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Gary The Duck

Good, evil or neutral?

Good, evil or neutral?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Good, evil or neutral?

    • Good
    • Evil
    • Neutral

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Do you mean, "Is the character you play good, evil or neutral?" Cuz if so then neutral, I let the player decide their character's destiny.

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Tough call. I guess "Good" for one right now since you have to slay a vampire that wants to -classified as to not spoil the game- :P

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I've been portrayed both ways. I can be good then evil or possibly maybe just neutral.

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Well, my character is usually neutral, with a lean towards chaos (so, chaotic neutral) in most of the games I make that have a definitive storyline, but in ones that are up in the air and don't focus soley on the main character and their story, then it's really the player's choice on how the character turns out, kinda like fable or KoTOR 1 & 2

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Well seeing how the main characters in my RPGs are my friends and I, as well as characters from a few other video games...and anime...lol, we all play on the good side obviously. XD

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So not many are Evil? How sad :(.........


Thats a great idea......someone shud make an Rmxp project where the point is to do misdeeds. Kinda like Overlord (I guess, I just know you do bad things in that game)

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My characters are usually good but misunderstood at the same time. They usually have something unnatural or supernatural about them as well.

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Neutral. My characters are kind of evil, being a few rebels... But they're good to fight up against the evil brute 'taxes'. In between and pretty much unknown- N E U T R A L

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Neutral.. well being a fugitive isn't that evil is it?



That was a hilarious inside joke that you don't get.

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All of the above,

I like to make dynamic characters. How the player views them throught out the story.

IF The player sees them as good close to the end they will normal be


become evil

become neutral

end up in the sequel


if bad



become good then killed

become the main character in the sequel


if neutral

will not die

will acheive goals

pick a side

dissapear and reappear in the sequel


But i am a firm believer in benifit of the doubt

If a characters personality changes or emerges, it will have a cause, that forces the player to reconsider how they see them

That way they won't know what to expect.

Even the nicest person in the story could be come sadistacly psychopathic in my stories

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we all know that the main character of a game is supposed to be a SUPER HERO not a SUPER VILLIAN


so i complete the game the way it was meant to be played..


then complete the game being the biggest prick you can be! XD

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I usually play a good character when i get to chose sides.

but sometimes when i get pissed at someone (ingame) i might do some evil actions :P

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