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Jon Bon

Art and Writing Contests

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Bon Ink Creations is currently having two contests to help involve the fan community and add their created art and writing to Merlin The RPG.

The winner of both projects will be properly credited in all displayed credits as well as receive the prizes unique to each contest.


Writing Contest

The writing contest is for the creation of one character and their home town.

The reward is the inclusion of your idea in the game, and the possibility for a spin off side game should you desire.

For more specifics please visit this link-> Keep the Magic Secret RPG Forum


Drawing/Rendering Contest

Through DeviantArt(DA) we are having a contest for the creation of our title screen image, and the picture used to represent a digital game case cover art.

The reward is 400(DA) Points and the recognition of having your art displayed everywhere the game is.

The winner will also be given an opportunity to join the team in the creation process if wanted.

For more specifics please visit this link-> DeviantArt Forum Contest Post


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post here or contact us at MerlinTheRPG@hotmail.com

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sounds interesting, I'll be having my summer time soon so I should be good to enter


"the creation process" so, what does the creation process include?

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sounds interesting, I'll be having my summer time soon so I should be good to enter


"the creation process" so, what does the creation process include?


From the stand point referenced in this post, the creation process includes, pretty much anything graphically needed.

We currently do not have a graphic designer so if interested, the winner would be able to join the team and shape the graphic design aspects of the project.

There are not that many demands for graphics, examples are: Banner, Forum Icon, Teaser Art, and anything else they feel like creating.

There is also a need for 13 individual pictures that will be used to represent each chapter of the story.

It is still undecided as to whether they will be commissioned, or done in a similar fashion of contest. If desired the winner may do these as well, however that is quite a few more pictures then just a banner and forum icon, ha ha.


With that said, we are recruiting for the project, and anyone wanting to help is welcome to join.


-Cheers, Thanks for the interest

Jon Bon

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