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Ramen's Assignment

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Well here is my assignment! :3 First is the vocabulary!



method - is a piece of script that triggers when it is called

class - is a collection of methods that all work together for a single purpose

$global_variable - is a variable used anywhere

print - pops up whatever is after it in a window

@@class_variable - is a variable that is usable throughout the entire class. It is a type of variable that is shared among the instance of a class, and must be initialized to a value before it is used.

Constant_Variable - is a variable exclusive to a class or method that can never change.


Script Assignment:

#Assignment for Leon's Script Class. Assignment 1.
   * Make a working class that is called in a 'Call Script' named 'Class_Test' 
   (Don't forget the 'new'!)
   * In the class, there needs to be two methods: initialize and one of any 
   name you wish.
   * In the initialization, define 1 local variable and 2 instance variables, 
   and print hte local variable.
   * In the second method, print the other two instance variables.

class Class_Test #Class name
 def initialize #Initialize method
 @MySkill=1 #local_variable
 @MyUnderstanding=2 #instance_variable
 @LeonPowerLevel=9532 #instance_variable
 print @MySkill #Print local_variable
 printmethod #Name of second method
 end #End Initialize Method

 def printmethod #Second method
 p @MyUnderstanding #Print instance_variable 1
 p @LeonPowerLevel #Print instance_variable 2
 end #End pringmethod Method, yay redundancy?
end #End class


Not sure if I was supposed to PM, or e-mail this to Leon or what not so I'm going to do like Kiriashi and post my own little thead. Not sure if I did this right. I added some comments in there to help myself keep organized. I'm not sure if i fully understand the difference between an instance_ and a local_variable. I understand the definition, but not how to spot them. Is a local_variable just not called/used in any other methods, but one?

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