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Mature Content in an RMXP game?

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Here's another one I found on another forum. Has anyone been noticing how the maturity of games has been slowly increasing over the years? At first, all you could find was E rated games. Now there's E, T, and M rated games. Nowadays, they make more M rated games then E or T rated (depending on the system anyway). However, one thing seems to be the same at all times: RPG Maker Unlimited games tend to fall under the E or T ratings. Any M rated games don't even have much in the way of Mature Content. 9 times out of 10, it's rated M for excessive swearing, and not for Blood, Guts, Gore, Nudity, and other Sexual Content.


So, what would you think about someone making an RMXP game that included scenes where characters may be scene completely in the buff? Or even scenes of (perhaps) rape/sex? What about Blood and Gore? I think it would be interesting to see an RMXP game like that, and, if I went back to work on Crystals of Chaos, I might know of a way I could do a nude scene or two, I'd just need people willing to help (since I can't draw).


So, what do you think? Remember, we're all adults here (or at least, if you're not, then you should be able to act it if you're here in this forum) so don't get offended by other people's posts. This is a mature forum, so act mature. I don't care if you're 9 or 62 (ok, if you're 9, you shouldn't even be READING this forum), if you're reading and talking in this forum, you should be able to act like an adult.

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hmm its interesting. I don't mind blood and guts, and at least when i first started RMXP at 15 I didn't mind it at all. I think the rating thing is more for commercial games to keep away the complaints from parents. Am I the only one who liked gory games before I was a teenager? I don't know if you would count the old first person shooters as gory, but I loved playing games like Doom and Duke Nukem where you go around blowing up monsters with rocket launchers, machine guns etc. For my, I'm all for gore.


As for nudity and sexual content, I really am unsure. Has there ever been a game with a storyline that includes such content? I suppose you would describe it as a "mature" game. I think I'd have to play such a game first, otherwise I'm a bit skeptical of it being in an rmxp game.


Rape on the other hand could go under the category of violence, rather than sexual content(both if it were displayed in the game), and i think it could be an important part of a storyline, so I think its okay.


Perhaps if a game like this would be made it would be popular because it's never been done before. I don't know about anyone else, but all the graphics and scripts are great and all, but i think a storyline is what keeps someone playing the game.

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I think the rating thing is more for commercial games to keep away the complaints from parents.

Shame they still complain anyway.


Am I the only one who liked gory games before I was a teenager?

Maybe, I never knew about Gore (and still really don't know about it) until roughly 3 years ago.



As for nudity and sexual content, I really am unsure. Has there ever been a game with a storyline that includes such content?

I think there was a Sims game that began with a hot tub scene. True, it was pixled.


Rape on the other hand could go under the category of violence, rather than sexual content(both if it were displayed in the game), and i think it could be an important part of a storyline, so I think its okay.


Perhaps if a game like this would be made it would be popular because it's never been done before. I don't know about anyone else, but all the graphics and scripts are great and all, but i think a storyline is what keeps someone playing the game.


It would go under violence, if not displayed in the game.


Yep, a storyline is the main thing in all games. If the storyline is horrible, don't bother playing it.

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I think there was a Sims game that began with a hot tub scene. True, it was pixled

I was talking more about RMXP games. I know there are a lot of games out there with nudity already. The sims is like a simulation of real life right? You'd think that should contain nudity.

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I was talking more about RMXP games.

Oh right, sorry about that. It'd be unique I'll say that.


I know there are a lot of games out there with nudity already. The sims is like a simulation of real life right? You'd think that should contain nudity.

No, it shouldn't contain any.

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Yep, a storyline is the main thing in all games. If the storyline is horrible, don't bother playing it.

A giant evil turtle has captured the princess, and you, a fat italian plumber, armed only with your absurd jumping ability, and affinity for mushrooms must save her from certain doom.


The world is in turmoil. 4 fiends have stolen the 4 elemental crystals, causing the world to begin crashing in on itself. You are a group of 4 heroes. Fix it.


Pig-man took the princess. Save her.






Unfortunately no. The main thing in ALL videogames (at least good ones) is gameplay. Videogames is an interactive medium. If the game's not entertaining outside of the cutscenes you should either seriously rework your game, or scrap it, and turn it into a show.


And as for games becoming more mature, no. We just have the technology to better demonstrate the maturity of our games. 2 prime examples are Custer's Revenge, a game who's ENTIRE gameplay revolves around a naked cowboy dodging arrows to get it on with a nude native chick. The other being Mortal Kombat. This game is still among the bloodiest, and goriest to ever be released. I think the only reason that something like this wasn't released earlier is because of graphical limitations.


Finally, let's not forget Mischief Makers. The only game the world over where you can shake babies.

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Oh God, don't mention Mischief Makers...my parents bought that game for me because it was "unviolent" >> I hated the game so much...(I did beat it multiple times...but still...). I eventually gave it away when I was tired of seeing the game lol Maoh's comment, though, does make me think about something. Does anyone realize that Ocarina of Time was rated E even though the Great Fairies were covered in nothing but vines (which didn't even cover the essential parts when you really look at the graphic)? Yet, in Twilight Princess, we get a T rating because the Great Fairy is wearing only a skirt (which is more covering then the vines!) and her hair covers her chest. In the end, it's the same level of maturity, but because of the level of the graphics, it's no longer considered "appropriate" cause now the graphics look much more real. I bet OoT would be rated T if it were made today, simply because the game would look more real.

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Gore I actually refuse to put into my RMXP because I have quite a fear of blood and gore. If a game has gore/sex/language/nudity, you should let the player know in advance before they get too involved.

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Naturally, I'd put something in saying like "This game is rated 18+ for blood/gore/nudity/sex/etc" Although, all my games have language ^^" Like...they say damn and such...I haven't used some of the more adult words like shit yet...

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The world is in turmoil. 4 fiends have stolen the 4 elemental crystals, causing the world to begin crashing in on itself. You are a group of 4 heroes. Fix it.


Pig-man took the princess. Save her.


Mischief Makers


Custer's Revenge


Mortal Kombat

Don't know what the first two are, and I never heard of the other three before.


And true the storyline isn't the main thing needed (but for the game I played, it needed a good one)

If the game's not entertaining outside of the cutscenes you should either seriously rework your game, or scrap it, and turn it into a show.

Amen to that. Sounds like the PS2 game Chaos Wars. The characters spoke in Japanese when in battle, the storyline was weak, oops..... getting off topic, sorry.



Does anyone realize that Ocarina of Time was rated E even though the Great Fairies were covered in nothing but vines (which didn't even cover the essential parts when you really look at the graphic)? Yet, in Twilight Princess, we get a T rating because the Great Fairy is wearing only a skirt (which is more covering then the vines!) and her hair covers her chest. In the end, it's the same level of maturity, but because of the level of the graphics, it's no longer considered "appropriate" cause now the graphics look much more real. I bet OoT would be rated T if it were made today, simply because the game would look more real.

The graphics in games nowadays have evolved and yet devolved at the same time. I miss the old PS1 graphics like in Ape Escape, Digimon 1, Digimon 3, Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge. As Cosmo said in one Fairy Oddparents episode "Good times, good times". But some graphics are ok, as long as the women are covered and not revealing.

Naturally, I'd put something in saying like "This game is rated 18+ for blood/gore/nudity/sex/etc" Although, all my games have language ^^" Like...they say damn and such...I haven't used some of the more adult words like shit yet...

I'm still deciding on what my ROA is rated :P Probably E+. Oddly, none of my games have swearing in.


Edit: That word is an "adult" word? Really?

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Don't know what the first two are, and I never heard of the other three before.

O.o The first one (about the world falling apart) is Final Fantasy 1 for the NES, and Custer's Revenge was some old Atari game, and you've seriously never heard of Mortal Kombat? It was one of the bloodiest games ever released, it's the reason why the ESRB exists...


Anyways, yeah mature content in an RMXP game would be cool, I know that I'm willing to include it (can't make a zombie game without it really). Though things like nudity and such would be an interesting twist to see in an RMXP game


Also, Pac-Man's about a guy on drugs... think about it...

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Ok, so I'll throw my 2/100 of a dollar into the pot on this one.


Violence in video games has been around since, well, almost the invention of video games. Examples? Pac-Man goes around, eating these little dots, and some ghosts are trying to kill him. He eats a bigger dot, and then EATS the ghosts. That's violence. Almost all games (not all, but almost all) have some form of violence in them. From eating ghosts to shooting zombies, most of them have some form of violence.


As for gore, I think that's a personal preference. Some people think that the blood spatters in Wolfenstein (yes, I'm dating myself here) were too graphic, while I don't get that upset. Some people don't get offended by anything, yet others may think that killing innocent civilians in Grand Theft Auto is gory and graphic. It's a personal thing, in my opinion.


Language is language. I don't recommended dropping f-bombs every other word, but if you wanna use then go for it. Should it be in games? In some instances it makes sense. Think of the following: You (or, well, the character) has just successfully defended his location in the middle of a jungle swarming with the enemy, and you look down and see that you're out of ammunition. You look up and see that you're going to be besieged again. Which of the following sentences is most appropriate:


1. Oh, hell no. I'm totally fucked now.

2. Oh, bummer. I'm at a disadvantage here.


If you went with #2, then you have issues. Or maybe a whole subscription. :)


Sexual content isn't anything new in games. Nowadays we can create the graphics to go along with the intent. Even in early games, innuendo was there. Don't believe me? Why do you think Mario is trying to save the princess? It ain't because he wants to borrow her car.


While I agree with rating systems, I think the responsibility falls more on parents than it does on society overall to monitor what children are doing.


And as far as putting this stuff in games created with RMXP or RMVX - that's up to the developer to decide. If you want it in there, well, it's your game. You can put anything in there that you want. :)

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