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Help! Variables not increasing after battle.
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can somebody please help me with this?
I have a simple job system where you get xp and gold when you kill a set amount of a certain type of monster.
I have a variable for each type of monster.
I have, on the troop screen, When [monster]'s HP < 0 then [monster]'s variable increase +1. I have it set to Turn for the span.
I realized after a while that the Turn span is flawed, as it checks each turn, and, for every turn that that specific monster's hp is below 0, it adds +1. Which is great if it lasts only 1 turn after it dies. But if, say, it lasts 10 turns more as you kill the other monsters in it's group, you get +1 for every turn. So it registers as 10 kills.
So I tried this instead in the troop screen.
I added a conditional branch.
If self switch A is on
[do nothing]
Increase [monster]'s variable +1
self switch A = on
So this seems to work for stopping it from counting 10 or whatever number of turns it is after it dies.
EDIT: ^^ The above conditional doesn't work after all. I guess self switches don't work in the troop window? because it's still registering for every turn it is dead, which, I assume, is because self switch A is not turning on and thus not triggering the conditional branch of A=on...
But, let's say I'm fighting 2 Goblins.
If I kill both in the same turn, ending the battle, it only registers 1.
If I use a skill that attacks all monsters at once, and it kills everything on the screen on the first turn, it doesn't register at all!
I tried setting it to moment and it froze the battle screen.
I tried setting it to battle and it only registers 1.
Please somebody help!
Thanks to ForeverZero for making me this script. This adds 1 to the variable at the end of battle to whatever enemy is specified, completely fixing all my problems! Thanks again ForeverZero!
"Place the script anywhere below Game_Enemy and fill out the simple configuration at the top of the script."
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