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[Solution]RMVX Failed to initialize DirectX Audio & CoGen DRM
Asked by
Noob Saibot
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I recently ran into an issue where RPG Maker VX would display two errors durring start up:
1) Failed to Initialize DirectX Audio
2) Cannot Initialize CoGen DRM
Suggested Solutions:
DirectX Audio
1) Un-install DirectX and Reinstall.
2) Make sure DirectX is up to date.
3) Check your audio Drivers for updates or re-install.
*However none of these worked for me. I post them incase they work for you.
1) Un-install RPG Maker VX and re-install.
2) Un-install RPG Maker VX and re-install in new directory. Before opening RMVX restart computer.
*However, none of these solutions worked for me. I post them incase they work for you.
My Solution:
*My Solution has not been tested on Windows 7 32bit or Windows Vista. If you have these please test and post if this solution worked for you or will work.
*SImply disable Windows Compatibility Mode.
Kage Kazumi/Noob Saibot
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