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Broken Messiah

Best " " of the year awards

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I saw while I was browsing that on some forums that every year a bunch of award like titles would be given to its members, usually :





  • Most Posts
  • Highest Post Ratio
  • Most Points
  • Most MotM
  • Most Friendly
  • Best Scripter
  • Best Spriter
  • etc

What do you guys think? Should we have this?



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I would win. The whole game.


Definitely the highest ratio anyways... I dunno, I don't think the members around here don't even put forth a lot of effort towards MOTM.

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Isn't a catalyst a neutral agent?


I agree, It would help promote activity.


OH wait, a Catalyst is an igniting agent. My bad.

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It would be interesting to see how it works out, but as was mentioned before me it doesn't seem that a lot of people even try for MOTM. If anything it would be more like a change to the already present MOTY, just adding categories instead of just one person over all, perhaps having a nomination for each category and limit the number of categories a person could be nominated for, so that one person can't win everything. This would of course do away with categories like most posts and post ratio both of which would have an effect of tons of spam just to get post count up. It would be best to have the categories be something that everyone can vote on like the MOTM, such as most friendly, most helpful, best spriter, best scripter. You have a point it may promote activity but, some aspects would promote spam and would be over run with competition. It's an idea but, would need a bit of tweaking to make it work with RMXPU.

I guess I'd give this idea *cuts off half of thumb* 1 1/2 thumbs up.



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im going to be trying for january motm, im also making a custom made tileset with a unique style for everyone here at rmxpu


oh yes, I think a moty could be a good idea, may need some debating and a few discussions but I think its worth a trial.

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I think Cryms idea is a good idea.


On an slightly unrelated note;

I'm pretty psyked that I got nominated for MOTM only after being here for like a week.

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speaking of MOTM, I was honored as well to have just been nominated, really didn't see that coming and yet I didn't vote for me. I don't care if I win just to be considered was more than enough for me.


I think that for the most part this could also be broken down to a smaller scale instead of just annually could do it bi-annually. It's more often and it doesn't end up taking so long that everyone loses interest. I have to say that would be the biggest problem with having it as an annual event. This whole idea would also inspire everyone to try their hand at different things or to work to get better at a specific aspect.



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I don't see why not, you just aren't supposed to nominate yourself.



We already have Member of the year though. I think you have to have won MOTM that year or something to qualify not sure on specifics.

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