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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. Is anyone interested in this? You'll love it if you liked 2033, I sure did and still need to complete it =D Incase you havn't seen the 12 min gameplay vid, here it is. Detail is imense, as this game always is, but to see some really nice parts, skip to 1:50 or 9: 50 to 10:40 Watching this small video below does no justice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCVREJyyZWA For once a game that I'm actually really excited to get!
  2. So I made a short timelapse of em building a Creeper from MineCraft. MAde from voxels using a very very basic voxel modelling program :) Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tz0bYiTJa08
  3. techno.... techno... TECHNO!!!.... CC is NOT techno man, its industrial/ ebm at times, not techno. Just had to get that out, sorry ;) "happy f#cking birthday, combichrist evil nice!" and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfylfrc0XEo
  4. how about R, maybe something shorter though
  5. good luck with what you want to aim for :) Blender is a good choice to start off 3D modelling, you may also want to try out 3DCoat (if you havn't heard of it before)- it's a voxel modelling program and is very nice and easy to use. It just gives you a little more scope of the 3D world and for portfolio building., it's also more detailed than Maya.
  6. hello rb9 glad to welcome a keen RMer to RMXPU!!!!!!! YEAAH!!!!!
  7. whatsup bobbles I maye give it a very quick go, as atm i'm simply too busy with other MC projects/ stuff to be on any smp
  8. yeah that's a good point, think I may have to re-cast my vote then but for the time being, I'll try to elobarate on my plot and make it less character focused
  9. Voted Other Person ignites abilities (extra strength, agility, concentration, intelligence etc) after waking from a deep comma.
  10. good points I find it really annoying/ unfair that free can ONLY have unranked matches -_- i faced a lvl18 (i was 8) and nearly won, but he had elephants :(:(:( and i didnt... i had the basic crap, nothign powerfull sooo yeah, not good also, paying for seperate civs is kind crap, buying both together is £30, so normal game price but it feels bad paying for a civilisation gameplay wise is great :D i'm really getting into it, it's just that I ahve to earn my techs through completing sp quests :/ aoe2 is the king full stop.
  11. the Endermen could be so dam trouble some, but so good ;D imagine walking, pointing curser on it by accident then it chases after you!!! also, I'd like faster booster rails, the current ones are way too slow :/ i'd like another mob, possibly creeperspider :o
  12. Discuss, share screenshots, videos, your empire, invites, epic moments etc http://ageofempiresonline.com/ Does anyone play AOE Online? I only started a couple days agao and loving it, it feels better than AOE3, but then again AOE3 was very different all others. Its free to play with a LOT of stuff to do, and obviously you can buy the full version BUT you buy each civilisation seperate -____- (2 total atm) my name is EyelashMaster or Madanchi [spoilers][/spoilers]
  13. both are beautiful pieces, the second one especially http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLQxYLMG7qE&feature=related and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPvTc913kJM&feature=related edit: i just realised how speradic my music taste is... Listening to those above then with some of the most heaviest power noised industrial pieces going :o
  14. this is the best way to become rich...
  15. Replying to The random thread of spam Post Emoticons Other styles Fonts Sizes Text color Decrease editor size Increase editor size Help Undo Redo Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough Subscript Superscript Insert list Insert list Emoticons Insert link Insert image Insert email address Insert quotation Insert code snippet Insert media Align right Align center Align left Indent Posted Image Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Exiled One said: "If you are one of the very few teenagers that know what real rap is and don't blindly listen to the hate statements (rap is crap), then put this in your sig. I say this in the name of Common, Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, 2Pac, Nas, Talib Kweli, Eminem, and many others." Dictionary of RPG Cliches 0 + Attachments Used 160.05K of your 4.88MB global upload quota (Max. single file size: 4.73MB) Help with attaching files You can select more than one file at a time by holding Ctrl (on Windows) or Command (on Mac) and selecting your files. Trouble uploading? Try switching to our basic uploader Options Click to configure post options
  16. im just waiting for NEW decent games to come out, the only propper game atm is OOT remake, DOA and Street Fighter, probably couple others but I only got the 3DS because i buy everything when it first comes out at least im in the abasador program, now just gotta wait for mah free games >:]
  17. i might write a blog story about an average boy aged 20 who happens to have Schizoid personality disorder and thinks he is a god wth various abilities, should I?

    1. kellessdee


      could prove for a very very interesting story. do it!

    2. madanchi


      :D Think I will then

  18. i love rumours ;D a new big special announcement could be interesting, and i know it wont be loz: ss but i see no need for an extra joy stick tbh lol
  19. in classic you can go as high as 800!!! that's what always annoys me on beta, the height is way too small but nvm also I need assitance on installing bump mapping, I followed Dax wiki installation but it seems to crash when installing Laurinas GLSL patch :/
  20. didnt realise bumb mapping was out for minecraft :o:O and ive got that texture pack atm :D yay! Also, gonna research MC bumpmapping now, cant wait also anyone seen the crazy distortion mods?
  21. hey welcome to rmxpu, have a good stay
  22. that's really nice :) but this time until 31st august is just for entering alone and not submitting work, plus you havnt stated that your entering :rolleyes:
  23. aww unlucky :( my provider is being a dam pain and my connection keeps cutting out, having to restart router <_< in the eman time, use dial up XD
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