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Everything posted by ShinyToyGuns

  1. Hey all, I figured I would give you guys an advance sneak peek at the new GUI I'm working on for RMXP Pool...It's supposed to be for a competition, but so far I don't think anyone else has decided to enter. Anyways, here's mine so far compared to the current one. Let me know where/how I can improve, or if I should take a new approach. Current: Mine (Finished): Let me know what you think. I'm trying to keep the friendly-feel, but make it look more professional :) Edit: Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:35 PM EST I finished the new GUI last night and posted it on the RMXP Pool forums. I also updated the one I posted here. Let me know what you think :)
  2. Simple story behind my name: it's the name of my favorite band, Shiny Toy Guns :P Some of my other names, however, have a longer story behind them :P (Such as frogeater, SanitysBlade, WebD, xElder (some of my characters from TerraWorld Online :P))
  3. I'll also sign up, if not just for another contestant :) Although I may be quite noobish with RMXP, I have over two years of mapping experience in mapping for a couple of First Star Online servers, which has a similar graphics/mapping system to RMXP :)
  4. If it's the ads I looked into for TerraWorld's facebook page, then they do cost money :(
  5. How did I not see this topic before? :o What can I offer as exclusive content to RMXPU? Well, if RMXP Pool falls through, I can offer my resources exclusively to RMXPU. Other than that, I cannot think of much at the moment.
  6. Gratz, if you ever need any good porn sites, let me know ;) But seriously, happy birthday :P
  7. Every year my parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc. ask me to make a list for them...what did I do this year? Well, I gave them a 4 page list! :dragoninsane: I figure this way, they have more to choose from, and I won't have any idea what I'm getting when Christmas comes :P
  8. He's actually holding a competition on the site for the program here. Here's an early version of what is going to be my entry ;)
  9. So, did you get lots of porn flicks? oh wait, that's 18th birthday :P
  10. ShinyToyGuns


    LMAO! Better hide that from the cops xD
  11. November could turn out to be quite interesting lol
  12. Kiriashi for October, Tomo for November :) May the best man win (even though you both pwn pretty equally :P)
  13. Holy shit...I bet that DID put a rather large hole in your wallet...how much did it all cost you? Photoshop and Dreamweaver alone cost nearly 1,000 USD total O_o
  14. Welcome to RMXPU...I recommend making an album here and uploading your resources into the album, and then posting a link to the album in the Resource Analysis Forum. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask :) Also, you wouldn't happen to have any giant earth worm character sets, would you? :P If not, do you think you could try your hand at this request? ;)
  15. I don't know who made the battler graphic, but it is pretty good :) Now if only I could find a character set to go along with it... <_<
  16. Hey all, I'm looking for someone who might be able to make me an Earth Worm Characterset. I already have a battler sprite for it, but it did not come with a characterset...Could somebody please make me a character set to go with this? I do not have much to offer, other than credit for the character set, and my undying gratitude :D Thanks, ~Steven a.k.a. ShinyToyGuns~
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