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  • Visual Equipment

One thing I'm proud of is that I'm putting in visual equipment. I had this script in my game long ago but because of the wallrunning, I removed it. But now, I've found a way to configure the wallrunning to fit the requirements of the script.

  • Kylocks Time System

I've been having a real problem with my time script. I was using the Kylock Time System Mod but it proved to have some flaws. Switches that determine whether it's day, night, dawn, or dusk are automatically turned off when inside buildings. I've tried to configure a new script but as you may know, I'm no scripter. I've asked Tom to help me but I haven't got word from him yet. I think I might just revert back to normal 'ol KTS.

  • Hookshot and Stealth

As stated before, my game has a hookshot. The hookshot is what the "Hold" in Tsurugi's Hold means. He gets to grab his enemies and pulls them closer, and in some cases, pulls himself closer to them. Another feature which I've added is a stealth system. This stealth system is unbelievable. If you're a fan of Metal Gear Solid and you know about the Stealth Suit, then this stealth system should be familiar to you. This script allows me to have a set opacity for the player so enemies won't see him and also a "hide" switch that I can turn on and the player can pass in front of an enemy and not be attacked (this is going to be used with the visual equipment in a very fun side mission).


I hope you guys have enjoyed this blog entry and I enjoyed writing. I like to write about what I'm doing.
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