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When life gives you lemons - you make lemonade.

Entries in this blog


Next Project/Update?

Shortly after the 11th, I'm going to have a big chunk of time I'll be able to sink into one of my projects, and haven't come up with which I want to put work into just yet. Now that the Hope Afloat Remastered engine is, for the most part, polished, with a few exceptions, I can start work on some projects that were halted purely by limitations of the original engine. So here's my options;   Hope Afloat Remastered   The original demo for Hope Afloat Remastered was a lot shorter tha




Games and General Updates

This blog entry is long overdue, but I thought I might just get some things out there. I haven't really had the opportunity to do a lot of work in terms of projects, lately. Real life tends to seriously get in the way of things. Anyway, so, this is going to be a lot of wall text, so I thought I might make a little table of contents so that you guys know what's happening in this huge wall of text. So, in this blog, I'll be talking about:   1. The Hope Afloat Engine - Customization System 2. Pa




Pathogen: First Look

RMU 2.0 keeps getting closer and closer, so I guess it's time to pull some rabbits out of hats. This blog will show you a few new things you should expect from Pathogen, as well as Hope Afloat. The first I should address is the Game Modes. Pathogen is based heavily on re-playability rather than storyline. There are currently four planned game modes, which all vary in terms of what you can do and it's difficulty. There are different 'areas' you progress through, each with new tactics and differen




Pathogen: A Back Story

This blog entry, if anyone ever reads it, is just a little back-story about my experimental project that I'll be releasing along with RMU 2.0; Pathogen. Pathogen just started as a simple experiment, taking the same system of Hope Afloat Remastered, and doing a lot of major edits to it. The original Hope Afloat was made with the same script system as Calvinchun's Resident Evil: Remake, but, when I first stumbled upon the engine, it was incredibly buggy, and was in a barely-working state, really.




Pathogen, Game Updates and Deadlocked

Hey guys. This blog entry is just to update everyone on what's been going on. Recently I've been pretty busy, but I've managed to squeeze in some work here and there on my ever-building list of projects. So, in this blog entry, I'll be talking about those projects, Deadlocked, and Pathogen, which was a little experimental project I was working on to test some potentially engine-crashing scripting changes, as well as Pathogen's relation to RMU 2.0.   The first thing I should talk about is Patho




'Demons' - Coming Soon!

Hey guys, I've got some good news and bad news. The bad news is that I doubt I'll have the new heist for Legacy done by the 29th, a lot of things have popped up and I just haven't had the time.. Who knows, though, I did finish the first one in four days, two days of that was just mapping.. Maybe I'll pull a miracle out of the hat.   The good news, however, is that I've revived one of my old RPG Maker VX games. Yes, I said VX, please don't have a heart attack... Anyway, it's called Demons, and




Legacy - New Heist 29/01/12

A $15,000 job, during these times, is a job where you don't ask questions, right? $15,000 is a small armoury; a few P90's, a shotgun or two, a dozen handguns, plus all the ammo. That's a lot of money, and all you need to do is find a 17-year-old girl named Rebecca Kim in a small coastal town, right?   Wrong. There are far too many questions bouncing around left right and centre it's starting to get a little bit scary... Matt was able to snag some information from an online computer at the base




'Legacy' Demo - Coming Soon!

Hey guys! :D   It's been a huge amount of time since I've done anything productive at all, but I have two things to tell you. Firstly, I'm still alive :) I've been real busy lately, but I'm back for a prolonged amount of time, now. I hope to be catching up with everybody I remember from a few months ago, and to meet some new faces.   But back to the matter at hand; recently I've been working on a secret project. I was working on the concept of it for the most amount of time, and actually sta




My Return

Hey guys :biggrin_002: Im back. Life's been real good to me lately :) Anyways, I got some news for ya all.   Hope Afloat has been put on hold for a bit. I'm working on a project called 'In Utter Darkness' with a good friend of mine. Its a horror game, and in only 2 days we've made large strides in the way of eventing and scripting for the game. I can't spoil anything about it at this time. Stay tuned~.   And I'm still a zombie fanatic. Soon enough I'll just be setting up a facebook page wher





Well, this is different. Just then I had a sudden idea explosion. Post apocalyptic, of course, you guys know me too well. More of true RPG than my normal games. It takes place in after the nuclear apocalypse (No, nothing like Fallout...) and just.. Well.. That's all I got so far. Stay tune guys! :) ~Tom.




"Everybodies gotta face their demons sometimes"

Hey, guys, I'm back :D Hopefully it will be for quite a while. Well, this blog post is about my first RPG Maker VX project; Demons. I'm sorry to Dragon324 and people who would have played it for the "Project in a Week" competition. Some things popped up which didn't give me time to finish where I was planning to...   Anyhow, in this blog post I'm going to show you guys a few screenies and some background information on the game.   Demons is a psychological horror game that immenses th




Hope Afloat Update

Today I've done a bit of work on the new Hope Afloat (Remastered). I finished the 1st street of Emberville and a interior apart from Kyle's Interior. I also managed to get Photoshop CS3 off my old computer (woo) so soon I'll be adding some CFL (Cosmetic Fog Layers) to the interiors/exteriors. Currently on the Emberville checklist, I have 1/4 streets (not including the docks) and 1 out of countless interiors. The new Hope Afloat lets you explore interiors to get more ammo (as mentioned previously




Operation MOJO - First bit of inspiration

Ok, well, this is Entry 1 for what I call Operation MOJO. This is, basically, a blog that I'll write about my attempts to get my RMXP mojo back and post about what I want to do with my projects, mainly Hope Afloat. Well, recently, I've been slightly inspirated by going back to some old things; I watched my favourite movie for the first time in whoknows how many years; 'I, Robot'. I played the FIRST EVAR version of Hope Afloat. Ah, god, that was horrific/awesome.   As I said, I've been slightly




Progress Report - 13/09/10

Well, I've stopped work on Hope Afloat :shok: Don't worry, though, I'm working on a remastered version. Adding a heap of things I should have added, fixing a heap of things, and improving new and old systems. I'm working on it from the Hope Afloat file, so some parts will be improved while others wont. I dont know when a version of this will be available, a month or two perhaps?   I've been doing a bit of work on Apocolyptica, not as much as I should have, mind you, but still work nonetheless




Apocolyptica Developement Blog, Entry 5

FINALLY... I finally fixed the reload glitch, with help from Leon. Sure enough I fixed it on the last day of school holidays <_< . Story of my life...   I reconfigured the MK system. Again. Man this MK system is a pain... But I think I finally got it sorted out this time. Added a new weapon, too. Soon I'll be adding the first Shotgun, too.   Umm... Well, this is a horribly short entry :sweatdrop: . Ah well, at least I can fire my weapon without it crashing now. See ya next time :bigg




Apocolyptica Developement Blog, Entry 4

Barely getting back on track... Finally stopped feeling like #### and back in the mood for some RPG Maker. First order of business, of course, Apocolyptica. Started remodeling the shop script. Nothing major, add a few pics, move certain parts, that's about it. For the main thing I wanted to add I need Leon's help. It's not too much, but just something I can't seem to get my head around. I'll show you guys some screenies of the new shop when its up and running.   Still haven't progressed past R





First off, I feel like ####, I have all day. Bored as hell, in a bad mood. I kinda want to work on an RMXP game but just not in the mood like I usually am. It's been raining all day, that might contribute to my horrid mood. Also, for Lee, Lee is pissed coz, in the new Left 4 Dead 2 DLC - The Passing - They killed Bill from Left 4 Dead... Perminently. R.I.P. William "Bill" Overbeck, 1941 - 2009.   -Sigh- What to do, what to do...   ... Wow, no emote for being in a #### mood. Apart from this




Apocolyptica Developement Blog, Entry 3

Well, I've added a few new shotguns but the majority of the newest work is focuses around the Special Infected. Currently, there are 10 Special Infected but I was more striving for around 15. So I set up a contest for you guys to input and vote for Special Infected. The prize is the infected being in Apocolyptica and the characterset I make for it given to you and you can use it in whatever project you may need. Here is the link:   Apocolyptica Special Infected Contest   I did, also, promise




Apocolyptica Developement Blog, Entry 2

Well, it's pretty close to my other blog and not much has happened developement-wise, but I'd like to post a lot about concepts, too.   Developement-wise; the MK system started crumbling benief my feet. I had to make some pretty significant changes, but now it should be fool-proof. Instead of merging weapon with Token, it's Token with Token and you get the new weapon.   I've also added the best shotgun to the game, just for testing purposes. It loads with special shells that have 4 rounds




Apocolyptica Developement Blog, Entry 1

About 2 weeks ago I was hit with a quick dose of Writer's Block. It wasn't as bad as before, I could still think of ideas but it was just much harder. It passed over the next week, but during it's time of being here, I began work on a new project; Apocolyptica.   Apocolyptica has little-to-no storyline whatsoever, and your main goal is to escape a huge ammount of areas and rooms. Each area will cost a certain ammount of $ to enter. $ is a rather large new feature. In Hope Afloat, the $ system




What is new in my life

Well, a lot has changed since my last entry. The girl I liked doesn't like me, but I'll get over it. My projects are slowly progressing nicely, with the addition of two more. You might think I'm crazy, and guess what? You are right :alright: . Nah, not really. The two new projects are, as you may have guessed, to do with zombies. One is called "Ending the Nightmare" which is about, as the name says, is the end of the infection on one of the main continents. The main storyline has been mainly co




Status on life

Well, life is just tough sometimes. You know what that's like; relationships, problems. You sort it out of it doesn't work out, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I've grown attracted to a girl who I've known my entire life because she was born a few days before me. Usually I'm fine asking girls to dates but since she's a very dear friend of mine it is much more difficult. It's like trying to break a cast-iron lock with a toothpick. And behind that lock is my self-confidence.   Writer's Block is



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