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Game Over Bypass script?




In my game I'm up to the point where i'm allowing the player to train to battle against the monsters.


When the player dies, another player is supposed to revive them and they can continue without game overing.


Currently I've tried condiitional branches of custom troops and editing the scripts.


The scripts I've tried have either failed or don't work. My modifications to the scripts do not work.


Could anyone provide me with a script that only activates on player death if a variable is activated? So that if the player dies it will play a common event, or tell me where to recode in scen_gameover or equivalent scripts from RMXP.


Thanks a lot!

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Here's an untested try from the top of my head.

# ID of the game switch holding whether to disable game over
# ID of the game switch holding whether game over has just been bypassed
class Scene_Gameover
 class << self
alias old_new new
def new(*args)
  if $game_switches[sW_DISABLE_GAMEOVER]
	$game_switches[sW_GAMEOVER] = true
	return Scene_Map.new
  return old_new(*args)

If everything goes according to plan, you just have to set the switch #2 (change number in the script if you wish) as "Disable gameover" and set it to ON whenever you wish to avoid gameover, OFF otherwise. Whenever gameover is bypassed that way, it returns to the map instead and sets the switch #3 (change number in the script if you wish) to ON, so you just have to set a common event as "Autorun", activating on switch #3 (don't forget to set that switch back to OFF inside said common event).


Tell me if it works properly/satisfies your needs.

Edited by Moonpearl

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Ok, currently, the code works find, it bypasses the game over, however it won't launch my common event, and returns you to the map instantly (like it should I believe), however, the character moves at a very slow and laggy rate, and you can't interact with the pause menu or events.

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y not just tag the continue when loser box in the battle processing event box, then set for ur guy to do the revive animation which restores Hp and removes the state then whatever else u want. in the same event then have it jump to a label which u would place at the begging of the event so it loops.


I believe by tagging that box it creates kind of a conditional branch so u can set different pathways.

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I don't understand how that would work, the training area doesn't work on predifend battle sequences, I've made a map with bushes and stuff, and the player is instructed to "look" for the monsters (in other words, walk around till the 30 step trigger happens and a battle with predefined map enemy occurs).


So I haven't scripted the battles instead it is from the map properties, unless I can use a prallel event that can control the monsters that spawn after 30 steps?

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So I haven't scripted the battles instead it is from the map properties, unless I can use a prallel event that can control the monsters that spawn after 30 steps?

Well, at least you can make a replacement. Set up a parallel event which tests if your player is moving, if so, have the program choose a random number between 1 and 30 (or whatever value) and check if it's 1. If so, make another random number and choose a monster to battle according to that new number.

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Thanks for sticking with me, however I haven't been able to find a function that checks whether or not the player is moving. i've looked at conditional branch but doesn't provide an option. Neither does set move route.


Can you enlighten me?


Thank you.

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Hi guys, my problem is resolved! Through the use of conditional branches, key monitoring and common events I found it doesn't need a script. Thanks to everyone who helped and sorry to moonpearl who went to the effort to find/make me a bypass script, all your guidance is appreciated!


If you would like me to provide a link to download the working project, post.


Once again, thanks to everyone who provided input! Especially moonpearl.


P.S. Could anyone tell me how to rename the title of the thread to place [RESOLVED] inside. Thanks

Edited by texeon

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