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Project in a week has ended.

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Well project in a week has officially started no more people will be allowed to enter.

Remember you have 1 week from now to turn in your projects to be judged.

So I'm going to ask that no one else replys to this topic unless you are posting the link to your game. Otherwise send me a message.

Afterwards we will judge your games and give you a review.

Gl to everyone who entered hf with this.

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Your a little late lol but if you wanna go ahead and make one that's fine just your a day behind :P

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Oh I thought it began at midnight :sweatdrop:

Yea sorry bout that should have clarified more next time I'll make sure I say 12:01AM March 13th. You can still enter though it hasn't been to long since it started.

Edited by Dragon324

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Sorry to say but I might drop out. There's just so much things going on in regular life to start another project.

I'll start it but if in three days I feel I won't complete it, I'll drop out.

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I gotta drop out, some things came up and I don't have much time.

Sorry to hear that. I shall take your name off the list. Next time I'll try to have this once school is out and summer vacation starts. That is if we get some good results ( I really didn't want to judge just host this seeing how at least in my opinion I wouldn't be very good at it but we shall see.)

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Notice: This competition ends in about 25 hours from this post time. So hopefully you guys are wrapping up your projects and getting ready to turn them in. So remember you need to post your project and the title of your project within the next 25 hours from this post.

Good luck to everyone that entered. :alright:

Edited by Dragon324

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I'm dropping out of the contest but I'm going to have something special for the winner. A medal! I'll design it tomorrow.

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I thought I may as well post a quick teaser for my project, 'Demons'. Here it is:



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I'm dropping out of the contest but I'm going to have something special for the winner. A medal! I'll design it tomorrow.

Sorry to hear about you dropping out I'll take you off the list. Also the medal thing sounds interesting cant wait to see it! :clap:


I thought I may as well post a quick teaser for my project, 'Demons'. Here it is:



Looks good I cant wait to play it. :alright:


Lastly I would like to say that there is only about 10 hours left to post your project and its title gl to all. :B):

Edited by Dragon324

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On opening the game, I get the

"Script 'RSC Require' line 49: LoadError occured.


No such file to load -- Data/The RMXP Standard Development Kit 2.3"


Do I need the SDK to play this?

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It's the Standard Development Package, it adds more options for script makers to do more things.

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Alright. I fixed the link

Well it was interesting how it looks like one of those dungeon crawlers that you see in like the NES. However there wasn't much done so there is not a whole lot to comment on. One thing I do suggest however is to try to limit the redundancy to keep players interested.


Lastly I'm assuming the dragon is impossible to kill for us right now since it one hit killed me?

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Creativity: |||||

Story: |||||

Graphics: |||||

Overall: 7/15.


That was okay...I almost got killed by the sheer number of hellhounds. I've never personally like the dungeon crawler style of game, but to judge fairly I have to remove that bias.

Not really much in the way of a story though.

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Notice: Only 5 hours remain to post your project and its title.

Also I will allow late submissions up to 24 hours but be warned you will automatically lose 5 points and you will have 2 post what time zone you live in. So please post on time. :biggrin_002:

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I might have to drop out also. Havent had time to work on it much. i got like 2min fo gameplay lol.

Yea summer time would be better. I have 3 months free during summer.

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it is called dragon of light vs the dragon of darkness

Just to make sure you know I also need the link to the project when your ready to post it.

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Less than a half hour remains. Is no one finished? Do you guys need more time?

Well time is over but since no one posted their project Ill accept any in the next 24 hours without penalty of any kind. Just please even if your not done post by tomorrow or today.

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I honestly think this event was a bust. You should have had a prize for whoever wins. That would've motivated me.

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I honestly think this event was a bust. You should have had a prize for whoever wins. That would've motivated me.

There was sort of a prize just not money. One reason was because not everyone is old enough to use paypal. The 2nd reason is just last week I had to put $300 in a vehicle which screwed me over money wise. So even if I would have offered money I would have had to cancel the event all together. I would have quickly became the most hated member on rmxpu :P

Edited by Dragon324

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