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RPG Maker XP    Posted April 7, 2018 by GubiD

GTBS – GubiD’s Tactical Battle System


This is a Tactical RPG based battle system that most resembles Final Fantasy Tactics. Updated rather regularly and the most powerful TBS available.


Note: For support with this script, see this topic: http://www.creationa…showtopic=20353




    5.38MB, .zip


    5.21MB, .zip


    1.09MB, .zip


    License Terms

    Attribution 3.0 Unported - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor. Commerical use allowed.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Please see the help and troubleshooting section of the script in the demo. Most of the common questions are answered there.
    Also please visit for tutorials and other general how-to questions for the GTBS System.


    Importing the GTBS to your own game – Checklist
    Follow these four steps to import all of the necessary components of this
    system to your own project. Open the GTBS Demo and press F11 to open the
    Script editor then follow the instructions below.


    1) Copy ALL of the following scripts from the demo and place them anywhere
    above Main, but below default scripts (ending at Scene_Debug) and the
    SDK or MACL, if you have them:


    • GTBS Help- (The help file, which contains a FAQ and some instructions.)
    • Extra_Troop_Members- (Allows more than 8 enemies in one battle.)
    • Enemy Detection Script- (Another Script by GubiD, search for additional details)
    • Trouble_Shooting/Tutorials- (What you are reading now!)
    • Sprite_Battler
    • Sprite_Range
    • Sprite_Wait_Cursor
    • Sprite_Battle_Cursor
    • Spriteset_Battle
    • Game_Map_Iso
    • Game_Char_Iso_Update
    • Game_Map
    • Game_System
    • Game_Party
    • Game_Actor
    • Game_Enemy
    • Game_Battler
    • Game_BattleAction
    • Anim_Obj
    • Window_Status
    • Window_Battle
    • Window_Menu_Config
    • Window_Base
    • POS
    • Scene_Battle_TBS
    • Scene_Title
    • Scene_Config
    • Math
    • SpephSpawnsDoom
    • Projectile Class

    Configure GTBS (Because this makes setup easier, its just a splace filler)

    • GTBS_Engine_Settings
    • GTBS_Projectile Setup
    • GTBS_AI_Config
    • GTBS_Move/Weapon/Skill
    • GTBS_Open/Exit
    • GTBS_Char/Enemy Death
    • Setup_Victory/Fail_Conditions
    • Enemy Lvl/Class/AI_Lvl- must be configured otherwise exp gain during battle will be skewed.


    2) Import all of the following images from the project folder into your own, or
    create your own.




    Graphics/Pictures/Faces/ *names of the characters/enemies*


    * – Items are REQUIRED and MUST exist otherwise error will be encountered!
    ** _ Items are REQUIRED and MUST exist when map is ISO, otherwise error will be encountered!


    3) Make the following additions/modifications to your project:

    • Look for this section in -GTBS_Move/Weapon/Skill-:
      In order to configure your weapons accordingly you must update their information.
      There are many options to play with in here for setup, play around with each option
      to see what it does, but please ensure you make a backup of your scripts.rxdata before
      you start chaning things! 
    • Create a common event for Victory and Failure sequences for the battle.
      If you do not know how to do this, simply copy the common events from
      the demo. After doing this, look for VIC_COM and FAIL_COM in the
      -Module_GTBS- script, and change those numbers to match the numbers of
      the victory and fail common events. This makes it so you are actually
      capable of winning and losing, like in the demo. 
    • Under any of the methods (def_NAMEHERE) in -GTBS_*-, you can
      either re-identify or remove any of the “when ” lines that change the
      ranges, wait times, and other components found in the demo. Do NOT remove
      the method entirely, and make sure the “case id” and “else” lines still
      exist at all times, or they won’t work. Be sure to back up the script
      before attempting to modify anything, just to be safe.


    4) Give credit to me(GubiD), either in-game, and/or in a presentation of your project in another place, such as a forum. This is not optional.


    And finally, enjoy. Configure -GTBS_*- to suit your project, and be sure
    to add to it when you make new weapons, skills, or summons.


    There are a couple incompatible scripts, however this is rather compatible with most scripts. In other words, I haven’t been informed of any that don’t work.


    Known Issues
    Ensure that you are on the latest release (1.5.1 beta2 were all known issues are resolved as of April 29, 2010)
    Also one last note…
    After this release(1.5.1) I will NO LONGER be creating new versions of GTBS for public use. As this will be the FINAL RELEASE, I will try to make it as bug free as possible for everyone. If you have existing Add-On request for GTBS and they have not been implemented, I am sorry but I will not be completing them. This includes the Advance Wars Add-on (with some clever eventing it is doable now). What is the reason for this decision? Well, it is because I want to focus on the development of my game, rather than this system. The system is more than adequate for my game in its features etc. The development of this system has been the main draw from me not completing anything for my game. For those that would wish to assist me with my game, then please PM me, or respond to my project topic, noted in my Sig[On]

    Credits & Thanks

    • Nick for his original TBS
    • CronoCry for his translation of ZTBS that made me think I could do it!
    • MGCaladtogel and Seigfried for the ISO script that was adapated/improved
    • CrushD for his help with projectiles
    • Zeriab for the reset F12 utility. Testing would have been a headache without it.
    • Near Fantasia for his path finding stuff (although I ended up using the one in ZTBS)
    • My Beta Testers: Digidog09, Ilia12345, Jaberwocky, CronoCry(, Rotimikid,
    • Ragnarok Rob, and Sabao
    • Everyone and Anyone who reports/reported a bug in any of the online topics!
    • All my loyal subjects!

    Terms & Conditions

    You may NOT use this in a commercial game without my permission. (I deserve my fair cut!)
    You may create your own addons for this script but please make me aware of them so that they can be added to the release!
    The using of this script in your game is at your own risk.
    You *MUST* give me credit. This didnt realize itself overnight.
    Bugs may or may not be fixed when reported.


    *RMXP Unlimited has permission to display this script

    Comments (9)

    • Ok, i downloaded this script. It's a great, GREAT script other than one thing… When i start the battle, it only allows me to use my main character, and it won't let me place the rest of my party. How do I get it where i can place the rest of my party on the battle map?

    • This system is amazing! the only issue I have is that the enemies i place on the field run away from my actors as soon as the battle begins and will not attack them. What is going on there? I have tried changing with their vision and they are set to the hardest difficulty. Any idea?

    • Just in case, the author is active over at Creation Asylum and you may get more luck over there with your issue. The link to the very topic is in the first post. It also appears this demo is now out of date. That's just in case no one over here knows much about the script.

    • Uhh, no wonder people are having problems with the script, these instructions are awful. Half the names and paths are wrong. I'd be surprised if I don't have errors after installing it.

      Other than that, the demo looks ok. Might be best to just go to the creator, he has a youtube channel as well, and I know he won't mind helping to solve your problems.

    • Wow this topic was only made in March of this year and it is this bad. A mod or admin needs to fix it and all the pics seem to be dying too. Oh that is the pic for "download attachment" that needs to be fixed badly Marked.

      Now a question-Is anyone going to translate this to Ace? No tactical ones for ace like this yetz.

    • Okay to answer a few questions, if you have problems with the version you downloaded in this topic.
      I made a new topic with the newest version of GubiDs Tactical Battle system.
      Download the system again from there, all the bugs should be fixed, and if you still have problems you can ask questions.

      Shin, seems you are in luck, there is already a vx version, the link is in the new topic.

      And I request the closing of this topic, on the grounds that its outdated and inactive.

    Leave a Reply


    • Posted about 7 years ago

    • Engine
      RPG Maker XP
    • Category
      Custom Battle Scripts
    • License
      Attribution 3.0 Unported
    • Version




