The following game contains really cool stuff. If you are allergic to awesomeness, exploring, a sense of humor, and real life situations, this may not be the game for you. Ardaceus is not responsible for any effects this game may contain, as it is likely a result from your own out-of-game life. If you get epilepsy from playing this game, you should really consider playing games ever again because literally every game ever has the god damn warning on it. Failure to comply with your own issues may result in headaches, nausea, mesothelioma, or likely death. You probably have already been warned by your professional doctor. On a side note, the game contains simulated gambling, virtual alcohol use, drugs (In an educational way to show you what the effects of drugs have), graphic fantasy violence, horror of a disturbing nature, realism, religion, magic, psychedelic scenes, illogical morons, obscure references to sexual themes, Nazi-equivalents, communism, dictatorship, democracy, no black people, pop culture references, and English voice actors. You have been warned… and holy damn when looking at that list I just gave, I'm probably going to trigger someone already. The only reason I have most of the stuff in that game in the first place is to point out how realistic this world is… Besides the magic stuff.
Imagine this.
Novus?Features-Seigfried was here (and he's the best character in the game)-Seigfried's saxophone is AMAZING!!!!
A party member capable of turning into a dragon.GameplayQuestingSeriously, What is Wonder's WarComments (2)
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- So. Yiggity yo. My bro. Sup dou. I'm going to give this nou. This game is taking a longer than I anticipated, mostly due to recent family issues… it's kinda sad, they don't want me to be working on this project at all in the slightest, then they ask me how long it is going to take to make this game… to which, I wish I could say "Longer, now." Like really, I bet they would want me drinking alcohol more than working on this game, and while that may be a bit of exaggeration, they certainly would want to do a lot to keep me from working on this game. But as for recent updates, I have a lot of things to showcase for this game. First I want to get into graphics. I've updated a lot of character sprites since last update. A LOT. All NPCs are now […]Yes you did read that title right… I hope… So I've been working a lot on Wonder's War from the last alpha… or demo… it is technically an alpha because it is early in development, and also that version had a lot of glitches that I had to fix 3 times. So sorry if something went wrong for you, I made a list of all the glitches, bugs, and things not so good about the game, and fixed them for next time around. This includes: -The boss being too difficult, I nerfed him carefully. -The intro being to long, I took away a chunk of it. -Some text going off the screen, all fixed. -Some audio and graphics not in the game, I'm not making that same mistake again. -I fixed the encounter rate to be less intensive, but to a point where the -And a bunch of glitches I've […]I renamed it to Alpha because this game is not that great as it could be and I'm still fixing bugs and typos and other stuff like that that makes me want to krill myself. Download Alpha So I finally finished this damn ALPHA! I know I said yesterday, but I tested the game, and I found a couple of game breaking glitches. Now there are only three errors in the game that I'm aware of, but I don't think many people will notice… except for that one… I'm not going to mention them because I've already uploaded this game 3 times then realizing I made a mistake, and it's taken me 4 hours to fix all of it. So I'll pretend that the glitches aren't there because 2 of them are just an accidental v-clip through an object and the other is a misleading statement in a word. […]The demo for Wonder's War will be released tomorrow as soon as I have finished my test of the game and fixed all the bugs, then figure out how to upload it and whatever needs to be done. I'm also not in a good mood right now so don't expect me to see anyone in chat, and I probably won't be very optimistic like I usually am for the next while, so just a heads up. Finally, I updated the cover for my game page, I hope you like it. That is all.ALRIGHT, I KNOW. I was going to give out a demo of the game weeks ago, but I never did release it… yep, this is my excuse. I've been really busy with school work, as I have 3 big projects that I need to complete for school, then next semester I can spend all the time I need on this game because the work I need to do in those courses is not really much and not as grand scale as what I've created in the past month. For example, I've started a soundcloud not too long ago where I put all my songs and the OST for Wonder's War, so you can check what I've made there, though it might not be getting many songs now as I'm having trouble getting to my composing programs. I also have a Deviantart where I post stuff related to the game and not related to […]I've started a DeviantArt page, if anybody's interested in seeing. I'm also willing to take requests for photoshops of any images you would like. I haven't posted my currently photoshopped images, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow if you wish to see some of my work with photoshop. Here's the link: Ardaceus's DeviantArt Page I'll be posting art related to Wonder's War and just anything else that I feel like posting there. So try to have fun!Recently, I've almost hit 3000 views… And I haven't done anything other than have a nice banner and lots of text, with a few photos, and blogs which I can't come out with consistently, so I felt like I must do something! I must satisfy some desire!!! So I already stated on my status that my trailer is going to come soon, and I decided to do something funny and unserious with it, and I'm not spoiling what exactly will be on the trailer, for it will be more fun to see it for the first time without being told what is going to be on it. 😉 Camtasia makes it fun actually… The trailer will be a few minutes long, not hoping to exceed 5, just pointing out a few of the cinematics and battle scenes in the game, plus a few other things… I also said that I'm […]So back to writing blogs after half a month passed by, I still have nothing to report of importance, since I'm busy on a trip in Finland. It's like 3 o'clock in the morning, and I totally don't need sleep, so yolo. Speaking of Finland, I just went to a Nightwish concert, and it was the most amazing thing ever being at the front of the stadium I was in. I think the reason why I can't have sleep is because I'm still listening to Nightwish music at this point in the night… But whatev, I finally have time to work on my game instead of just drawing on travels and looking at stuff I can't touch. So on the topic of drawings, I made a drawing of the main character, which I love so much, but also see some fault in as well. This is the picture I drew:And I totally didn't […]Well, I have not blogged in a while, which feels bad for I, for I love doing thes' things. But in all thi' reality, I really have not much to talk about. Finally, on thi' day, I have something to talk about. If thy wonders as toeth why I am talking thi' way I am, I am using th' same dialect as to what th' main character of our story will use in th' main game. Thi' is also a reason as to why I have spoke of ther' be abundance of spelling errors, for as th' Allemhire races speak in a weird accent like I am currently speaking. Thes' are th' High Elven, th' Dark Elven, th' Blood Elven, th' Wood Elven, and lastily, th' Celestials. All of which speak in th' weirdest of tongues, but is also possible to understand what thy speak of. So while thy use […]Well, it's been a long time since I did a blog post, so I thought today would be a great day to blog! It's flippin hot outside, I'm tired, and I've been working on the battle system of Wonder's War for a few days now. What I've been doing during this past while is working on the calculations of moves, the animations for moves, the effects of moves… I've been working on the skills, the end. I've also been working on different boss battles of the game, testing out the difficulty of each, and how to balance out the game-play, which is taking longer than I thought it would. I have been worried that I'm giving too much power to the player, with the large variety of move-set, so I've come up with a few systems to balance this out. Ways I've balanced it out include making it only possible […]Well, still working as hard as I can, which you can tell from looking at the amount of hours I've spent over the past 2 weeks in RPG Maker that you can look at on my user page… I have no life ._. So I finally found some new scripts that are going into my game, which will work really well with the battle system and graphics of the game, it looks great from what I can see. I am also beginning to work on the demo for my game, which will be out sometime in July I'm aiming for, I was going to prolong it till august, but some issues with the main project are getting in the way, so might as well. The demo won't be part of the actual game, but more of a prequel to the actual game, it's free of course, and will integrate the battle […]bLOGS wHOO hOO!!! caps lock people… So I'm coming close to 1k views on my game page, and I am really happy that I've received a lot of views on my game, even though it may just be from the same 20 something people. Idk, either way, I do keep to my word about every milestone I reveal a new character that is in the game that has importance. So I've decided to do something awesome for my next character for this 2D game, I went ahead and picked up sketchup which I'm familiar with, and I'm going to make this next 2D character… IN 3D!!! yEAH IT'LL BE SO AWESOME!!! i'M GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE IT FAST THOUGH, FOR i AM GETTING A LOT OF- (stupid caps) of views on my game, so probably tonight the character will be ready. I really love sketchup, it's a great program […]Whenever someone puts last or finished, ended or whatnot, it always means that something ended. Like put it in a video and people will think that your channel is over, or like here, it kind of sounds like I'm not continuing my project or am done the game… Well I'm referring to school, as it is finally over for me As that final bell at school today rung, I knew that I would have all the time in the world to work on my game, so after this summer, I'm going to be far into development… or playing lots of skyrim and dark souls. I'm aiming to get at least 25% done this summer, but I'm predicting maybe a 35% completion this summer, depends on how much time I'm actually going to spend making this game. It's not an easy task to make this game, which is why I'm […]Ahh, July, the time for final exams, and when you have work to catch up on… It's a truly amazing month. So I finally have time to blog, I've had a combination of summarizing the past 100 years on this Earth, no sleep, writing about random things, studying about civil systems, and performing sax live… yeah… Then I went out with my band class to a wing joint which took all night and spent most of my money. I spent all day today catching up on sleep. It's been great. I thought that for this late blog would just be for comedy reasons only, because I'm all out of energy to even attempt such a thing like talking about the new supermarket, hospital, and hotel earthboundlike features in my game, or mentioning about how I'm grateful for 500 views on my game so far, or even how much time I […]Well, I'm flippin sick. I have been in bed all day with my laptop listening to Honeydew by Xander Lewis on repeat. And I didn't even realize it, but I've made the most progress on my game today than I have any other day! I finally getting somewhere in the story, and where I can start working on a larger world for the player to explore instead of just two areas for the player to visit. Hence the pun, I've made some 'sick' progress… haha. Well, I'm not spoiling what I've done today, except for the scripts I used in the game, which are all from Moghunter, who I mentioned somewhere. I've taking all of his resources and revamped them, but all I'm missing now is just some face sets for my characters… still looking for someone to help me here. So instead, I've relied on a girl's anime character […]3 days late for a blog, twice! Fantastic! I've been caught up in school and activities the past few days, but I was able to squeeze in a few things for my game, such as I figured out how to use an awesome script with my game! It's from Moghunter, who has the amazing Atelier Rgss scripts, here's the page: Moghunter's Page I have been editing all of the scripts required resources, so I have completely different backgrounds for the menus and letters used in battle and in events. Other than that, I've been working on the deeper parts of the first forest in the game, which has a little village of Living Sprites, who aren't Fayries or Dark Sprites, due to their magic capabilities of casting curses and transformations on people, unlike Fayries who are great at buffing and Dark Sprites who are great at hexing. I've also been […]So this blog post, I said I would talk about how Novus works in its day, and that I shall. Novus is ran by the Human races of Novus, with other races doing their own things. There are 15 human races and an uncountable amount of other races, to differentiate between the two, there is this legislate called "The Order of Novus", which is used to tell the races apart. The order itself has tells the differences between right and wrong, good and evil, justice and law, and nobody has ever questioned it except for the non-human races. The order states that for one to be called a human, your race must follow:*Upon 1 torso, will be 1 head, 2 arms, and 2 legs, regardless of their length or size, allowing only the extrusion of bone or a tail.*Must speak the Novan language, or at least understand it, and speak it understandably.*Must […]Well, milestone yesterday! New character too! Except that my internet was pretty bad yesterday so I couldn't really add a complete profile to him. I've been busy with school the past few days, due to it getting close to exams, so I'm trying to squeeze in a quick post on what I have done today and yesterday. Which is not much as usual, but I promised I would post a blog every 2 days for this game. I was looking through different voice changing programs to find an okay one that has a medium selection of voices. I want to use some of them for different vocal sound effects in my game, so there will be some auto tuned audio in my game, but not much, just for one of the villains, and some of the animals. During this weekend, I won't work on my game much, so on Sunday, […]I've been working on the project as usual, nothing new. So instead for this blog, I thought I might talk about this website. So on this page, I do a blog about every 2 days I'm aiming for, so I can update on anything new in the game, and also to keep me active on this page. Most of these blogs are full of anything I can think of to say, nobody probably reads these blogs all the way through. Speaking of which… I've gotten a lot more views than I expected to get on my first week on the website, 177 to be exact as I'm writing this. I'm either thinking it's the same 12 people checking everyday or it's a lot of different people. Either way, I'm glad that people visit the page. I've been putting a lot of effort into my game, and I really want to […]I'm having a really fun time with this person's scripts, they are bloody amazing for my game. I have now a better battle system, shop system, and that long wanted sliding tile script! Here's a link to his page Yanfly. But in other news, I now have completed the dang forest, and am now working on finishing the first city. After I get to the next boss in the game, I'll release a simple demo of the game. Once I get further into production, I will create an even better demo which may reveal some background of the story before you even know the full gist of it. Not much else to say, but overall on this large project, I've been enjoying every second of working on it. Even though it is my first game, I feel very confident in my ability to finish it sometime, it's going to take […]So I haven't done a blog for 1 or 2 days now, I've not had anything to report extravagantly about my game. Except if you want to hear about my many placings of trees and spoilers for bosses in the game, then something is wrong. I've gotten good at creating the forest I'm working on, and I'm able to go at incredible speeds, though I'm not incorporating any puzzles yet, I do have this cool feature where you do better in the game for the more exploring you do within the environments placed in the game. So if you want to do good in this game, you do need to explore a lot. Things I hope to get in sometime are a system of good trades for money, crafting system, and an alchemy system. I give the player the options of either using their found goods to either sell for […]Augh, this area is taking forever! All the dang trees are so tricky to place in a style that works while not making my whole map look spacey. I'm managing alright though, but I'm moving at a slower pace. It doesn't help with the fact that I'm spending time in the chat, but hey I won't miss out on the opportunity to talk to other members of GDU. For that chat room is always empty. Spent like a good 3-4 hours talking with Dragomiku in Kitsake about random stuff, ending with a talk about drawings… I don't have much art skill, but it's alright. On the other note, I finished up all my character sprites today, so all the characters in Wonder's War have bodies to walk with. Probably next week I'll create action sprites for 6 more of my characters, I already have action sprites for 3 of my […]It's like 12:15 as I'm writing this right now where I am, and like, I'm just sitting here working on my game. I spent like the past 5 hours drawing and spriting characters and that page banner just so that I could get this out as soon as I can. I have a very hard day at school tomorrow, and I need to be getting sleep, but it's just so hot up here in Canada. So I'll just write my first blog post. Before I decided to make this game page however, I've been slowly working on this project from time to time over the past months, but due to school I haven't been able to focus on this project. Lately however, like the past month, I've never been more indulged with making the game. I've completed the intro to the game, the first area, and a good chunk of […]
Credits & Thanks
Yokuto Akiyama
Whoa… Wonder's War's story is actually really deep.
It sounds really interesting, and I'd love to try it out.
I'm going to download the demo right now!
I don't know if it's just me but the dialogue, especially the main character's speech, is hilarious. Maybe it's cause I read it in a funny accent in my head but I am dying of laughter. This game is wonderful. The intro is a little too long for my taste but it as very entertaining.