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Advice on hunger system

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Alright, so I have a hunger system in my game, but I was having second thoughts about it.


originally, it was to be a player annoyer, as in if you're hungry, your strength stat will be lower than usual.




but now im thinking of just having it help the Stamina Energy system.



or does anyone else have another plan for eating in the game?



(please keep in mind, eating food is the way to refill health.

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The more energy you have, the less chance you have of missing attacks.


Increases speed.


Improves crit rate.


That's just a few ideas, I'm surw you can come up with a bunch more if you really think about it. BTW, you can create a horizontal rule with [ hr ] (no spaces).


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well the energy isnt a battle effect =3 -- its for jobs and events and what not and a constant bother to the player.


do you have any opinion on the hunger system tho?


(and yea but the -- symbolizes a speech break... damn you AP Language >.< ) =3

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I meant energy literally. Like you eat food, get energy. And I gave an opinion. : /

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Ah, i was thinking the accuracy and ect was apart of your energy idea lolz.


hmm i thought about having hunger influence strength like stated previously =/ but i do like the speed as well.


hmmm but that seems so shallow for a system lol. a basic check and give status. iunno.


but like always thanks Kiriashi ^^ - always can expect input from you.

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You can also have t, if your hungry and/or tired (if theres a sleep system), you only get half the XP you normally would from battles or jobs or anything :biggrin_002: .

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in battle it should effect your hit rate because people usually get fatigued really fast then they are hungry and waving a sword should fatigue you very fast IMO

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thanks guys, =o think i found my balance.



True, as I do think with a lot of cases Less is More,

but with systems a right mix is always good because if its to simple, or is of little use... its like "Why is that even in the game!?" lol.



so basically the hunger system works in a group of 7 settings:










and I've (along with my close personal advisors and helpers) have come to the conclusion that they will effect (just a tad little) on overall Physical and Magical Attacks (and hit rate), while also effecting events such as jobs. If you're starving and you do a job, your energy will drop EVEN more.


-- Thanks again guys ^.^ , your support and advice are always welcomed and appreciated =]



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You guys remember Ehrgeiz, (sp...?) that pretty old fighter game that mixed final fantasty characters in with the original fighter roster?

A mini-game in it, (and for the life of me I cannot recall it's name...) that had a hunger meter, and whatever you ate to fill it up ultimately determined what stats increased upon level up. I quite enjoyed that concept.

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