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Two worlds to explore

Snapshot    Posted September 30, 2017

    in this game not only do you have all of strounia to explore but you can also get familiar with the underworld. meet several people, humans and demons alike and learn their stories.

    Comments (4)

    • I had a similar idea in mind for a game of mine except it was twin planets but one was always in the shadow/eclipse of the other so it was a darker world. So it looks like your worlds are parallel in design? Can you travel back and forth to make certain areas accessibl that are not in one of the two worlds. (ie – cross a canyon that you can't in the real world but can in the underworld)

    • The underworld is supposed to be its own seperate world in another dimension so the underworld wont be a copy of the light world. the reason the two areas in the picture here look similar is because i wanted to contrast how the underworld looks compared to the light world, the area in the picture that shows the underworld is an actual map in the game but the light version was just a quick little area that wont be appearing in the game.

    • Ok then. Looks cool and at least you can have the underworld its own unique look if it doesn't have to match the real world. So is there a special way to transport to the underworld or is it via deep cave travel? I had the idea of monolithic spires that teleported you, but you needed a shadow shard (crystal) to do it. You could also slip across to another teleporter in the real world for fast world travel to another land, but the idea is for that only to be available in later game.

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    mexi Muffin

    • about 7 years ago





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