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banned for having a good point, and for emphasizing it with a picture, and because I now have used three reasons to ban you in one post.

Edited by kellessdee

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BANNED because it was very frustrating trying to put together a fancy shmancy barbecue with instructions that didn't label the parts correctly so I had to try and figure it out through a little crappy grayscale printing. and also BANNED because the battery for the electric igniter was dead so my mom was getting frustrated and frustrated me more.

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banned because as i was typing, i was also in play test mode for FFXP4, so when i type, it does something in the game

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banned because luckily, it didn't effect anything. i just clicked continue, paused, un-paused, and increased the walking speed.


edit: and for not having open office.

and for being good at scripting.

Edited by Bob423

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banned because i could've sworn i posted "banned because you should work on my recipes. and because i updated minecraft and now my mods don't work. it's still an awesome udate though." before pol posted

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banned because the post that never got posted was gonna be for me not being productive which pol banned me for anyways

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banned for finding out what pi is to like a million decimal places

Banned for banning him for knowing pi that big instead of banning him for making a ridiculously long post


EDIT: Banning myself because when I clicked on this thread it took me to the wrong page.

Edited by Razor

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