just stupid.

Unless the child has a neurological problem where he/she can't feel pain,you never have to tell a child not to do something if they KNOW from experience that it WILL hurt them.

Another thing,my mom taught about not touching the stove when it was hot,she took a plastic plate,you know the really cheap kind,and held it over the stove and show me how it melted and shivered up.

"That will be your hand if you touch this thing while it's on!" she said.

...And I never ever dared to touch the stove while it was on...

Also if a child is upset to the point of real tears over breaking something,there's no point in making the child cry any more.

Example of the Perfect Father(I wish he was my dad....my dad would've buried me in the backyard if this happened to me...):

Youtube Video ->Original Video

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