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Everything posted by synchronicity

  1. I just saw your comment on my status now >.< I'm not sure why my name would sound familiar, I've only just started using synchronicity (or synchronicityy) recently. I use it on GaiaOnline and some other RMXP forums, but those forums I don't really post at :/ But maybe it was there anyway? :P

  2. When I took the Writer's Craft course my highschool offered last year, one of the things our teacher had us get into the habit of was writing every day. It didn't necessarily have to be a story or the same piece of writing each day. The point was just for us to be writing on a daily basis. That might actually help you a lot, especially if you have a lot of ideas that you can't get to stick. If you spend maybe 10-20 minutes a day writing out whatever nonsense pops into your head, you mind might be more clear and you may find more room to focus on actually expanding the ideas you're trying to get to paper. This way, you keep practicing your writing, you flesh out the ideas that are popping into your head (and that you can maybe one day turn into a full blown story) and you're still accomplishing something, even if it's not towards a story you're going to work on getting published. There's a few other problems people tend to run into with their writing: 1) Writer's Block, where nothing you write seems good. The point is to just keep writing anyway, because lets face it, no matter how amazing your writing may sound at the time, editing it later on is going to make it even better every time. 2) They have it all in their head, and some of the ideas start to trickle away or get muddled because the writer can't keep track of it. Especially true for people who have multiple story ideas in their head at a time, something I myself am very guilty of. 3) Starting at the beginning. It makes sense to start at the beginning, but a lot of times that's the part of a story that is the most heavily edited later on down the road. It can also be the hardest, because you have to gradually write your way into the main storyline and sometimes that's just boring as hell. Some writer's like to do different scenes that come to their mind and piece it together later. If you keep it organized, it can save a LOT of time when you get to that part. My own personal method when I want to write a story is to just write down point form notes on anything and everything that comes to mind about the story and characters. I prefer writing on paper for this. You might picture scenes, certain bits of dialogue, a random fact about your characters or a huge plot twist. I like writing it all out until I feel like I can't write anymore. Then I read over what I just wrote, and if more comes to mind, keep adding to it until I really AM drained of ideas or until I'm too tired to write. And you shouldn't worry about organizing your ideas right that minute, because if you try to organize it while dreaming everything up, you'll miss out on some real golden ideas that might not come back to you. And something we learned in my class was the Snowflake Method. Here's some different sites for what exactly that is: http://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/art/snowflake.php http://www.ehow.com/how_4681591_write-novel-using-snowflake-method.html It might seem overwhelming if you try to follow it word for word, but it can definitely help you out if you try doing at least some of it. As for the program, in my opinion it doesn't matter. Yeah, some programs might help you better in regards to planning out the story, and if you think that's what you need, go for it. But honestly, so long as it writes, and formats in a way that you like, it doesn't matter.
  3. Welcome to the site DarkDrai! :) Getting into video game design professionally sounds so cool, I'd never be able to do it since there's so much technical stuff to learn, but you sound well on your way to doing it if you already know programming :P I'm sure you'll find the help you need here and no one is expecting diehard devotion from you, so you should be fine ;)
  4. Nice to meet you Rya :) I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here. I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend not being able to get out of his contract with the military, and I hope everything works out for you both :) I have no idea how you have the patience for spriting, even recolouring a small section of a sprite makes me want to scream :P xD Anywho welcome to the site :D
  5. That's true, there would be an increase of spam - and not in the section meant for spam either :/ So a post requirement would be no good unless we wanted all hell to break loose. Hmmm.
  6. Don't forget if none of the above works, to try creating a new game and bringing up the menu in it. You mentioned something about importing graphics into the game, and while I'm fairly certain that shouldn't do anything, I've been having some whacky problems that shouldn't exist myself xD So it's always a good idea to see if it's something with your game specifically, or the program/your computer.
  7. Maybe it would help also if new members who are basically just signing up for an account to have access to certain resources were more motivated to post. Initially I only joined the site to access some thing or other, no idea what now as it's been a few days, but still. The forum has new members on a daily basis that join and don't post - so maybe if there was a post requirement to access certain areas it might help too. The forum is still getting traffic, just not contributors. Or we could just wait it out :P I mean, it's not dead here at the moment so there's no rush, but definitely something to keep in mind. People don't spend much time anymore checking out forums beyond what they need - in this case, tutorials, scripts, support, resources.
  8. There could be several things causing the slower activity. People could be losing interest in using RMXP or RMVX, and so have lost interest in the forums as a whole (despite the fact that there are other things here as well.) I know a lot of the scripts and tutorials I've read, not just on this site but other forums as well, were posted years ago by people who no longer use the programs, or go on the site. So I think a lot of it is a loss of interest in RMXP. And generally speaking, a lot of people might be busy with school/college/work and find they don't have time for the program, and so don't have time for the forum. This especially seems to be a big factor since you mentioned it's been this month and part of September. That's when school goes back in, most colleges/universities, etc. The summer is over, and a lot of sites slow down this time of year. All sites/forums go through a slow period, so I don't think it's that the site is dead. It just needs a new wave of people who are genuinely interested in becoming a part of the forum, and not just posting for help and never coming on. I know with me personally, I feel nervous starting topics on any forum of any kind, so I usually just post in other people's topics. Like now. :P Maybe there are others who feel the same way too.
  9. Cross that - fixed it! ;D

    1. Kiriashi


      Your name seems strangely familiar..

  10. Still having problems with my default tileset :/ grrrr.

  11. Ahhh I bet that's what it is, the white tile space. Since if I go to put something on the second layer and decide I don't want it later on, I usually grab a random white tile space from wherever to delete the tile I added before. That must have been all it was :D Thanks! Edit: I don't think we're supposed to post twice in a row, so I'm editing this instead. I made a new map and the same issue happened. It's the new starting point for my game, and the new spot where I'm adding in the players, so maybe it's because of that somehow. Either way, there's only a few differences: 1. I'm using the castle town tileset. 2. I added the caterpillar script. 3. My character doesn't get stuck right away, and he's walking on this tile: 4. He does, however, get blocked from walking on the grass: I tried my trick of changing the layers I put everything on, nothing. Put it on the THIRD layer since the second wasn't working, still nothing. I'm going to keep trying to figure it out myself, but if anyone has any idea why this keeps happening, I'd be greatly appreciative. I now know it's not the white tileset thing I thought it might have been, so I'm back to square one. NEVER MIND. Apparently, the little border around the tiles I was using was blocking movement. I didn't realize that since I used it in a cutscene before and it was fine. Sheesh, these tilesets are trying to give me a heartattack, I swear.
  12. I wouldn't say it's normal, because ignoring someone is a childish thing to do and parents are supposed to be the adults. That said, they can get mad just as easily as the next person, and if you actually DID do something that you just aren't recalling, maybe that's all it is. Your parents could just be complete jerks, which from the past posts it seems that's true (at least somewhat.) And if that's the case, there's not really a whole lot you can do except grin and bear it, try to be a good kid and just ignore them back when they're being rude. Or you might have inadvertantly done something that just rubbed them the wrong way. I say this because you said they stopped talking to you a few days ago altogether, so if it was just because they're jerks they probably would have been ignoring you all along. Try asking them, both of them, if there's something you did. If they tell you, great. If not, all you can do is just try and make up for it. I don't mean being out of your way polite to them when they're being dicks to you, but doing what they ask without complaints and helping out a bit might win you some points. If nothing works, just wait for it to blow over as I'm sure it will. Your parents just sound like they're being immature.
  13. Hmmm I don't think I am, but it's possible. These are the tiles I was using: Excluding the wooden tile that I didn't feel like cropping out of the image, but still. :/
  14. Hmm that's what I had read before too, and it works that way for all my other maps. I'll look at the passability thing later when I'm back on my desktop computer, see if something funky there is screwing with the castle in tileset. In the meantime, this issue is officially resolved so I'll edit my title :)
  15. Nope :( I just tried removing the switch completely as well, and still nothing. I made a copy of the map, had my game start on the copied version, and made this event: Event Page One: Other than that, all it has on the map is some events for NPC's. I created a new game just to see if it was something glitchy with my computer or the program somehow, and I just had it add the player into the map (the trigger was parallel, action button wouldn't show anything) and it worked. So it must be something with my game, but I'm stumped as to what :/ Edit: Okay, I did the EXACT same thing on a fresh game, and it worked perfectly fine. So I'm going to play around and see if my NPC's are interfering somehow. Edit 2: I deleted all other events except the one shown in the pictures above, and still, nothing. It can't be my other maps because I disconnected it from them. I don't understand why it works in a perfectly fresh game but not this one. Edit 3: I tried another map within the same game, just to see if it was somehow my scripts (without going through the hassle of deleting them and stuff.) And it works. Exact same event processing as the one that goes to my main hall in the castle (the map I was playing with in earlier screemshots.) SUCCESS!? I tried moving my starting position somewhere else on the map, and it moved. It has to be some kind of passability issue - not sure why, since I used a tileset that came with the game and touched nothing in those settings, but maybe it was on the wrong layer or something. I'm going to try and fix that now :) Thanks for trying to help me and I'll edit this (...again ><) if it works. IT WORKS :D But now a new question: do you have to actually put flooring and stuff on layer two or higher by default? I'm using the castle in tileset, and of course I had these stairs on layer two. It was the stairs that I could move on, but not the royal red carpet or any of the stone floorings. I moved the red carpet to layer two and it works now. Soo is this some extreme n00b thing that I somehow missed? o,O Either way it's working so I'm happy :D
  16. Thanks for the welcome, guys! :D I've been lurking the forum for awhile BEFORE joining, so I'm confident that I'll find the help I need ;)
  17. Edit: Wait, I screenshot the wrong thing >< I forgot I've been moving around my events to try and fix it. Okay, I have a bit more of dialogue from the cutscene, then I turn on a switch so that it doesn't repeat. I have this event set to add the player after the switch is turned on:
  18. In the game that I'm making, I start off with a cutscene to do a bit of a backstory first. I have it so that there is no one in the party initially, so that the character won't show up on my maps as the cutscene is playing. Then at the end of the cutscene, I add the main character into the party through an event. He shows up fine, but I can't move him. I've been playing around with the event triggers, changing it from action button, to parallel, to auto-run (although I realized later auto-run = bad, in this case, since it's supposed to stop your character from moving.) So I guess my question is this: what is it usually that stops the player from being able to control a character after you add them to the initial party? I've been searching for a day now through google and forums, and I haven't had much luck finding what the problem could be (other than the auto-run thing, but I took everything off auto-run.) And as far as I know I don't have any scripts that *should* be interfering either, since when I just made a testing map to see how the scripts worked, everything moved fine. If you need any more information than that, let me know. In the meantime I guess I'll keep tinkering and see if I can figure it out. Thanks :) Edit: I've been playing around, and I've got some stuff that may or may not help. 1. I tried every possible trigger option: nothing changed, except when I put it on the action button trigger, either my event wouldn't play at all, or it would stay at the black screen from my scene before. 2. I changed my "player's start position" to the map where I'm having the problems (which is the one where I want the game to start.) Completely skipped over the cutscene. I took out every command except for the "change party member: add ___" and again, tried every possible trigger option. My character still just turns to face different directions but does not move forward. If I have anything else to add, I will.
  19. So I finally decided to join some RPG Maker related forums, since I want to get a little more serious about the game I'm making (just for fun.) I actually first learned about the program when I found out about this Sailor Moon fangame that was being made with RMXP, and now I'm quite addicted to using the program myself (even if at times it frustrates the hell out of me.) I don't really have much to say truthfully :P I guess 'hi' and I'll see you guys around with any luck :jay:
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