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I think the hardest part for me to make is a game is how to start it. I like certain abilities to make a good game.

No graphic design finesse, music composition, storyline abilities.


I want to make a character, but there are so many factors to one character. What influences him, what he likes/dislikes, motivation, feeling. Such human complexities must be integrated into a person.


Anyways. I am having trouble figuring out where to even start my project. I wanted to hear what others do.

Do you write it down in a journal? What about concept art? How do you plan a plot? How do you design a character. I want to read it all.

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Interesting topic, well lets see as far as story development goes I'd have to say I usually just take a root concept and let it fester in my subconscious, then when I go to write it just flows (most of the time) if I hit a snag I'll take a break and work on something else while it festers again.

Sometimes it helps to think from the middle of the story and work your way out, a good demo is rarely from the beginning anyways, take a simple concept and make it the center point this also does away with the linear thinking giving you the ability to write some from one point and some more from a different point.

If you really want character depth then you'll want to look at things from their point of view and think like them heck if it helps get up and out and act like them too (I have been known to do this when trying to figure out how a certain character would respond to a situation).

Also I have a problem with remembering this simple fact, the game story is like a play with a lot of room to improvise.


There's also more to the character than just his likes/dislikes, motivation, and emotions. For example, a characters voice, age(obviously), gender(again obviously), quirks, and memories (which can tie into motivation and emotions).


Look below to see what really helps a story.



The one thing that should always be done and is often overlooked as useless, research. Once you have a concept and a general idea of your story time to hit Wiki and research everything that's relevant to your story, if it's in Renaissance then make sure if you reference any dates that they are accurate, make sure the clothes match. I'm sure this sounds like a make an educational game, well yeah that's what I'm saying, a good game is one that you can play time and time again and gain a benefit from playing, doesn't have to take education and beat you with it, hide it. Just as an example, Final Fantasy VII how many people went to google and looked up Sephiroth and found out what the Sephiroth actually is, another example, Eternal Sonata taught me so much about the life and death of Chopin. Just cause its educational doesn't mean it's not fun.



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Glad that what I said was actually germane to the topic and didn't come off as random crap strewn together to sound like something useful. I should work on trying to shorten my posts some though since I seem to type a bit to much to make a point, nah I'll just stick with writing a book for every post reading is good for teh brains. :zombeh:

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I normally go with the natural flow. I type the story, character information, history, etc in a word document. It makes things easier for me.

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I've found the articles in one of my earlier blog entries to be quite helpful...at least to me :P Check out the links in here


P.S. ~ Be on the lookout for a new blog entry in the next few days from me regarding what I've been up to, and what I have decided to do with my game, The Dream Island ;)

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I will read your articles STG, I am actually interested in hearing where you have been. I haven't seen you in awhile. Either that or I have not been paying attention.

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Character making is the easy part for me. I've been playing classic rpg for years so it "flows" outside my mind.

First point is the chara's concept, if you have this point clear, the rest comes easy. Motivations and mood are easy to find then.


I have all in mind. I know my rpg maker characters so well that I don't really need a journal.. but I admit is a good idea.

A good character has a good background. Who is she? What's her story? Why does she what she does? Good background doesn't need to be super-extensive to be good; it needs to be solid.


If character making is a dificult part for you, you could write a journal like you said before.

First focus on the concept. What do you want about this chara? What do you want to tell about?

What are his/her motivations? What about his/her mood?

Dont' need to create all the points of his life. Just the ones that have an influence on the game. Then later, if you like it, go on and detail his /her life more and more.

Draw the character if this helps you. I am illustrator and I assure you sometimes a simple picture can explain more than words.


The basic point I work first when I start a new project is the story. If I like the story then I can create interesting charas and choose the way I want to explain it all (an horror game, a classic adventure one..).

Add ons like scripts and engines are my weak point, because I'm more used to the classic role playing games (at table, with a couple of friends enjoying a piece of cheesecake while our chara's party is saving the day) than videogames.

Edited by Decadenttia

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