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Character under review

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Need some help developing this new character I came up with, I'm not good at keeping them interesting.





Name: Adena Krieger <Krieger is german for warrior. I made the german name up but my sister confirmed it to me as that with the translation. Coincidence huh?>


Age of main role(Since RPGs usually focus on multiple points in their life):26


Nationality: Metallian (Continent of Metallia*)

Appearance: <See above>

White hair > inherited from her fathers side, who was from the continent of Mutane, where white-haired races of human are commonplace.

Coal Rune Pendant

Black Crestlich armour (The material plating on a monster called Crestlich, which resembles a black heavy armoured bird with gold decor)

Weapon of Choice: Longsword, but her trademark weapon is the Goldbyte <also a longsword, but a jewel encrusted black and gold variety, to compliment with her armour>

Personality: Somewhat unfeminine, self disipined and well-mannered. She will now and again become clouded in her own thoughts.


>Her father moved back to the continent of Mutane a few years after her birth and ten years later, she becomes curious what became of him. Her mother told her "He went back to help them," simply, and nothing more.


>At the age of 11, she decides to join the newly founded Crusaders guild, a military squadron that replaced the CMD which had moved its station to Quilaski. The reason for her joining was due to her following her fathers steps, vowing to help him. However, gaining access to career was somewhat difficult at the time, due to alot of sexism conflicts.


>At 17, the trainees take their final exam to graduate as official knight of the Crusade, the practical training ground, percieves difficult for many, but she manages to pass.


>On a mission 5 years later, she is issued to go to the continent of Mutane and work on patrol. She befriends a man named Hertz Minton, who is working with her on the same mission. They encounter a black Crestlich, a cocatrice-like shelled bird monster, which decimates most of the force on patrol. Hertz and Adena are ambushed. They fight the monster well despite the ambush, but a steady stalemate ensues between them both. The unrelenting attack from the giant bird catches Adena off-guard at one moment, it was all that was needed to kill her. However, Hertz steps in at the last moment sacrificing himself. Stained in his blood, Adena picks up her sword and takes the Crestlich down in one last, fell strike. She uses its shelled armour as her main armour later on as a momento of Hertz and the Crestlich.



>In recent light of a great disturbance in the continent of Quilaski, where it is said the brothers; Galadius of Chaos and Agnisus of order fought, she begins to become curious at the state of the world. However, her thoughts come to light when she is sent on a new mission, once again to Mutane. Reluctant to go, her restraining mind forces her although at the circumstances that faced her it would have been wise to turn back.


Although I'm not far enough into the character development to decide the details of the mission, she encounters the hex blighted area of Mutane, the atmosphere alone fills her mind with sorrow and fear and is encountered by a strong form of **'Overcome' that attacks her. She manages to fight it off eventually, but under unusual circumstances that it flees.


In light of what I want to achieve as a 'plot device' is that she is contaminated by a small dose of 'Hex' during the fight, so that she will not meet the same fate as her attacker. She would be in a race against time to find a cure, but at the same time, use the infected hex allows her to touch into the dark magic arts.


Relations with other characters: <I didn't list some of them because I may not use them or haven't decided on any significance around Adena yet>



Kadame was one of the people who trained with Adena at 11, since he shares her age. He made good friends with her during that time, and doesn't regret it. Although now he is one of the leading commanders of the Crusaders, he still vividly remembers her.



Kiara is a holy preistess in Metallia, and protects the essence of order. She tries to attack Adena at first because of her dark powers, but realised that her gaining them was of unfortunate circumstances.





*Metallia: Metallia is the western continent of Eden who believe in more modern methods of culture compared to Mutane, whereas Quilaski is a mix of both cultures. The Metallian empire is generally more stuck up, looking down on the other continents, (Quilaski being newlyfound and Mutane contaminated in hex).



The Overcome: A half decayed being that folk regret calling a species. Any species and any creature, including plants can become an 'Overcome' within the meanders that they are exposed to the hex long enough. Due to this, the race is highly diverse some are winged and some are more suited to an aquatic environment.

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