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Kiriashi's Mapping Depot

Mapping Poll  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Maps should be:

    • Really good, RTP
    • Okay, non RTP

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Just so you know, I'm writing mapping tutorials right now. This is an improvement section where you can post your maps. Please post in..

~Kiriashi's Mapping Depot~


Hello people of RMXP! This is a place you can come to get constructive criticism on all of your maps. Here is how this works, I'm going to post a category for a map. I'll give you a tile-set if it isn't in the RTP. You guys can make some maps with it, and, once you have your maps done, post them here. I'll remake them in the way I think they would be better and show you what you did wrong.


So you have to:


1. Make a map with the tile-set I specified.


2. Make sure it is the best you can do.


3. Take a picture of it

3a. Press print screen in your keyboard

3b. Open up Microsoft Paint and press control "V"

3c. Use the select tool to select the area around your map and press control "C"

3d. Close Paint without saving and open it up again, and press control "V", so that you will have a picture with just your map. Make sure you don't have the rest of your computer screen in

picture, or else you will be uploading unnecessary bytes.


4. Post the picture here by uploading it to your post, or to picture sharing sites like image-shack, make sure you use image tags.

After that I will make a map and post it here for you. Don't worry about your map not being that good, that is what I'm trying to help with.



OKAY! I got my own sub-forum 'cause Marked rocks like that!


Tileset 1: Grassland.

The first time around, yes, we will do the grass land. For this first go, let's make a 20x15 map. When you make this map, import these two nice auto-tiles; a water autotile and a path auto tile. I'm still making tutorials, so you'll get a better idea on how to use them soon enough! Get them







There is a grass autotile too, but we're not going to use that. Once you import those, get to work! Remember to not be linear, we are outdoors! Try adding some wild life in events like squirrels with random movement next to a tree or two.


If you are feeling up to the task, you can use the tileset located at http://tinyurl.com/cdcqsn for your map. Make sure you click the image before you drag it to your computer. I will still C&C your map if you make it with this tileset.


Get going! It would be helpful if you posted that you are a scholar here so I can put your name in the list below!


Image shack or photobucket not working for you? You have some more options. Try clicking one upload, then choose your pic. Then add the pic to your post. We can all see it that way. If you want you can upload it in the screenshots section of the gallery and link it here so the image will never be deleted. If you don't do this, I will for you xD.


EDIT: the link above keeps breaking for some reason, so i tinyurled it.

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Current Scholars (lol, that sounds weird, let's change that...) Current Mappers:





Okay guys, this topic is all ready for you to post in! Map away!

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I wouldnt mind trying this sign me up. ASAPIMINLS(As Soon As Possible I Mean It No Lie Seriously)


EDIT: lol 2 votes and both 0%

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Yeah, the poll system on this site is broken. You don't really have to say "I'm signing up, I just want you to post xD. [awesomevoice]You're name, young one, has been bestowed upon the list...[/awaesomevoice]


...why don't I always have awesome tags around my words??


IWYTPUYMRS!! (I Want You To Post Up Your Map Really Soon!!)

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No problem! First of all I gotta say, I love your Windows XP huge button GUI mod. xD


This isn't your fault, but the water is way too square, try using the autotile I put up on the first post.


Okay, a lot of people make this mistake, I know I used to a lot! xD. See how in your upper left tree's bottom right corner, there is shadow? Well in that bottom right corner of that tree (not of the map), you cut off the tree shadow with the flower autotile. This happens in some other areas as well. Take a look a this picture: clickme the red cirlces are the areas I'm talking about. Also in your map, the blue circle is where I cannot tell if you made this error, but it looks like you used layer three to fix it, and in the green circle you did not make this error. (following me so far? This is supposed to help you with mapping, so don't take anything personaly, xD) In the Royal Purple circle, you can see that the waterfall auto tile is being a jerk to you! This is one of the most confusing autotiles. You can see that there is an ugly line going across your water, this is because, as stupid as it sounds, the autotile is one square away from the edge of the map. This messes it up. (You'll see why this is in my tutorial)


The brown squares are where you are putting to much stuff in, though that is just the general idea. Make sure you use different tiles in different areas, not clumped together. Picture time! Look at this: Bad Map now look at this one Better Map


Can you see the difference? One more thing, MAP LOGIC. The most broken rule of mapping is map logic. Water in a hot desert, perfect houses in a poor area, turtle doves in a swamp. These are examples of breaking mapping logic. YOU break map logic by having a bridge, and a path that goes around that bridge. Choose one or another. Here is a better version of your map in which I used just the path method. I tried not to go overboard, but yeah... *30 minutes later* Your map in the Kiriashi Dimension


So there you go. Was I helpful? Did I provide enough information? I sure did try too.




(also, I'm sorry I don't have the first tutorial up, it has a lot of pics in it! I wanted to have a mapping tutorial done before you guys made grassland maps, so you could do what I mentioned in the first tutorial.)

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Wow, I do really like your version. I thought I already had those two autotiles, but I didn't pay close enough attention to realize they were rounder. I'm still trying to get a good hold on where to find that balance between not-too-much-stuff and not-too-little.

:blink: Thanks for the advice :)

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No problem! See you on the next map!! If you want to post another grassland to see if you've improved, go ahead.


Anyone else?

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Hehe, you got the IM I sent you that said I was making a tutorial, right? xD I was just kidding, I just want to finish the grassland tutorial first.

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Sign me up. I need to learn how to map properly :D .


EDIT: Ok, here is my map. I added the 2 autotiles you stated above but I did a bit of spriting so the wagon had no horses so that I could add 2 horses at the small creek.




Please tell me what you think. Critisim is acceptable. Just remember; I can tell the difference between constructive critisim and out-right abuse :D . Also remember; I didn't make that up, it was on a TV show.

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Set your 'Aluxes' characters graphics to nothing or 'NONE'. Then play-test. This will show you your map without your character. Then follow the instructions Kiriashi has stated on the 1st post to see what to do next.

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I'm sorry I've not been replying, I have been having some relationship problems.



To take a picture, click on 'View', and make sure 'Dim other layers' is not selected. From there you can take a picture of all layers.



This won't show any weather effects though so make sure if you want to show those you are playing the game when pressing print screen.


Tomo, the grass shouldn't go over the water. And when you are making the water, make sure you use more logical formations. The line of water next to most northern horse is a little to linear.


In your gated area, those posts things shouldn't be used repetitively. You should put them next to the horses or something so they could be like stakes that the horses are tied to.


The path doesn't really make sense ^_^. It doesn't lead anywhere and it is closed up.


VARIATION!! The plants need to be spread out a whole lot more. The way you have them so cluttered makes the RTP look receptive. Try looking at the pictures I made for nsigman197 in the upper posts to get a better idea on this, but that map I made could be a lot better.


I might make some examples for you soon, but I really need work on these tutorials. :wacko: They are waaaaaay over due. lol



Post some maps too Aya!

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sure. will post an in-game map since i think they kind of S*ck.



here are my maps.










tell me what you think.

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:( I know how to use the GUI, I just can't seem to make a good map. What makes a good map?

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Hey Kiriashi, can you look at some of my maps? I'm gonna post them latter on today but I just wanted someone else's opinion on them. Im ok with placement and making sure things don't overlap where they arent (ex. grass and water = no no) but my starting town, a few houses, the grasslands and swamp look a little..bland if you catach my drift. (Although I do think the swamps are the best maps I've done....out of like 10 XD)

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add me to this Class plz :)

I <3 My little Island



I see that you are going with a night screenshot. But to tell you the truth, the tint is wayyy to blue.


Try to take away some of the blue. Also, I think you can add some more detail to it.



Please leave the teaching to me, as thats why I made a mapping improvment thread in my own sub-forum. You can teach in yours.


Thanks, Kiriashi.

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