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Everything posted by laansolo

  1. laansolo


    banned for.... you know what one is? :blink: wut? anyway, baned because of cookies.
  2. laansolo


    banned for loving that song.
  3. laansolo


    That is what I meant, was if you could add new scriptsd to it, changing how the grame runs.
  4. laansolo


    banned because Snape Snape Severus Snape Snape Snape Severus DUMBELDORE!!!!!! Snape Snape... Voldemort Voldemort Oooh Voldy-oldy-Voldy VOLDEMORT!
  5. I agree with the above statement. sheesh. yellin at someone well they are on their trampoline. :nono4: they be naughty naughty.
  6. laansolo


    if only it DID have graphics like Crysis 4. Anyway, ill try this out sometime soon. Is it capable of importable scripts?
  7. im sorry, and I probably missed something, but what do you mean by lifestyle? :sweatdrop: Im probably stupid for asking this.
  8. laansolo


    banned for having an RMXP demon face graphic as your avatar.
  9. laansolo


  10. laansolo


    Banned because yous a ho ho ho marry CHRISTAMAS!!! XD
  11. laansolo


    :o :o :nono4: :clap: :biggrin_002: :rolleyes: :jay: :B): Nyugh. HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Ye3p.
  12. And heres me, still having trouble with the download manager. FIX IT NAO!!!! <_< please.
  13. thats weird, chrome works for me. and so did IE before I swiched to chrome. It might be your stored cookies. Try deleting them?
  14. laansolo


    banned cuz its not Midnight yet.
  15. Still having trouble uploading things to the site. :|

    1. Polraudio


      yea me too. use some other service like mediafire, filefront, box.net.

  16. laansolo


    banned cuz I'm back. :)
  17. Sorry, I'll fix it up later. I pretty much was just tired when I typed this up.
  18. WELCOME! OH YEAH, I WIN! why? cuz you just lost the game.
  19. Thanks for the welcome. :D @Fateofdawn: Nice tah meetcha! @rgangsta: i've been trying to make sure I passed the first semester, which I did (barely), and to make sure that I work hard on the second one, which im succeeding now.
  20. hey everyone, imma back! :O

  21. I finally decided to make a game and go through with it. So, the title of the game is gods of control. (current demo: DEMO!!) STORYLINE It has been many years since war has happened on the Continent(no name for it yet, but yeah.) and people beleive it is a time of peace. A sudden string of murders, from the young to the old, bring people out of their peace-time stupor. At the same time, there are rumors of the dark demon, Vaer'regaan returning. Ryan, the main character, wants nothing more than to live on his own, away from these troubles. But, as his shipment of supplies is lost in the city to the south, he will have no choice but to take up arms to get there. CHARACTERS Whew, there are a lot. I'll just name the 4 main. FEATURES LIST OF SCRIPTS!!!! ACTUAL IN-GAME CREDITS!!!! VIDEOS: SCREENIES: (ignore the two below)
  22. change the 2 to a 4 or 1. that might help.
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