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Everything posted by valkill100

  1. Ah, so this is why I haven't seen you on in a while. Don't blame you, I've been too busy myself lately. Thankfully, I've still had some time to work on my project some.:biggrin_002:
  2. I've got mapping block! same as writers block, also, writing dialog for NPCs is the worst!

  3. Wow, the dungeons give me the impression of Eye of the Beholder. Great game, that one.
  4. Oh WOW, this looks totally awesome! I can't wait for the completed English version of this, I want want to play this as soon as possible! :alright:Great job!
  5. I actually liked part 9 other than the super deformity. It felt more like the classic nes/snes era. As for the way the series as a whole seems to be going in a radically whole new direction, I remember it was mentioned a few times how each Final Fantasy in the series were going to be different from the rest. Although, it will be a sad day indeed if they continue to follow this trend of alienating the die hard fans in exchange for a more mass market approach. I prefer my RPG to be classic, such as it is, standard leveling hasn't been present since 12( not counting 11 or the inevitable 14). Rpgs in general have always been story driven for example, but with the increasing number of mainstream MMOs and western thinking RPG elements( although good in their own right) seems to be saturating among younger generation which has companies like Square-Enix scrambling to appease to them all. I hope that all made sense.
  6. He did it with magic! Welcome to RMXPUnlimited, Magnus!
  7. Thank you, I'm going to put together more as I continue with my game. Some are better than others, though, since I'm still figuring things out.
  8. I think we need a few more voters up there. Too few for a good determination.
  9. Update! I've uploaded a new demo today, here are some of the changes: Tents will now work near camp sites located in separate maps, such as where you first find the merchant. The second dungeon has been decreased in size and enemies stats have been lowered just a little to compensate. MP has been increases as well as cost for skills being lowered. Some character attack frames have been altered somewhat( still might find something wrong though). The boss for the second dungeon has been changed. All enemies and bosses are now animated. Trial names have been changed to make more sense( hopefully!). Party skills have been change to make them more unique. More will be added as I get better.:sweatdrop: Some more hints were added when searching for Reina. Beginning of third dungeon has been changed( was too ugly!). Fixed up some map ugliness that cropped up. Some might have been missed though, but I'll catch em! Changed all battle backgrounds to maps I've made myself. You can download the demo in my first post.
  10. I've sent a video response( although, it's going to take about an hour to upload on my slow laptop).
  11. Alright, my entry has been sent!
  12. This was a riot to play, hope you make a series out of this. It was very funny.:lol:
  13. I've posted many of the custom battlers that I am currently using for my game. Remember though, All sprites are the copyright of Gravity Co. & Game Arts/Working Designs. All I've done was sort them in order to be used with the Tankentai Animated Battlers script, so no need to credit me for these. Some examples: Go here for the rest.
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