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Broken Messiah

Whose the oldest here?

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Mermberlist doesn't show age.


I think he's talking about age, and not how long you've been a member here. I think its still Marked though.

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I'm 20. And in terms of being here the longest, of course its me... :unsure: I'm member #1.


I think lammorra takes it out. She was first of all not lying about her age, and was an active member for a while. A good one too. Thats why I gave her a life time subscription.

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I'm 25, but I just got here a few days ago...


...btw, how do you get out of here?? I've been wandering aimlessly for days and I'm pretty hungry/tired...

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I turned 22 this month. It's interesting how the internet brings together people of all ages.

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I'm quite young, only 18 (though I feel much older because of reasons I stated a while back xD)

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Seems like 20 is about the average age here. At least from the people who have posted in this thread.


And programming since you were 11? Sheesh. When I was 11 I barely knew how to use a computer.


Video games, on the other hand, I've been playing my entire life.

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@Mark: How old did you think I was before you knew my age?

I thought you were probably around the same age as me, which is only 2 years. But of course when I found out, at the time you were just 16. The difference between 16 and 18 is greater than between 18 and 20.



I don't think I was as young as 11 when I started, but I know for certain it was in primary school and I was probably 12 when I started playing around with game maker. The game I uploaded in the downloads manager I made when I was 13. Shame I gave it up. I have some real nice ideas from time to time.

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I feel much older than 18 to be honest. xD Though, a wife and soon to be children does do that T.T

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>_> i feel late to this thread.


im 14. yep. >:D and I am just 2 months away from my year aniverseray on this forum!

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