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What would you like to see in a Dissidia Sequel?

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I previously had stated that I believed that a sequel to Dissidia was inevitable. I believe the sequel will probably use just a modified engine of the current one, or if they decide to move it to PS3 as well it might use Crystal Tools. I could see that happening via split screen for two player. Or maybe even having like free-for all brawls online with like 4 or even 8 players a la Super Smash Bros.


This question is, what would you like to see in a Dissidia Sequel?


Personally I would like a cross console release for the game, like PSP, PS3, Wii and yeah..... even 360. With the PSP and Wii versions being pretty much identical, except the Wii adds in some remote action, hopefully with Motion Sensor Plus option.


Of course all the playability in the world is nothing if a new good story isn't put behind it and some additional characters to play with. I believe a few extra Cosmos and a few extra Chaos would be nice to see. But they'd have to be there for a reason and by reason I also mean for playability purposes, you can't just add say Steiner or Vaan in, there's already too many melee swordsmen on the Cosmos side. In the same respect there's already too many magic users on the Chaos side.


Let's look at a single character from each game who could be in a Dissidia sequel and say who would be good.


I: The Four Fiends of Chaos, With the leads all being Light Warriors and the villains already both being in the game Garland and Chaos my only real suggestion would not be playable characters, or maybe as a secret unlockables, but the four fiends, Lich, Maritlith, Kary and Tiamat as bosses that the players would have to fight at various intervals in the game before you fight Chaos.


II: Maria, essentially whilst in playability she would be like Firion, she could a different set of weapons to him. Bow and arrows, I think Maria is best suited when it comes to her story though, she is strong-willed and would provide some balance to the Cosmos squad, which let's be honest is a bit of a sausage factory.


III: Doga. No I haven't lost it. Even though you never play as him, Doga could be fun to use because you'd get like 3 Moogles who say each did a different thing and acted as Doga's security force as they do in III. It would essentially make Doga both a long ranger and a short ranger in one, he wouldn't be able to do anything but move about and pressing buttons would cause the Moogles to do a different thing each.


IV: Kain Highwind. This guy is perfect for Dissidia. In a game that's all about the balance of Light and Darkness, never before has there ever been a game so conflicted on this subject. IV was brilliant and it's leads Cecil and Kain were both constantly struggling to overcome the darkness inside them. Where Cecil was Dark and became a hero of light when he became a Paladin. Kain was initally a hero who turned to evil and then back again causing himself to become even more conflicted than Cecil. It would be fantastic to see him in the game as he'd probably fight for both sides at some point. Also as a Dragoon he'd have a unique spear-wielding fighting technique and probably the ability to "JUMP" and come crashing down quickly as a HP attack or Reversal. A perfect fit for this game.


V: Gilgamesh, since V he's become a staple of the series, reappearing in various remakes since his debut in V and reappearing in VIII, he's gone on to be in remakes of I, II and VI with appearances in IV: The After Years, IX, and XII. A great optional boss, he would make a fun secret optional boss to play against, his six swords would make him a formidable enemy and usually for beating him you get the Genji Armour, which is often the best in the game.


VI: Shadow, even though Locke's my favourite and Terra's already in the game, Shadow was a sort of enigmatic hero for hire. Even though he's a sword-wielding character, he's mostly based on his speed and his ability to throw items like throwing stars or knives. He'd be an interesting addition as whilst you do have the depressed and lonely characters in Cecil, Cloud and Squall, there was no cool, laid back strong silent type.


VII: Tifa, the game needs an ACTUAL brawler, Tifa next to Sabin, Zell and Yang, is probably the best hang-to-hang combatant in the series, that and she has awesomely gigantic bazonkas. She also would provide something interesting to Cloud who in his full-emo glory could have someone to talk to beyond the original Dissidia cast.


VIII: Seifer, with Tifa there seems no need for Zell and with Ultemicia no need for Edea. Seifer is Squall's nemesis at the end of the day. He'd also work well as a character because I genuinely believe Seifer is a good guy, he just either lost his way or thinks he's fighting for the good guys in his own twisted way. He'd make a fine addition to the cast as an antagonist for Squall but also someone who would fight against actual evil like Chaos.


IX: Vivi, who didn't love this guy?! He was a little innocent black mage trying to comprehend his existence and often seen as the most powerful of the group. Vivi would be a great addition to the group as he could deal damage from a distance with powerful magical strikes, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder e.t.c. He'd be a great character.


X/X-2: Yuna, now there's two things for Yuna, there's the Gunner who would be interesting and well, hot. Then there's the summoner who could let her Aeons do the fighting for her. Which, I'm not sure, I think the Aeons one might be a little too powerful, so I'd have to go with Gunner Yuna.


XI: Selh'teus, the villain who makes a pact with the Goddess Promathia in XI. He's an empty soul and who follows a corrupt God, now he could do the exact same feeling that say Promathia has abandoned him, he joins Chaos as his new servant and as a villain opposing Shantotto.


XII: Balthier, could it be anyone else? Really? He's just brilliant, one of the best characters in the series in a LONG time. Cocky, arrogant, and funny, he loves himself but cares for others, whilst not a great foil for Gabranth who would be better suited to Basch, Balthier is a gun wielder, his attacks would be interesting as he leaps around firing off shots to defeat his foes. I just love Balthier. I think I might have a gay crush on him.


XIII: Lightning AND Snow, two heroes thrown in for good measure. We don't know too much about them but they look like they'd be interesting additions.


Well those are my suggestions for characters I have some other ideas too but first off let's hear what would yours be?

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Those are some interesting ideas you've got there, but I wonder... Could we maybe extend the list a little? Like let's say:


FFI- There may not be any specifically named heroes here, so maybe just classes could be added there (Like, say... Black Mage?)


FFII- Leon would definetely make a good addition to the list. Who wouldn't like another dark knight?


FFIII- That mystery character wielding the two swords would be good. Y'know, the one on the cover?


FFIV- I can't really think of anything, Kain was pretty much all I could think of.


FFV- Maybe Faris/Sarisa? A pirate should always be welcome.


FFVI- Locke, he's just so cool.


FFVII- Definetely NOT Zack, seeing as Cloud's already in the mix, and if Zack was added, that'd be nothing new, really. I think Vincent would be a good choice.


FFVIII- Quistis. I don't think I need an explanation, she's hot, and she's got a whip.


FFIX- ... I got nothing...


FFX- Auron. He could be a challenge for Sephiroth (Masamune wielders, anyone?). Or better yet, Rikku, to add some cheerfulness to all the depression!


FFXI- I'm gonna completely skip this one.


FFXII- NOT Vaan, because I already mentioned a pirate, and NOT Basch, because his brother's obviously gonna be there.


FFXIII/Versus XIII- Lightning was a good choice, but instead of Snow Villiers, how 'bout Noctis? (That awesome guy that fights with a whole buncha swords flying around him.)


... how's that? It's probably no good, but I posted it anyways.

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