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It's me ~ Surando

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Hello over there, I'm Surando and here is my introduction.


Hey People at the RMXpunlimited.net community. I'm Youssef and I'm from cairo in egypt. I can just speak English, German, Arabic and a little Japanese. My English is so bad, that I would not wondering when nobodys understanding what I'm saying. In the school I'm learning the vocubalary and that's why my English is so bad, that's the forst year of my life with English in my school. But I'm learning with my self on the computer because I wanted to learn English sooo quickly. That's why my English is bad. My German is the best language that I can, I'm very good in German. My teachers, my friends and my family says that my German is soo good, and I know that with myself. My Arabic is bad, and that's altough I'm a araber. The most of time in my life, the time who I should learn my first language, my brother learns me German because we needet to go to germany and I should learn the language there. I learned and I was good in this language, but so my Arabic was bad, I can't speak a word right on arabic. And now I can't Arabic. And this little Japanese, I have learned it with myself on the computer. Sooooooooo hard to learn this language. You, I'm eleven years old and I'm in year 5. In my school, we learning English forst in the year 5, that's so bad. Anyway, I wish that you can understand me with my bad English. This text is from me allone, nobodys helping me because I have to learn it allone. That's everything I have to say.


~ Surando


I hope that I will have a good time here. If you have a question to me, don't be scary to ask me that question. I will answer you the question if I can and if this question isn't too private for me.

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wow Surando! you did really well. your english isnt that bad. I could understand everything you said! thats especially good since its your first year learning english. english is an easy language. i wish you luck in your studies!


Welcome to RMXPu

Edited by Ramenuzumaki

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Welcome to RMXPU!


If you have any questions, pretty much anyone you ask will help, and I will surely do what I can to help. I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask!

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Hey welcome the site. That actually wasn't bad at all. I've seen worse from people that have used english since they day they was born.

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wow Surando! you did really well. your english isnt that bad. I could understand everything you said! thats especially good since its your first year learning english. english is an easy language. i wish you luck in your studies!


Welcome to RMXPu



Really? That's great, because everyone in my class can speak better English than me, not everyone, but two girls and 3 boys and the teacher. But when I read this comments, I'm happy about myself.. Thanks and thanks again for the "I wish you luck in your studies"..


Hey welcome the site. That actually wasn't bad at all. I've seen worse from people that have used english since they day they was born.


Oh, thank you... :biggrin_002:

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Welcome Surando to RMXP Unlimited. I hope you enjoy your time here and that you find RMXP Unlimited helpful.


Here are some Links/topics you may find useful:


1) Load of Generators; Kage Kazumi --- Find many things from name, city, titles, plots, etc ( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/5283-load-of-generators/ )

2) Resource Generators; Marked --- As the title stats it ( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/3912-resource-generators/ )

3) Complete RPG Maker XP Spriting Guide; Marked --- Has to be the best Tut/guide out there.( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/3913-complete-rpg-maker-xp-spriting-guide/ )

4) Training Center; RMXPU Community --- Our communities classes for mapping, spriting, and the like ( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/84-rmxp-training-center/ )

5) Other Game Makers; RMXP Community --- See what members are creating or using ( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/20-other-game-makers/ )

6) User Stats; Cool Components --- See where you are; most posts, topics, profile views, etc ( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php?option=com_userstats&view=default&Itemid=202 )

7) Hall of Fame; Cool Components --- See who ranks where and why ( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/other/stats.html )

8) Project Card Generator; Cool Components --- Let people know the progress of your project ( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/other/project-cards.html )

9) Shop; Cool Components --- Earn points and spend them here( http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/other/shop.html )


I hope you find these quick links useful and check the rest of the site and community out.



Kage Kazumi

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.. dang a kid in 5th year can is a dang better linguist then me.. congrats kid, i'm 20 years old and i can barely speak anything other then a sentence or two in another language unless aided by a translator or some form..


I will admit that there were some parts that were a little hard to read and kind of awkward. but anyone with half a brain can make sense out of your message which is EXCELLENT!. I myself would LOVE to learn the language GERMAN but i myself have a VERY BAD grasp when it comes to other languages.. :S



note: i would actually prefer to read your posts then about 80% of posts that i read on facebook.. thats really impressive man.

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Welcome to RMXPU. Did I read this right? You're eleven and in the 5th Grade?? Hm, not to be mean, but, isn't the age requirement 13 for this site? Anyway, welcome and hope you find this site useful.

NOTE: That was very good English. Keep tryin'.

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11 years and and what is that Quadralingal?

I'm 17 can barely speak english and thats my first language lol


Welcome to Unlimted RMXP

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Hey, welcome to the forum. Your english is pretty good, especially for your first year learning it. English isn't too hard of a language to learn, I guess, there's harder than Chinese, I know that much :D . I used to be able to speak some chinese, I can say some things in German, Czech and Russian but that's about it. Spelling it is the biggest problem I have. If I could spell it, I can say "The ambulance is broken" in German :D . Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay here. You working on any projects at the moment? I think quite a few people would be interested to hear about them.

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