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Everything posted by ShinkuAura

  1. This looks like a movie trailer lol....DIRECTED BY MICHEAL BAY

  2. ShinkuAura


    Mark is a good father, he showed me how to troll and well...uhhh troll...yeah...trolling ftw.
  3. I'm a former GDU moderator. AREN'T YOU ENTERTAINED?! But you do have a point there. Maybe we need Bob and Polraudio here, but remember one thing Kit. We don't need Staff members because we are the staff members for this community. :)
  4. ShinkuAura


    IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Bob the Penguin died from being thrown by Mark as he confused him for a Rugby ball. unfortunately, with Bob's sensitive nature of exploding when being thrown at was a huge flaw. May he rest in piece, good friend. EDIT: Nevermind he got resurrected anyway...as a person with no soul...( I know you hate those no souls bob, couldn't help it.)
  5. I agree with you with half of the post franklin. I don't think a "new" staff is necessary until Mark really needs new members onto the staff. It's not that the Moderators hate to be part of the community, it's just that they can't really be on here reading all our messages mostly because they're game developers and human beings. The fixing and tweaks will have to wait, until Mark gets some web programmers talented as him. May take a while though...
  6. Hey, Kitsuki That message was for Marked. Not for you, BANNED.
  7. Hey Mark! I'd like to suggest something. Would like to suggest a Live streaming feature on GDU. Not very useful and not that necessary but i thought it would be a good idea in my opinion. Here check it out, it's pure game development http://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Game%20Development
  8. Holy shit. If you Write Bob backwards it gives you Bob. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED. (AKA MARKED)

    1. Bob423


      Tried to make it a gif, but it looked terrible :\

    2. ShinkuAura


      nah it's perfect lol.

      looks like the real thing!

    3. Bob423


      No, the gif looked terrible. That png looks fine lol

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  9. ShinkuAura


    I bet bob will be happy in his new cage. It has Water and Internet. Hope it's enough for him. I hope his dank memes don't smell that bad lol.
  10. ShinkuAura


    Awwwww. Mark looks like a great father for Bob. I always knew he was a penguin. I have a question, will you teach him the art of trolling? Wait...is he going to GDU Owner too?
  11. I'm a son of kojima too. :D
  12. So this project will be revived after-all with original writer and director. Need to finish my current game first :D

    but with a new twist baby! :D
  13. My goal is to become a developer that makes games has fun story, gameplay and most of all a game that is remembered for years. I can't wait to take a satisfying step. Right now i must concentrate on my present so i can enjoy the future so the rough past can be forgotten. :)

  14. Of course it's her, lol. That PM was to troll you xD I thought Salty already knew about Kitsuki. I was going to break it to him but i said....nah....i'm pretty sure he knows by now. DAMN IT. God why did you make such video? Please delete it now, it gave me nightmares.
  15. Maybe you should add some information on the quotes page. could be some rules or whatever you think of.
  16. @Mark Yeah of course it was sarcasm. I even tried to contact Bob about it on Steam to see if he would budge but he didn't reply to anything. So i assumed that he knew what i was doing.
  17. Bob's right, we aren't a pirate site. Also for those who are getting any ideas, please don't post keygens or sites. (unless you're Mark trolling) This Topic feels like you're confessing your deeps sins of the Internet.
  18. Jeez Mark, you're becoming a fish easier to catch. I thought you were smarter then this man! That was obviously for Bob lol.
  19. http://www.gkh11.ru/_nw/16/74032107.gif Nope time to pull the trigger. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/20150731/5235928/dead-o.gif
  20. Really sad to see that some stupidly funny quotes are gone. It's quite small now. I think that the quotes that were written before the update should have stayed because it was quite fun to read some of them even if one of them said #StopTrollmar. I think the update should have been created to "Stop" new quotes not delete old ones. Oh well, at least my quotes stayed. lol oh if they're deleted i call "censorship"
  21. I think i know what you're trying to say. Piracy is something that we've all done already. In Mexico we don't need to torrent games, movies, music. We have flea markets full of pirated content. It's congested with pirated content and I myself buy this content, but i do it because the "authentic" copy of the content i want to consume is pretty expensive to buy, especially in a 3rd world country like mine. Hollywood really needs to update their business strategy because time has degraded it. I feel that pirating is somewhat promoting the content itself. Lets say that a 10 year old kid has never seen The Original Trilogy of Star Wars, if i showed that kid just one movie of the original trilogy. He will either love it or hate it. What i am trying to say is that even if piracy is NSFW, i personally think that it's promoting something... Err like Music on Youtube. If you hear a good soundtrack on Youtube and check the comments you'll see people saying "songs name" (of course they'll reply with darude sandstorm lol) because the content creator is "promoting the soundtrack" Hollywood is just very greedy and wants all the profits for themselves. I HOPE THEY MAKE BETTER MUSIC BEHOLD KITSUKI'S WALL OF TEXT LOL!
  22. You know, i've been very interested in voice acting once again. I will need to warm up the pipes and see how much i degraded so far.

    1. Kitsuki


      owo What are you voice acting? You've gotten me wanting to get into the VA scheme now, too.

  23. I bought a cool game called Mine Clicker. But then i pirated a good game called The Hidden City of Arcatis. I feel bad because it's a good game. I downloaded it on a site called GDU. I hope the creator will ever forgive me.
  24. Loving C#, Loving C# Loving C#, (SOME ERRORS COMES UP) hating C#, hating C#, Hating C#.

    1. ShinkuAura


      Yup. I'm finally getting the hang of it.


      Props go to the person who knows this small monologue


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