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Custom Resolution

Authors: ForeverZer0

Version: 0.93

Type: Game Utility



My goal in creating this script was to create a system that allowed the user to set the screen size to something other than 640 x 480, but not have make huge sacrifices in compatibility and performance. Although the script is not simply Plug-and-Play, it is about as close as one can achieve with a script of this nature.



  • Totally re-written Tilemap and Plane class. Both classes were written to display the map across any screen size automatically. The Tilemap class is probably even more efficient than the original, which will help offset any increased lag due to using a larger screen size with more sprites being displayed.
  • Every possible autotile graphic (48 per autotile) will be cached for the next time that tile is used.
  • Autotile animation has been made as efficient as possible, with a system that stores their coordinates, but only if they change. This greatly reduces the number of iterations at each update.
  • Option to have the system create an external file to save pre-cached data for autotiles. This will decrease any loading times even more, and only takes a second, depending on the number of maps you have.
  • User defined autotile animation speed. Can change with script calls.
  • Automatic re-sizing of Bitmaps and Viewports that are 640 x 480 to the defined resolution, unless explicitely over-ridden in the method call. The graphics themselves will not be resized, but any existing scripts that use the normal screen size will already be configured to display different sizes of graphics for battlebacks, pictures, fogs, etc.
  • Option to have a log file ouput each time the game is ran, which can alert you to possible errors with map sizes, etc.



Example of screen with higher resolution.






Demo Link



Here's the code:


# Custom Resolution
# Author: ForeverZer0
# Version: 0.93
# Date: 12.18.2010
# Introduction:
#   My goal in creating this script was to create a system that allowed the user
#   to set the screen size to something other than 640 x 480, but not have make
#   huge sacrifices in compatibility and performance. Although the script is
#   not simply Plug-and-Play, it is about as close as one can achieve with a 
#   script of this nature.
# Instructions:
#  - Place the "screenshot.dll" from Fantasist's Transition Pack script, which 
#    can be found here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/yjd54h in your game folder
#  - Place this script above main, below default scripts.
#  - In my experience, unchecking "Reduce Screen Flickering" actually helps the
#    screen not to flicker. Open menu with F1 while playing and set this to what
#    you get the best results with.
# Features:
#  - Totally re-written Tilemap and Plane class. Both classes were written to
#    display the map across any screen size automatically. The Tilemap class
#    is probably even more efficient than the original, which will help offset
#    any increased lag due to using a larger screen size with more sprites
#    being displayed.
#  - Every possible autotile graphic (48 per autotile) will be cached for the
#    next time that tile is used.
#  - Autotile animation has been made as efficient as possible, with a system
#    that stores their coodinates, but only if they change. This greatly reduces
#    the number of iterations at each update.
#  - System creates an external file to save pre-cached data priorities and
#    autotiles. This will decrease any loading times even more, and only takes a
#    second, depending on the number of maps you have.
#  - User defined autotile animation speed. Can change with script calls.
#  - Automatic re-sizing of Bitmaps and Viewports that are 640 x 480 to the 
#    defined resolution, unless explicitely over-ridden in the method call.
#    The graphics themselves will not be resized, but any existing scripts that
#    use the normal screen size will already be configured to display different 
#    sizes of graphics for transitions, battlebacks, pictures, fogs, etc.
#  - Option to have a log file ouput each time the game is ran, which can alert
#    you to possible errors with map sizes, etc.
# Issues/Bugs/Possible Bugs:
#   - Graphic related scripts and your graphics will need to be customized to
#     fit the new screen size, so this script is not for everyone.
#   - The Z-axis for the Plane class, which is used for Fogs and Panoramas has
#     been altered. It is now multiplied by 1000. This will likely be a minor 
#     issue for most, since this class is very rarely used except for Fogs and
#     Panoramas, which are already far above and below respectfully.
#   - Normal transitions using graphics cannot be used. With the exception of
#     a standard fade, like that used when no graphic is defined will be used.
#     Aside from that, only special transitions from Transition Pack can be
#     used.
#  Credits/Thanks:
#    - ForeverZer0, for script.
#    - Creators of the Transition Pack and Screenshot.dll
#    - Selwyn, for base resolution script
#                             CONFIGURATION

 SCREEN = [1024, 576]
 # Define the resolution of the game screen. These values can be anything
 # within reason. Centering, viewports, etc. will all be taken care of, but it
 # is recommended that you use values divisible by 32 for best results.

 # Define the number of frames between autotile updates. The lower the number,
 # the faster the animations cycle. This can be changed in-game with the
 # following script call: $game_map.autotile_speed = SPEED

 # The pre-cached file is mandatory for the script to work. As long as this is
 # true, the data will be created each time the game is test-played. This is
 # not always neccessary, only when maps are altered, so you can disable it to
 # help speed up game start-up, and it will use the last created file.

 # This will create a log in the Game directory each time the game is ran in
 # DEBUG mode, which will list possible errors with map sizes, etc. 

# ** Resolution

class Resolution

 attr_reader :version

 def initialize
   # Define version.
   @version = 0.93
   # Set instance variables for calling basic Win32 functions.
   ini = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileString','PPPPLP', 'L')
   title = "\0" * 256
   ini.call('Game', 'Title', '', title, 256, '.\\Game.ini')
   @window = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'I').call('RGSS Player', title)
   set_window_long = Win32API.new('user32', 'SetWindowLong', 'LIL', 'L')
   set_window_pos  = Win32API.new('user32', 'SetWindowPos', 'LLIIIII', 'I')
   @metrics         = Win32API.new('user32', 'GetSystemMetrics', 'I', 'I')
   # Set default size, displaying error if size is larger than the hardware.
   default_size = self.size
   if default_size[0] < SCREEN[0] || default_size[1] < SCREEN[1]
     print("\"#{title}\" requires a minimum screen resolution of [#{SCREEN[0]} x #{SCREEN[1]}]\r\n\r\n" +
           "\tYour Resolution: [#{default_size[0]} x #{default_size[1]}]")
   # Apply resolution change.
   x = (@metrics.call(0) - SCREEN[0]) / 2
   y = (@metrics.call(1) - SCREEN[1]) / 2
   set_window_long.call(@window, -16, 0x14CA0000)
   set_window_pos.call(@window, 0, x, y, SCREEN[0] + 6, SCREEN[1] + 26, 0)
   @window = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'I').call('RGSS Player', title)
 def size
   # Returns the screen size of the machine.
   return [@metrics.call(0), @metrics.call(1)]
 def snapshot(filename = 'Data/snap', quality = 0)
   # FILENAME =   Filename that the picture will be saved as.
   # FILETYPE =   0 = High Quality   1 = Low Quality
   @screen = Win32API.new('screenshot.dll', 'Screenshot', 'LLLLPLL', '')
   @screen.call(0, 0, SCREEN[0], SCREEN[1], filename, @window, quality)

# ** Integer

class Integer

 def gcd(num)
   # Returns the greatest common denominator of self and num.
   min, max = self.abs, num.abs
   while min > 0
     tmp = min
     min = max % min
     max = tmp
   return max

 def lcm(num)
   # Returns the lowest common multiple of self and num.
   return [self, num].include?(0) ? 0 : (self / self.gcd(num) * num).abs

# ** Graphics

module Graphics

 class << self
   alias zer0_graphics_transition transition

 def self.transition(duration = 8, *args)
   # Call default transition if no instance of the resolution is defined.
   if $resolution == nil
     zer0_graphics_transition(duration, *args)
     # Skip this section and instantly transition graphics if duration is 0. 
     if duration > 0
       # Take a snapshot of the the screen, overlaying screen with graphic.
       # Create screen instance
       sprite = Sprite.new(Viewport.new(0, 0, SCREEN[0], SCREEN[1]))
       sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Data/snap')
       # Use a simple fade if transition is not defined.
       fade = 255 / duration
       duration.times { sprite.opacity -= fade ; update }
       # Dispose sprite and delete snapshot file.
       [sprite, sprite.bitmap].each {|obj| obj.dispose }

# ** RPG::Cache

module RPG::Cache


 [27,28,33,34],  [5,28,33,34],  [27,6,33,34],  [5,6,33,34],
 [27,28,33,12],  [5,28,33,12],  [27,6,33,12],  [5,6,33,12],
 [27,28,11,34],  [5,28,11,34],  [27,6,11,34],  [5,6,11,34],
 [27,28,11,12],  [5,28,11,12],  [27,6,11,12],  [5,6,11,12],
 [25,26,31,32],  [25,6,31,32],  [25,26,31,12], [25,6,31,12],
 [15,16,21,22],  [15,16,21,12], [15,16,11,22], [15,16,11,12],
 [29,30,35,36],  [29,30,11,36], [5,30,35,36],  [5,30,11,36],
 [39,40,45,46],  [5,40,45,46],  [39,6,45,46],  [5,6,45,46],
 [25,30,31,36],  [15,16,45,46], [13,14,19,20], [13,14,19,12],
 [17,18,23,24],  [17,18,11,24], [41,42,47,48], [5,42,47,48],
 [37,38,43,44],  [37,6,43,44],  [13,18,19,24], [13,14,43,44],
 [37,42,43,48],  [17,18,47,48], [13,18,43,48], [13,18,43,48]


 def self.autotile(filename)
   key = "Graphics/Autotiles/#{filename}"
   if !@cache.include?(key) || @cache[key].disposed? 
     # Cache the autotile graphic.
     @cache[key] = (filename == '') ? Bitmap.new(128, 96) : Bitmap.new(key)
     # Cache each configuration of this autotile.
     self.format_autotiles(@cache[key], filename)
   return @cache[key]

 def self.format_autotiles(bitmap, filename)
   # Iterate all 48 combinations using the INDEX, and save copy to cache.
   (0...(bitmap.width / 96)).each {|frame|
     # Iterate for each frame in the autotile. (Only for animated ones)
     template = Bitmap.new(256, 192)
     # Create a bitmap to use as a template for creation.
     (0...6).each {|i| (0...8).each {|j| AUTO_INDEX[8*i+j].each {|number|
       number -= 1
       x, y = 16 * (number % 6), 16 * (number / 6)
       rect = Rect.new(x + (frame * 96), y, 16, 16)
       template.blt(32 * j + x % 32, 32 * i + y % 32, bitmap, rect)
     # Use the above created template to create individual tiles.
     index = 8*i+j
     tile = Bitmap.new(32, 32)
     sx, sy = 32 * (index % 8), 32 * (index / 8)
     rect = Rect.new(sx, sy, 32, 32)
     tile.blt(0, 0, template, rect)
     @cache[[filename, index, frame]] = tile
   # Dispose the template since it will not be used again.
   template.dispose }

 def self.load_autotile(name, tile_id, frame = 0)
   # Returns the autotile for the current map with TILE_ID and FRAME.
   return @cache[[name, tile_id % 48, frame]]

# ** Tilemap

class Tilemap

 attr_reader   :map_data, :ox, :oy, :viewport
 attr_accessor :tileset, :autotiles, :priorities

 def initialize(viewport)
   # Initialize instance variables to store required data.
   @viewport, @autotiles, @layers, @ox, @oy = viewport, [], [], 0, 0
   # Get priority and autotile data for this tileset from instance of Game_Map.
   @priorities, @animated = $game_map.priorities, $game_map.autotile_data
   # Create a sprite and viewport to use for each priority level.
   (0..5).each {|i|
     @layers[i] = Sprite.new(viewport)
     @layers[i].z = i * 32

 def ox=(ox)
   # Set the origin of the X-axis for all the sprites.
   @ox = ox
   @layers.each {|sprite| sprite.ox = @ox } 

 def oy=(oy)
   # Set the origin of the y-axis for all the sprites.
   @oy = oy
   @layers.each {|sprite| sprite.oy = @oy } 

 def dispose
   # Dispose all of the sprites and viewports.
   @layers.each {|layer| layer.dispose }

 def map_data=(data)
   # Set the map data to an instance variable.
   @map_data = data
   # Clear any sprites' bitmaps if it exists, or create new ones.
   @layers.each_index {|i|
     if @layers[i].bitmap != nil
       # Dispose bitmap and set to nil.
       @layers[i].bitmap = @layers[i].bitmap.dispose
     # Create new bitmap, whose size is the same as the game map.
     @layers[i].bitmap = Bitmap.new($game_map.width*32, $game_map.height*32)
   # Draw bitmaps accordingly.

 def refresh    
   # Set the animation data from the file if it exists, or create it now.
   @animated = $game_map.autotile_data
   # Iterate through all map layers, starting with the bottom.
   [0,1,2].each {|z| (0...@map_data.ysize).each {|y| (0...@map_data.xsize).each {|x|
     tile_id = @map_data[x, y, z]
     # Go to the next iteration if no bitmap is defined for this tile.
     if tile_id == 0 # No tile
     elsif tile_id < 384 # Autotile
       name = $game_map.autotile_names[(tile_id / 48) - 1]
       bitmap = RPG::Cache.load_autotile(name, tile_id)
     else # Normal Tile
       bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, tile_id, 0) 
     # Determine what the layer to draw tile, based off priority.
     layer = @priorities[tile_id] 
     # Perform a block transfer from the created bitmap to the sprite bitmap.
     @layers[layer].bitmap.blt(x*32, y*32, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))

 def update
   # Update the sprites.
   if Graphics.frame_count % $game_map.autotile_speed == 0
     # Increase current frame of tile by one, looping by width.
     @animated[0].each_index {|i|
       @animated[2][i] = (@animated[2][i] + 1) % @animated[1][i]
       @animated[3][i].each {|data|
         # Gather data using the stored coordinates from the map data.
         tile_id, x, y = @map_data[data[0], data[1], data[2]], data[0], data[1]
         name, layer = @animated[0][i], @priorities[tile_id]
         # Load the next frame of the autotile and set it to the map.
         bitmap = RPG::Cache.load_autotile(name, tile_id, @animated[2][i])
         @layers[layer].bitmap.blt(x*32, y*32, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32)) 

# Game_Map

class Game_Map

 attr_reader :tile_size, :autotile_speed, :autotile_data, :priority_data

 alias zer0_load_autotile_data_init initialize
 def initialize
   # Load pre-cached data hashes. They will be referenced during setup.
   file = File.open('Data/PreCacheMapData.rxdata', 'rb')
   @cached_priorities = Marshal.load(file)
   @cached_autotiles = Marshal.load(file)
   # Call original method.
   # Store the screen dimensions in tiles to save on calculations later.
   @tile_size = [sCREEN[0], SCREEN[1]].collect {|n| (n / 32.0).ceil }
   @autotile_speed = UPDATE_COUNT

 alias zer0_map_edge_setup setup
 def setup(map_id)
   @priority_data = @cached_priorities[map_id]
   @autotile_data = @cached_autotiles[map_id]
   # Call original method.
   # Find the displayed area of the map in tiles. No calcualting every step.
   @map_edge = [self.width - @tile_size[0], self.height - @tile_size[1]]
   @map_edge.collect! {|size| size * 128 }

 def scroll_down(distance)
   # Find point that the map edge meets the screen edge, using custom size.
   @display_y = [@display_y + distance, @map_edge[1]].min

 def scroll_right(distance)
   # Find point that the map edge meets the screen edge, using custom size.
   @display_x = [@display_x + distance, @map_edge[0]].min

 def autotile_speed=(speed)
   # Keep the speed above 0 to prevent the ZeroDivision Error.
   @autotile_speed = speed
   @autotile_speed = 1 if @autotile_speed < 1

# ** Game_Character

class Game_Character

 def screen_z(height = 0)
   if @always_on_top
     # Return high Z value if always on top flag is present.
     return 999
   elsif height != nil && height > 32
     # Iterate through map characters to their positions relative to this one.
     characters = $game_map.events.values
     characters += [$game_player] unless self.is_a?(Game_Player)
     # Find and set any character that is one tile above this one.
     above, z = characters.find {|chr| chr.x == @x && chr.y == @y - 1 }, 0
     if above != nil
       # If found, adjust value by this one's Z, and the other's.
       z = (above.screen_z(48) >= 32 ? 33 : 31)
     # Check for Blizz-ABS and adjust coordinates for the pixel-rate.
     if $BlizzABS
       x = ((@x / $game_system.pixel_rate) / 2.0).to_i
       y = ((@y / $game_system.pixel_rate) / 2.0).to_i
       return $game_map.priority_data[x, y] + z
       return $game_map.priority_data[@x, @y] + z
   return 0

# ** Game_Player

class Game_Player

 CENTER_X = ((SCREEN[0] / 2) - 16) * 4    # Center screen x-coordinate * 4
 CENTER_Y = ((SCREEN[1] / 2) - 16) * 4    # Center screen y-coordinate * 4

 def center(x, y)
   # Recalculate the screen center based on the new resolution.
   max_x = ($game_map.width - $game_map.tile_size[0]) * 128
   max_y = ($game_map.height - $game_map.tile_size[1]) * 128
   $game_map.display_x = [0, [x * 128 - CENTER_X, max_x].min].max
   $game_map.display_y = [0, [y * 128 - CENTER_Y, max_y].min].max

# ** Sprite

class Sprite

 alias zer0_sprite_resize_init initialize
 def initialize(view = nil)
   # Unless viewport is defined, use the new default viewport size.
   view = Viewport.new(0, 0, SCREEN[0], SCREEN[1]) if view == nil
   # Call original method.

# ** Viewport

class Viewport

 alias zer0_viewport_resize_init initialize
 def initialize(x=0, y=0, width=SCREEN[0], height=SCREEN[1], override=false)
   if x.is_a?(Rect)
     # If first argument is a Rectangle, just use it as the argument.
   elsif [x, y, width, height] == [0, 0, 640, 480] && !override 
     # Resize fullscreen viewport, unless explicitly overridden.
     zer0_viewport_resize_init(Rect.new(0, 0, SCREEN[0], SCREEN[1]))
     # Call method normally.
     zer0_viewport_resize_init(Rect.new(x, y, width, height))

 def resize(*args)
   # Resize the viewport. Can call with (X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT) or (RECT).
   self.rect = args[0].is_a?(Rect) ? args[0] : Rect.new(*args)

# ** Bitmap

class Bitmap

 alias zer0_resolution_resize_init initialize
 def initialize(width = 32, height = 32, override = false)
   if width.is_a?(String)
     # Call the filename if the first argument is a String.
   elsif [width, height] == [640, 480] && !override
     # Resize fullscreen bitmap unless explicitly overridden.
     zer0_resolution_resize_init(SCREEN[0], SCREEN[1])
     # Call method normally.
     zer0_resolution_resize_init(width, height)

# ** Plane

class Plane < Sprite

 def z=(z)
   # Change the Z value of the viewport, not the sprite.
   super(z * 1000)

 def ox=(ox)
   return if @bitmap == nil
   # Have viewport stay in loop on X-axis.
   super(ox % @bitmap.width)

 def oy=(oy)
   return if @bitmap == nil
   # Have viewport stay in loop on Y-axis.
   super(oy % @bitmap.height)

 def bitmap
   # Return the single bitmap, before it was tiled.
   return @bitmap

 def bitmap=(tile)
   @bitmap = tile
   # Calculate the number of tiles it takes to span screen in both directions.
   xx = 1 + (SCREEN[0].to_f / tile.width).ceil
   yy = 1 + (SCREEN[1].to_f / tile.height).ceil
   # Create appropriately sized bitmap, then tile across it with source image.
   plane = Bitmap.new(@bitmap.width * xx, @bitmap.height * yy)
   (0..xx).each {|x| (0..yy).each {|y|
     plane.blt(x * @bitmap.width, y * @bitmap.height, @bitmap, @bitmap.rect) 
   # Set the bitmap to the sprite through its super class (Sprite).

 # Redefine methods dealing with coordinates (defined in super) to do nothing.
 def x; end
 def y; end
 def x=(x); end
 def y=(y); end

# DEBUG Mode

if $DEBUG 
   tilesets = load_data('Data/Tilesets.rxdata')
   maps, priority_data, autotile_data = load_data('Data/MapInfos.rxdata'), {}, {}
   maps.each_key {|map_id|
     map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
     data = map.data
     tileset = tilesets[map.tileset_id]
     priorities = tileset.priorities
     autotiles = tileset.autotile_names.collect {|name| RPG::Cache.autotile(name) }
     animated = [[], [], [], []]
     autotiles.each_index {|i|
       width = autotiles[i].width
       next unless width > 96
       parameters = [tileset.autotile_names[i], width / 96, 0, []]
       [0, 1, 2, 3].each {|j| animated[j].push(parameters[j]) }
     [0, 1, 2].each {|z| (0...data.ysize).each {|y| (0...data.xsize).each {|x|
       tile_id = data[x, y, z]
       next if tile_id == 0
       if tile_id < 384
         name = tileset.autotile_names[(tile_id / 48) - 1]
         index = animated[0].index(name)
         next if index == nil
         above = []
         ((z+1)...data.zsize).each {|zz| above.push(data[x, y, zz]) }
         animated[3][index].push([x, y, z]) if above.all? {|id| id == 0 }
     table = Table.new(data.xsize, data.ysize)
     (0...table.xsize).each {|x| (0...table.ysize).each {|y|
       above = [0, 1, 2].collect {|z| data[x, y-1, z] }
       above = above.compact.collect {|p| priorities[p] }
       table[x, y] = above.include?(1) ? 32 : 0
     priority_data[map_id], autotile_data[map_id] = table, animated
   file = File.open('Data/PreCacheMapData.rxdata', 'wb')
   Marshal.dump(priority_data, file)
   Marshal.dump(autotile_data, file)

   undersize, mapinfo = [], load_data('Data/MapInfos.rxdata')
   file = File.open('Data/PreCacheMapData.rxdata', 'rb')
   cached_data = Marshal.load(file)
   # Create a text file and write the header.
   file = File.open('Resolution Log.txt', 'wb')
   file.write("[RESOLUTION LOG]\r\n\r\n")
   time = Time.now.strftime("%x at %I:%M:%S %p")
   file.write("  Logged on #{time}\r\n\r\n")
   lcm = SCREEN[0].lcm(SCREEN[1]).to_f
   aspect = [(lcm / SCREEN[1]), (lcm / SCREEN[0])].collect {|num| num.round }
   file.write("RESOLUTION:\r\n  #{SCREEN[0].to_i} x #{SCREEN[1].to_i}\r\n")
   file.write("ASPECT RATIO:\r\n  #{aspect[0]}:#{aspect[1]}\r\n")
   file.write("MINIMUM MAP SIZE:\r\n  #{(SCREEN[0] / 32).ceil} x #{(SCREEN[1] / 32).ceil}\r\n\r\n")
   file.write("UNDERSIZED MAPS:\r\n")
   mapinfo.keys.each {|key|
     map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", key))
     next if map.width*32 >= SCREEN[0] && map.height*32 >= SCREEN[1]
   unless undersize.empty?
     file.write("The following maps are too small for the defined resolution. They should be adjusted to prevent graphical errors.\r\n\r\n")
     undersize.sort.each {|id| file.write("    MAP[#{id}]:  #{mapinfo[id].name}\r\n") }
     file.write('    All maps are sized correctly.')

# Call the resolution, setting it to a global variable for plug-ins.
$resolution = Resolution.new




  • Place script below default scripts, and above "Main".
  • Download Transition Pack by Fantasist.
  • Or you can simply download the screenshot.dll.
  • Place the screenshot.dll from it in the game folder.
  • Any further instructions are in the script.



This script is not going to be for everyone obviously. A bigger screen means bigger chance of lag.

Custom scripts will need to be made to have windows for your CMS, CBS, and other scenes fill the screen properly.


I have created a second thread for numerous compatibility fixes. You can also make requests for new ones.

Go here to view the post.

Credits and Thanks


  • ForeverZer0, for the script.
  • Creators of Transition Pack and screenshot.dll
  • Selwyn, for base resolution script.

Author's Notes


Please report any bugs/issues/suggestions. I will be happy to fix them.


Edited by ForeverZer0

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Another great script! This will help me with my new found light maps. It will make it easier take a screenshot of my games. :biggrin_002:


Thank you again, for submitting your awesome scripts to the site, ForeverZer0 C:



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I can tell you that it is the best screen size script I've found in years. Anyway, beside saying a big thanks to you, I wanted to ask if it was possible in include some function to actually add a scaling option in there...


Like something that will (in my case) scale the window to 0.5

I tried many scripts, but they needed to include RGSS2 if I got it right... Is there a way without?


Bleh, thanks for any help on this, or from anyone else that may knows.


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wow! thats amazing Forever!!! I dont think I've seen anyone pull off changing the resolution for rmxp :D great job!


@Mikuri Welcome to rmxpu :) why would you want to change the scale for? but if there isnt a script for it, then maybe just shrink/ largen the tileset XD

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@Madanchi : Well, I want everything smaller on the map, like half is good, but it would be nice for other people if it can be costumized too (like enter your scale you want...)


It kinda exist already in RGSS2 (look at like pokemon starter kit for RMXP).


Added a thread to get help : HERE

Edited by Mikuri

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This is a wonderful script, but is there anyway to get this to work with full screen? Right now, it just defaults back to the 640 x 480 resolution.


Unfortunately, no, not without rebuilding the engine. The ALT+Enter is a Windows command, and is really not performed by the game, but by Windows. During compiliation, the manifest determines what events are allowed to be performed on each window, such as allowing fullscreen, minimize, resizing, etc.


I personally do not know of anyway to intercept these system messages through Ruby and change what they do. It MAY be possible to do with some careful study of the Win32API class, but finding the correct pointers to access is difficult, and that is an understatement.


There are hacking tools and hex editors out there that you may be able to change your file around with. I tried this route at first actually to change the window size, and was successful, but it reverted back after first initializing.

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I'm going to reuse this message...


Can this script make the game run in 1600x900 px in full screen while zooming it for a larger screen?


Thanks in advance!


Please delete this message, I answered myself. wink.png

There were no graphics in my game since I just started it and there were files missing.



I've been searching for such script for a long time!

Thanks for sharing it.


There is a problem at line 334

Here is the whole def:




def refresh

# Set the animation data from the file if it exists, or create it now.

@animated = $game_map.autotile_data

# Iterate through all map layers, starting with the bottom.

[0,1,2].each {|z| (0...@map_data.ysize).each {|y| (0...@map_data.xsize).each {|x|

tile_id = @map_data[x, y, z]

# Go to the next iteration if no bitmap is defined for this tile.

if tile_id == 0 # No tile


elsif tile_id < 384 # Autotile

name = $game_map.autotile_names[(tile_id / 48) - 1]

bitmap = RPG::Cache.load_autotile(name, tile_id)

else # Normal Tile

bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, tile_id, 0)


# Determine what the layer to draw tile, based off priority.

layer = @priorities[tile_id]

# Perform a block transfer from the created bitmap to the sprite bitmap.

@layers[layer].bitmap.blt(x*32, y*32, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))





The actual line:


(It says: no implicit conversion frome nil to integer)



@layers[layer].bitmap.blt(x*32, y*32, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32))



Is this due to my script to skip the title screen, the anti lag or my scripts to load/save using events?

How can this error be resolved?

Can this script run my game in 1920x1080?


Thanks in advance!




Edited by DarkGuardian29

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I always hate to necro-post, but this is actually on-topic and hasn't been answered so...


ForeverZerO, you still fix bugs on this..?? If so, the script crashes whenever you try to

adjust the fog in-game through events etc, even when using the debug system you put with this script..

Any way to go around this? Cause I can't find a way.. :(

On line 551 it says the method 'width' is undefined.. The weird thing is though...
You CAN change the fog settings in-game of the fog that's currently in use through the tileset settings...


Thanks in advance,


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Its a good script indeed, it work just fine as it is, but if you don't have the skills with Ruby to change the others customs scripts that you may have, this script will ruim a project. It fails to work with most custom scripts like Menus script. Whatever the custom script uses a window process, or it will fail or will causes horrible window misspositions.


The idea of this script work is good, but its unapplicable for most people.

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